EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. - Joe Schoen confirmó hoy que los Giants quieren extender su relación con Daniel Jones, quien dijo ayer que desea permanecer con el equipo.
Schoen, que comienza su segundo año como gerente general de los Giants, también expresó su apoyo para volver a firmar al corredor Saquon Barkley, el otro agente libre estelar de los Giants.
"Nos gustaría que Daniel estuviera aquí", dijo Schoen, gerente general del equipo, en respuesta a la primera pregunta en la rueda de prensa conjunta de final de temporada que ofreció con el entrenador Brian Daboll. "De nuevo, él lo dijo ayer, hay un lado comercial en ello. Creemos que Daniel jugó bien esta temporada. Ha hecho todo lo que le hemos pedido. Hay un aspecto comercial en todo esto, todavía no lo hemos abordado. Todavía tenemos que reunirnos con nuestro equipo a finales de semana y diseñaremos un plan para la temporada baja. Todavía no hemos tenido esas reuniones, pero nos gustaría tener a Daniel Jones de vuelta".
Más tarde en la conferencia de prensa, se le preguntó a Schoen si considera a Jones un quarterback que puede ayudar a los Giants a ganar un Super Bowl.
"Estamos contentos de que Daniel va a estar aquí", dijo Schoen. "Estamos contentos de que va a estar aquí. Esperemos que podamos hacer algo con sus representantes. Ese sería el objetivo: formar un equipo a su alrededor con el que pueda llevarnos a ganar un Super Bowl".
Debido a que Jones, que acaba de completar su cuarta temporada, es un agente libre sin restricciones, se pidió una aclaración sobre sus declaraciones al decir que Jones "va a estar aquí".
"Vamos a tener estas reuniones de temporada baja aquí al final de la semana, y vamos a hablar de ello", dijo Schoen. "Y luego, con los recursos que tenemos, vamos a hablar con sus representantes y esperamos poder hacer algo con ellos, que sería la primera cuestión".
Daboll, un firme partidario de Jones desde su llegada el año pasado, también respaldó el regreso del quarterback.
"Lo he dicho todo el año, ha hecho todo lo que le hemos pedido como personal ofensivo", dijo Daboll. "Ha hecho un trabajo realmente bueno operando y ejecutando nuestra ofensiva. Creo que ha avanzado en muchas áreas diferentes. Ciertamente, todos podemos avanzar en más, pero ha sido un buen líder para nosotros, ha jugado bien la posición de quarterback para nosotros. Estoy contento de haber contado con él".
Jones, hablando ayer en el vestidor, tenía claro que quiere seguir jugando para los Giants.
"Me encanta este lugar", dijo. "Realmente he disfrutado mi estancia aquí. Quiero estar aquí. Creo que hay un lado comercial en todo esto, y mucho de eso no lo puedo controlar. Así que lo disfruto de verdad. Quiero y respeto a esta organización, a los dueños y a los chicos de este vestidor. Me encantaría estar aquí. Realmente he disfrutado estar aquí. Y ya veremos cómo funciona todo".
En la temporada 2022, Jones fue titular en 16 partidos, la mejor marca de su carrera, y habría jugado los 17 partidos si los Giants no se hubieran quedado en el sexto puesto de los playoffs de la NFC. Llevó a los Giants a un récord de 9-7-1 en la temporada regular y una victoria en la ronda de comodines en Minnesota, el primer triunfo de los Giants en la postemporada desde 2011 y su primera aparición en los playoffs desde 2016. La temporada terminó el sábado por la noche con una derrota por 38-7 en la ronda divisional ante los Eagles, los primeros sembrados, en Filadelfia.
Jones completó un récord de los Giants con 67.2% de sus pases, terminó con un índice de pasador de 92.5, el más alto de su carrera, y lideró la NFL al lanzar una intercepción en solo 1.1% de sus pases (cinco en 472 lanzamientos). También fue el segundo del equipo con 708 yardas de carrera y siete touchdowns, ambos récords para un quarterback de los Giants.
Aunque tanto Jones como los Giants han dicho públicamente que quieren conservar su relación, aún deben acordar un contrato. Las consideraciones financieras siempre son dominantes, pero la duración del acuerdo también es importante.
"Vamos a entrar en todo eso", dijo Schoen. "Como lo dije antes, ambas partes tenemos que mantener esas conversaciones. Aún no hemos cruzado ese puente. Hay herramientas a nuestra disposición; analizaremos varios escenarios. Es como lo que mencioné el año pasado, tal vez fue en el combine, hay que analizar los escenarios de y "si entonces". Tienes que pasar por todos ellos porque no sabes cómo van a terminar las cosas, porque es un tema de negociación. Por eso te encanta el draft: entregas la tarjeta y ya son tuyos. Sabes cuál es la estructura del contrato, sabes cuántos años son.
"Aquí hay dos partes implicadas y va a llevar mucho tiempo. Nos reuniremos como staff, hablaremos de las diferentes opciones y tendremos esas pláticas cuando sea apropiado".
Como lo harán con Barkley, que fue uno de los mejores corredores de la NFL esta temporada. Después de perderse varios partidos en cada una de las tres temporadas anteriores debido a lesiones, Barkley también habría jugado en todos los enfrentamientos si algo hubiera estado en juego para los Giants en la Semana 18. Fue seleccionado para su segundo Pro Bowl y uno de los tres jugadores de la NFL que lideraron a su equipo tanto en carrera (1312 yardas, el cuarto mejor total de la NFL) como en recepciones (57, empatado con Richie James). Barkley, que anotó 10 touchdowns, fue séptimo de la liga con 1650 yardas desde la línea de golpeo.
"Saquon es un buen jugador", dijo Schoen. "Es un gran compañero de equipo. Me encantó conocerlo esta temporada. Es un tipo que nos gustaría tener de vuelta. Es solo que, de nuevo, aún no hemos tenido nuestras reuniones de final de temporada. Han pasado menos de 48 horas desde el partido. Todo el mundo va a dar un paso atrás, quitarse la emoción de encima, evaluar la plantilla y luego, repito, tenemos que operar bajo el tope salarial. ¿Cómo vamos a repartir? ¿Cómo vamos a crear la plantilla? ¿Cuáles son las posiciones prioritarias y cómo vamos a avanzar? Nos gustaría tener a Saquon de vuelta si se concreta"
Los Giants y los representantes de Barkley hablaron sobre un contrato durante la semana de descanso en noviembre, pero no llegaron a un acuerdo.
"Tuvimos conversaciones productivas", dijo Schoen. "No nos pusimos de acuerdo en el valor. Dijimos que volveríamos a reunirnos al final de la temporada y continuaríamos esas conversaciones, pero en ese momento del año, no estábamos realmente tan cerca".
Algunos equipos se rehúsan a firmar grandes contratos con los corredores veteranos debido a los golpes que reciben y a que el valor del jugador no siempre se corresponde con su salario. Creen que se puede conseguir un corredor talentoso con un salario relativamente modesto y buscan gastar mucho dinero en lo que consideran posiciones más valiosas.
"No diría que ninguno ha funcionado, pero cualquier gran contrato conlleva un riesgo", afirma Schoen. "Cualquiera puede lesionarse en cualquier posición. Creo que es una relación riesgo-recompensa. Lo bueno de extender los contratos a gente de casa es que conoces su ética de trabajo, conoces su durabilidad, su historial de lesiones, sabes cómo entrenan, sabes cómo practican. En términos de eliminar parte del margen de error, es un producto conocido.
"Saquon ha hecho todo lo que le hemos pedido y es un buen jugador de fútbol. El valor posicional - vamos a entrar en cómo queremos armar este equipo y asignar nuestros recursos. De eso se trata. Como dije, es un buen jugador de fútbol, fue sostenible para nosotros este año, ha jugado bien y, de nuevo, es un chico al que nos gustaría tener de vuelta".
Re-live the season with the best photos from the Giants' 2022 playoff campaign.

Leonard Williams (99)

Daniel Jones (8)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

Richie James (80) Darius Slayton (86)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Darius Slayton (86)

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Adoree' Jackson Dane Belton

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Daniel Jones (8)

New York Giants tight end Daniel Bellinger (82) catches a 2 point conversion during a NFL football game against the Minnesota Vikings, Saturday December 24, 2022 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Xavier McKinney (29)

Isaiah Hodgins (18)

Saquon Barkley (26) Matt Breida (31) Nick Gates (65)

Carter Coughlin (52)

Daniel Jones (8)

Daniel Jones (8)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Xavier McKinney (29), Adoree' Jackson (22)

New York Giants wide receiver Isaiah Hodgins (18) makes a touchdown catch during a NFL football game against the Washington Commanders, Sunday December 4, 2022 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Jihad Ward (55)

Saquon Barkley (26), Daniel Jones (8)

Sterling Shepard

New York Giants safety Landon Collins (21) during a NFL football game against the Minnesota Vikings, Saturday December 24, 2022 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Micah McFadden (41), Dane Belton (24), Julian Love (20)

Landon Collins (21)

Jihad Ward (55)

Daniel Bellinger David Sills V

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Dexter Lawrence

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley Mark Glowinski Daniel Bellinger

Daniel Jones (8)

Julian Love (20)

Graham Gano (9), Casey Kreiter (58)

Sterling Shepard (3)

Mark Glowinski (64), Jon Feliciano (76)

Jihad Ward (55)

Julian Love (20)

Darnay Holmes (30)

Darnay Holmes (30), Adoree' Jackson (22), Tony Jefferson (36), Julian Love (20), Tomon Fox (49)

Daniel Jones (8)

Cor'Dale Flott (28), Adoree' Jackson (22), Oshane Ximines (53)

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Daniel Bellinger (82), Kenny Golladay (19)

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Dane Belton (24)

Cor'Dale Flott (28), Adoree' Jackson (22)

Darnay Holmes Julian Love Dane Belton

Ryder Anderson, Dane Belton (24), Leonard Williams (99), Tomon Fox (49), Dexter Lawrence (97), Jaylon Smith (54)

Cor'Dale Flott (28), Adoree' Jackson (22), Oshane Ximines (53)

Jaylon Smith (54), Dane Belton (24), Adoree' Jackson (22), Julian Love (20), Leonard Williams (99), Fabian Moreau (37), Nick McCloud (44), Xavier McKinney (29)

Saquon Barkley

Xavier McKinney (29)

Cor'Dale Flott (28), Adoree' Jackson (22)

Darnay Holmes (30)

Saquon Barkley

Jihad Ward (55)

Saquon Barkley (26), Daniel Jones (8)

Jaylon Smith (54)

Darius Slayton (86)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Andrew Thomas (78)

Jihad Ward (55)

Dexter Lawrence (97), D.J. Davidson (98)

Richie James (80)

Nick Williams (93)

Saquon Barkley (26), Daniel Jones (8)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Jamie Gillan (6), Graham Gano (9)

Daniel Jones (8), Saquon Barkley (26)

Mark Glowinski (64), Jon Feliciano (76), Daniel Jones (8)

Daniel Jones (8)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Ben Bredeson (68), Mark Glowinski (64), Jon Feliciano (76)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Xavier McKinney (29)

Julian Love (20)

Adoree' Jackson (22), Aaron Robinson (33), Nick Williams (93), Tae Crowder (48), Kayvon Thibodeaux (5), Dexter Lawrence (97), Justin Ellis (71)

Micah McFadden (41), Azeez Ojulari (51)

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Tanner Hudson (88), Daniel Jones (8)

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Daniel Jones (8)

David Sills V (13), Daniel Bellinger (82), Tanner Hudson (88)

Saquon Barkley (26), Sterling Shepard (3)

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Saquon Barkley (26), Matt Breida (31)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26), Sterling Shepard (3)

Jihad Ward (55)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Saquon Barkley (26)

Nick Williams (93), Oshane Ximines (53), Julian Love (20)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Sterling Shepard (3)

Sterling Shepard (3)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Nick Williams (93), Oshane Ximines (53), Julian Love (20)

Sterling Shepard (3)

Andrew Thomas (78)

Julian Love (20), Cor'Dale Flott (28)

Sterling Shepard (3)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Sterling Shepard (3)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26), Jon Feliciano (76)

Richie James (80)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Nick McCloud (44), Julian Love (20)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Evan Neal (73)

Andrew Thomas (78)

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Gary Brightwell (23), Matt Breida (31)

Darius Slayton (86)

Evan Neal (73)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Darnay Holmes (30)

Darnay Holmes (30)

Dexter Lawrence (97), Tae Crowder (48)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Xavier McKinney (29), Darnay Holmes (30)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Daniel Jones (8)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Darius Slayton (86)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Dane Belton (24), Jihad Ward (55)

Jihad Ward (55)

Justin Ellis (71)

Jaylon Smith (54), Adoree' Jackson (22), Julian Love (20)

Chris Myarick (85), Chris Myarick (85), Oshane Ximines (53), Cam Brown (47), Gary Brightwell (23)

Julian Love (20)

Micah McFadden (41), Dane Belton (24). Julian Love (20), Fabian Moreau (37)

Jihad Ward (55), Tae Crowder (48), Micah McFadden (41)

Dexter Lawrence (97), Azeez Ojulari (51)

Tyrod Taylor (2), Saquon Barkley (26)

Daniel Jones (8), Ben Bredeson (68)

Daniel Jones (8)

Xavier McKinney (29), Fabian Moreau (37)

Daniel Jones (8)

Daniel Jones (8)

Daniel Jones (8), Daniel Bellinger (82)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Daniel Jones (8), Daniel Bellinger (82)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Daniel Jones (8)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Jon Feliciano (76), Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Chris Myarick (85), David Sills V (13)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Daniel Jones (8)

Xavier McKinney (29)

Saquon Barkley (26), Jon Feliciano (76)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Carter Coughlin (52), Jason Pinnock (27), Cam Brown (47), Jamie Gillan (6)

Xavier McKinney (29)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Daniel Jones (8)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Jihad Ward (55)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Julian Love (20)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Julian Love (20), Micah McFadden (41)

Jihad Ward (55), Henry Mondeaux (96)

Jihad Ward (55), D.J. Davidson (98)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Oshane Ximines (53)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Saquon Barkley (26), Daniel Jones (8)

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Jihad Ward (55)

Cor'Dale Flott (28), Adoree' Jackson (22), Oshane Ximines (53)

Adoree' Jackson (22)

Julian Love (20)

Micah McFadden (41), Dane Belton (24), Julian Love (20)

Micah McFadden (41), Dane Belton (24), Julian Love (20), Jihad Ward (55)

Andrew Thomas (78)

Micah McFadden (41), Dane Belton (24), Julian Love (20)

Micah McFadden (41), Dane Belton (24), Julian Love (20)

Micah McFadden (41), Dane Belton (24), Julian Love (20)

Rodney Hampton during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Harry Carson and Leonard Marshall during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Samantha Morris gets emotional with her dad Joe Morris during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Kyle Rote Jr during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Rodney Hampton during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Rodney Hampton gets a hand shake from his son during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Otis Anderson walks the blue carpet to receive his Ring of Honor jacket during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Ronnie Barnes receives his ring of honor jacket from Brad Daluiso during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Otis Anderson walks the blue carpet to receive his Ring of Honor jacket during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Rodney Hampton walks the blue carpet to receive his Ring of Honor jacket during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Leonard Marshall walks the blue carpet to receive his Ring of Honor jacket during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Julian Love (20)

Matt Breida (31)

Ronnie Bones walks the blue carpet to receive his Ring of Honor jacket during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Kyle Rote Jr. walks up to receive his fathers Ring of Honor Jacket during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants safety Julian Love (20) intercepts a pass during a football game against the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday October 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants safety Julian Love (20) intercepts a pass during a football game against the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday October 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Julian Love (20)

New York Giants safety Xavier McKinney (29) during a football game against the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday October 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants safety Julian Love (20) intercepts a pass during a football game against the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday October 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Evan Neal (73)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Dane Belton (24), Xavier McKinney, Tae Crowder (48)

Nick Williams (93)

Daniel Jones (8)

ryder anderson

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Ben Bredeson (68)

Justin Ellis (71), Dexter Lawrence (97)

Leonard Williams (99)

Xavier McKinney (29)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Bob Papa speaks during the ring of honor ceremony during a Monday Night football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday September 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

David Sills V (13), Wan'Dale Robinson (17)

New York Giants defensive tackle Dexter Lawrence (97) during a football game against the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday October 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Wan'Dale Robinson (17)

Leonard Williams (99), Xavier McKinney (29), Jaylon Smith (54)

Wan'Dale Robinson (17)

Saquon Barkley (26), Wan'Dale Robinson (17)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

New York Giants place kicker Graham Gano (9) kicks a field goal during the first half an NFL football game against the Carolina Panthers, Sunday, Sept. 18, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

Wan'Dale Robinson

Fabian Moreau (37)

David Sills V (13)

Adoree' Jackson, Leonard Williams (99), Landon Collins (21)

Adoree' Jackson, Dane Belton (24)

Daniel Jones (8), Andrew Thomas (78)

Saquon Barkley (26), Matt Breida (31)

Julian Love (20), Darnay Holmes (30)

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Darnay Holmes (30), Tae Crowder (48), Xavier McKinney (29), Nick Williams (93)

Daniel Jones (8)

Xavier McKinney (29)

Mark Glowinski (64), Tyre Phillips (79), Jon Feliciano (76), Andrew Thomas (78)

Xavier McKinney (29)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Daniel Jones (8), Casey Kreiter (58), Cam Brown (47), Graham Gano (9)

Darius Slayton (86)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Nick Williams (93), Jihad Ward (55), Adoree' Jackson (22), Julian Love (20)

Nick McCloud (44)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Darius Slayton (86), Wan'Dale Robinson (17)

Wan'Dale Robinson

Darius Slayton Wan'Dale Robinson

Matt Breida

Darius Slayton

Daniel Jones (8)

Xavier McKinney (29)

Mark Glowinski (64), Saquon Barkley (26), Tanner Hudson (88)

Tomon Fox (49)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Wan'Dale Robinson (17), Darius Slayton (86)

Daniel Jones (8)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Darius Slayton (86)

Daniel Jones (8), Saquon Barkley (26)

Leonard Williams (99)

Daniel Jones (8)

Andrew Thomas (78), Lawrence Cager (83), Tyre Phillips (79), Daniel Jones (8), Jamie Gillan (6), Chris Myarick (85)

Julian Love (20), Fabian Moreau (37)

Jihad Ward (55)

Leonard Williams (99)

Leonard Williams (99)

Daniel Jones (8)

Julian Love (20)

Nick Williams (93)

Xavier McKinney (29)

Daniel Jones (8), Tanner Hudson (88)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Azeez Ojulari (51)

Sterling Shepard (3)

Kenny Golladay (19)

Xavier McKinney (29)

Dane Belton (24)

Xavier McKinney (29)

Jason Pinnock (27)

Darnay Holmes (30)

Jon Feliciano (76)

Daniel Jones (8)

Saquon Barkley (26)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

Daniel Jones (8), Daniel Bellinger (82)

Xavier McKinney (29), Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Xavier McKinney (29)

Saquon Barkley Mark Glowinski Daniel Bellinger

Jihad Ward (55)

Leonard Williams (99)

Darnay Holmes (30)

Daniel Jones

Saquon Barkley (26)

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Nick Williams (93), Oshane Ximines (53), Julian Love (20)

Daniel Jones (8), Saquon Barkley (26)

Daniel Jones (8)

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Landon Collins (21)

Jihad Ward (55)

Sterling Shepard (3)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Jihad Ward (55)

Cor'Dale Flott (28), Adoree' Jackson (22), Oshane Ximines (53)

Cam Brown (47)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Darius Slayton (86)

Xavier McKinney (29), Fabian Moreau (37)

Jon Feliciano (76), Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Daniel Jones (8)

Carter Coughlin (52), Jason Pinnock (27), Cam Brown (47), Jamie Gillan (6)

Daniel Jones (8)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

Xavier McKinney (29), Adoree' Jackson (22)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

Xavier McKinney

New York Giants defensive tackle Dexter Lawrence (97) during a football game against the Chicago Bears on Sunday October 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

New York Giants wide receiver Darius Slayton (86) during a game against the Washington Commanders on Sunday December 4, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Jerry Pinkus/ New York Giants)

Jason Pinnock

Jason Pinnock

Saquon Barkley

Tyre Phillips

Graham Gano Jamie Gillan

Matt Breida (31)

Dexter Lawrence Leonard Williams Oshane Ximines

Daniel Jones (8)

Daniel Jones (8)

Julian Love

Jihad Ward

Darnay Holmes Jaylon Smith

Dexter Lawrence

Gary Brightwell (23)

Saquon Barkley

Jaylon Smith

Saquon Barkley

Daniel Jones (8)

Jihad Ward (55)

Isaiah Hodgins (18)

Leonard Williams

Leonard Williams

Daniel Jones

Landon Collins (21) Tony Jefferson (36) Zyon Gilbert (38) Leonard Williams (99) Xavier McKinney (29)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Lawrence Cager, Kenny Golladay

Azeez Ojulari (51) Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Landon Collins (21)

Casey Kreiter (58)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Gary Brightwell (23)

Jaylon Smith (54)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Graham Gano (9)

Jaylon Smith (54)

Micah McFadden (41)

Tony Jefferson (36)

Vernon Butler (91)

Ryder Anderson (90)

Nick McCloud (44)

Tony Jefferson (36)

Zyon Gilbert (38) Gary Brightwell (23)

Jason Pinnock (27)

Azeez Ojulari (51)

Landon Collins (21)

Marcus Johnson (84)

Richie James (80)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Jihad Ward (55), Leonard Williams (99)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Zyon Gilbert (38)

Xavier McKinney (29) Dexter Lawrence (97)

Zyon Gilbert (38) Tony Jefferson (36)

Daniel Jones (8)

Richie James (80)

Isaiah Hodgins

Oshane Ximines (53)

Saquon Barkley (26), Daniel Jones (8)

Jason Pinnock (27)

Daniel Jones (8)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Adoree' Jackson (22), Dane Belton (24)

Leonard Williams (99)

Graham Gano (9)

Matt Breida (31)

Landon Collins (21)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Isaiah Hodgins (18)

Darius Slayton (86)

Darius Slayton (86)

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Richie James (80)

Jamie Gillan (6)

Darius Slayton (86)

Jaylon Smith (54), Darnay Holmes (30)

Henry Mondeaux (96), Oshane Ximines (53)

Gary Brightwell (23)

Darius Slayton (86)

Julian Love (20)

Daniel Jones (8)

Richie James (80)

Richie James (80)

Azeez Ojulari (51)

Daniel Jones (8)

Richie James (80)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Daniel Jones (8)

Landon Collins (21)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Leonard Williams (99)

Cor'Dale Flott (28), Azeez Ojulari (51)

Gary Brightwell (23)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Darnay Holmes (30),

Jamie Gillan (6)

Jihad Ward (55)

Darnay Holmes (30)

Isaiah Hodgins (18)

Nick McCloud (44)

Daniel Jones (8)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Evan Neal (73)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Darius Slayton (86)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Daniel Bellinger (82)

Darnay Holmes (30)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Adoree' Jackson (22)

Leonard Williams (99), Dexter Lawrence (97)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Isaiah Hodgins (18)

Gary Brightwell (23)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Ryder Anderson (90)

Cor'Dale Flott (28), Micah McFadden (41)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Darius Slayton (86)

Jaylon Smith (54)

Daniel Jones (8)

Nick McCloud (44)

Tony Jefferson (36), Zyon Gilbert (38)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Daniel Jones (8)

Tyre Phillips (79), Evan Neal (73)

Darius Slayton (86)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Isaiah Hodgins (18)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Gary Brightwell (23)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Darnay Holmes (30), Julian Love (20)

Julian Love (20)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Jaylon Smith (54)

Daniel Jones (8)

New York Giants linebacker Jaylon Smith (54) during a NFL football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Thursday November 24, 2022 in Arlington, Texas (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Richie James (80)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Andrew Thomas (78)

Rodarius Williams (25)

Chris Myarick (85)

Richie James (80)

Gary Brightwell (23)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Jaylon Smith (54), Tony Jefferson (36), Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Tony Jefferson (36), Darnay Holmes (30)

Azeez Ojulari (51)

Azeez Ojulari (51), Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Saquon Barkley (26), Daniel Jones (8)

Daniel Jones (8)

Nick McCloud (44)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Micah McFadden (41)

Oshane Ximines (53), Jaylon Smith (54), Dexter Lawrence (97), Micah McFadden (41), Leonard Williams (99)

Fabian Moreau (37)

Isaiah Hodgins (18)

New York Giants cornerback Jason Pinnock (27) during a NFL football game against the Washington Commanders, Sunday December 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants safety Landon Collins (21) during a NFL football game against the Minnesota Vikings, Saturday December 24, 2022 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants running back Saquon Barkley (26) during a NFL football game against the Minnesota Vikings, Saturday December 24, 2022 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Saquon Barkley (26)

New York Giants cornerback Rodarius Williams (25) intercepts a pass during a NFL football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Thursday November 24, 2022 in Arlington, Texas (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants running back Saquon Barkley (26) during a NFL football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Thursday November 24, 2022 in Arlington, Texas (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants tight end Daniel Bellinger (82) and Daniel Jones (8) during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants running back Saquon Barkley (26) during a NFL football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Thursday November 24, 2022 in Arlington, Texas (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants wide receiver Wan'Dale Robinson (17) during a NFL football game against the Detroit Lions, Sunday November 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants wide receiver Richie James (80) makes a catch during a NFL football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Thursday November 24, 2022 in Arlington, Texas (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants defensive end Kayvon Thibodeaux (5) during a NFL football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Thursday November 24, 2022 in Arlington, Texas (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants defensive end Leonard Williams (99) during a NFL football game against the Detroit Lions, Sunday November 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants defensive end Kayvon Thibodeaux (5) during a game against the Detroit Lions on Sunday November 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Jerry Pinkus/ New York Giants)

New York Giants center Nick Gates (65) during a NFL football game against the Dallas Cowboys on Thursday November 24, 2022 in Arlington, Texas (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants linebacker Azeez Ojulari (51) during a NFL football game against the Washington Commanders, Sunday December 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants running back Saquon Barkley (26) during a NFL football game against the Minnesota Vikings, Saturday December 24, 2022 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants wide receiver Darius Slayton (86) during a NFL football game against the Houston Texans, Sunday November 14, 2022 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants tight end Nick Vannett (89) during a NFL football game against the Minnesota Vikings, Saturday December 24, 2022 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

during a NFL football game against the Washington Commanders, Sunday December 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants tight end Daniel Bellinger (82) during a NFL football game against the Washington Commanders, Sunday December 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants wide receiver Isaiah Hodgins (18) makes a touchdown catch during a NFL football game against the Washington Commanders, Sunday December 4, 2022 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) runs with the ball during a NFL football game against the Washington Commanders, Sunday December 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants cornerback Fabian Moreau (37) during a NFL football game against the Washington Commanders, Sunday December 4, 2022 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants wide receiver Darius Slayton (86) during a NFL football game against the Washington Commanders, Sunday December 4, 2022 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants running back Saquon Barkley (26) during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants defensive end Leonard Williams (99) during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during a game against the Detroit Lions on Sunday November 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Jerry Pinkus/ New York Giants)

New York Giants defensive end Leonard Williams (99) during a game against the Detroit Lions on Sunday November 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Jerry Pinkus/ New York Giants)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8)

New York Giants running back Gary Brightwell (23)

New York Giants defensive end Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Isaiah Hodgins (18)

Isaiah Hodgins (18)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Isaiah Hodgins (18)

Leonard Williams (99)

Adoree' Jackson (22)

Jihad Ward (55)

Daniel Jones (8)

Kayvon Thibodeaux (5)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Jihad Ward (55)

Adoree' Jackson (22)

Jaylon Smith (54)

Dexter Lawrence (97)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Jamie Gillan (6) Graham Gano (9)

Lawrence Cager (83) HC Brian Daboll

Daniel Jones (8)

Saquon Barkley (26)

Isaiah Hodgins (18)

Isaiah Hodgins (18)

HC Brian Daboll