EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. - Dabs' Digest, conversación semanal de Giants.com con el entrenador Brian Daboll:
P: Parece que has encontrado una fórmula ganadora. Estás corriendo el balón muy bien. Son los segundos de la liga en intentos de carrera. No se dan la vuelta. El tiempo de posesión es bueno. (Lo conviertes en) terceras oportunidades. Dices que haces lo que tienes que hacer para ganar esa semana. Ese tipo de fórmula parece ser una que funcionaría en muchas semanas. ¿Estás de acuerdo?
Daboll: "Creo que depende del equipo con el que juegues y, en última instancia, de cómo ejecutes tu ataque cuando salgas a jugar con una defensa de alta ejecución. Intentamos jugar un juego complementario; hemos tenido partidos muy cerrados, casi todos los partidos hasta ahora. En el que no fue un partido de una sola anotación (en Seattle), le dimos la vuelta algunas veces. Y luego jugamos bien al final del partido y en la segunda mitad. Sea cual sea el juego que elijamos, todo se reduce a la ejecución de las jugadas, la seguridad del balón, el fútbol situacional, las decisiones inteligentes, la toma de decisiones. Todo el mundo tiene una mano en esto, y todos tenemos que hacer nuestro trabajo lo mejor que podamos".
P: Como coordinador ofensivo, te has ganado la reputación de ser un entrenador al que le gusta pasar el balón. Todo el mundo recuerda el partido de Tampa Bay del año pasado, en el que las únicas carreras que hiciste en la primera mitad fueron las de Josh Allen (quarterback de los Buffalo Bills). ¿Has utilizado este estilo en el pasado?
Daboll: "Lo he hecho. Tuve a (el ex corredor) Peyton Hillis un año (2010 en Cleveland). Eso es lo que elegimos hacer y cómo jugamos. (El ex corredor de los Kansas City Chiefs) Jamaal Charles, donde corrimos bastante el balón (en 2012, cuando Hillis era el apoyo). No estoy de acuerdo con un sistema o un estilo determinado. Creo que es lo que hay que hacer para intentar ganar un partido. Tienes que tratar de poner a tus jugadores en las mejores posiciones que crees que necesitan para ayudarte a ganar un partido. Y en última instancia, tienen que salir al campo y ejecutarlo. Todo lo que intentamos hacer cada semana es plantear cosas en los tres lados que pensamos que, 'Esto es lo que tenemos que hacer. Esto es lo que tenemos que lograr'. Y si lo hacemos, tenemos una oportunidad. Y si no lo hacemos, no (tendremos una oportunidad)".
P: Son los cuartos de la liga en tiempo de posesión. Me sorprendió un poco cuando lo vi. Buffalo fue quinto el año pasado. Llevas seis partidos seguidos con más de 30 minutos y seis partidos seguidos con al menos seis conversiones a tercera oportunidad. Parece que si mantienes el balón lejos del otro equipo, cosa que estás haciendo, van a aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar.
Daboll: "Creo que el tiempo de posesión, también, (es una gran indicación.) Los equipos que lo acarrean más, ¿tienen más tiempo de posesión? Probablemente. Pero también creo que es un elemento de ejecución de las jugadas y de mantener la serie ofensiva. Creo que esta temporada estamos arriba en lo que se refiere al tiempo de las series ofensivas para anotar. No hemos tenido muchas jugadas grandes. Avanzar el campo y anotar sin tener muchas jugadas, no es algo fácil de hacer porque muchas cosas tienen que salir bien. Las series en las que vamos a anotar, las estamos ejecutando a un alto nivel. Y las que no, no".
P: Y si no tienes esas jugadas cortas, ¿eso hace que las terceras oportunidades sean aún más críticas?
Daboll: "Absolutamente, porque todo el mundo sabe que la tercera oportunidad para un ataque es la más difícil en el fútbol americano. Es un alto porcentaje en el otro sentido para que la defensa tenga éxito. Y cuanto más tiempo pase, más difícil será recuperarlo. Así que producir en las primeras oportunidades es realmente crítico para nosotros".
P: Saquon (Barkley) lidera la liga en número de contactos en la línea de golpeo (227). Cuando empezaste a trabajar con él en primavera, venía de tres temporadas en las que se había lesionado. Durante la primavera y el campo de entrenamiento, ¿tuviste que medir su estado físico antes de decidir que podías darle la carga?
Daboll: "Cuando empezamos de nuevo en las OTAs, se sintió bastante bien. Y por eso practicamos con él. Se veía fuerte ahí fuera, se veía rápido. Parecía explosivo. Creo que lo más importante ahora es asegurarnos de que estamos haciendo lo necesario para ayudarle a mantenerse lo más fresco posible durante todo el año. Obviamente, recibe muchos golpes. La mayoría de los corredores lo hacen en esta liga. Y le toca frecuentemente, así que para asegurarnos de que estamos sacando la mejor versión de él, creo que tenemos que hacer un buen trabajo -el personal de fuerza, los entrenadores, nuestra ciencia del deporte- para asegurarnos de que hacemos bien las cosas para él durante la semana".
P: Daniel (Jones) sólo tiene dos intercepciones y realmente una que tuvo consecuencias en toda la temporada, que fue la que hizo en Tennessee. No ha tenido ninguna en dos meses. Hablé con él ayer, y parece que se reduce a lo que les decimos a nuestros chicos antes de salir por la noche: "Toma buenas decisiones". Pasa mucho tiempo con (el entrenador de quarterbacks) Shea (Tierney) y Kaf (el coordinador ofensivo Mike Kafka) hablando sobre cuándo hacer un pase, cuándo tener más cuidado. ¿Cuánto hablas con él al respecto?
Daboll: "Lo hablamos. Ese fue realmente el comienzo de nuestra relación, las OTAs y el campo de entrenamiento, donde yo diría que fui bastante activo con él en el campo de práctica, diciéndole la forma en que veía las cosas y obteniendo información sobre la forma en que él veía las cosas, lo cual es importante hacer. Pero como dije antes, Kafka ha hecho un trabajo realmente bueno con nuestra ofensiva. Y Shea es un excelente entrenador de fútbol, y creo que ha hecho un trabajo tremendo con los quarterbacks, no sólo con Daniel, sino con todos los que están en esa sala. Trabaja hasta el cansancio, hace muchas cosas por esos chicos. Creo que lo aprecian mucho. El mérito es siempre del jugador, en primer lugar, y de Mike con la ofensiva y de Shea trabajando con los quarterbacks".
P: Hablas de momentos de enseñanza en términos de jugadas y situaciones que ves en los partidos. (El ala abierta) Darius Slayton básicamente no jugó los dos primeros partidos y se ha convertido en tu gran receptor de jugadas y en el líder en yardas del equipo. ¿Su ascenso podría servir como una enseñanza para otros jugadores?
Daboll: "Creo que los jugadores lo ven. Los jugadores conocen a los jugadores, y los jugadores ven a los jugadores de su equipo o ven a los jugadores de la liga. Lo único que diría de un chico como Darius - realmente, es un gran ejemplo para todos nosotros, entrenadores, jugadores, miembros del personal. Habrá momentos difíciles durante la temporada, durante el juego, durante la semana. Puede ser durante varias semanas o varios partidos. Es fácil plegarse. Es fácil decaer tanto que afecta a tu rendimiento, sea cual sea tu trabajo. Es algo fácil de hacer. Es difícil mantener el compromiso de mejorar y hacer lo correcto día tras día. Ser constante. Eso es difícil. No es fácil. Creo que eso es un testimonio de Darius y de cómo aborda las cosas y cómo ha sido desde que está aquí".
P: No pregunté esto la semana pasada porque no sabía si era una operación de un solo partido, pero el otro día volviste a jugar con (el linebacker) Jaylon Smith por dentro, y en esos dos partidos -Seattle y de nuevo la semana pasada, aparte de la carrera de 44 yardas- parece que la defensiva terrestre es fuerte. ¿Atribuyes parte de eso a ese cambio?
Daboll: "Creo que ha hecho un buen trabajo para nosotros. Ciertamente, hay muchas cosas que todavía necesitamos mejorar en esa área. Y nos pondremos a prueba esta semana con eso. Pero ha hecho un buen trabajo para nosotros".
P: Se habló mucho de que (el safety) Julian (Love) obtuvo el punto verde la semana pasada, pero también, jugó mucho como free safety, cosa que no había hecho. Ha jugado en muchas posiciones. ¿Él es tu back defensivo más versátil?
Daboll: "Creo que (entrenador de backs defensivos) Jerome (Henderson) y (entrenador asistente de backs defensivos Mike) Trier hacen un muy buen trabajo con esos chicos. La mayoría de los chicos que juegan ahí atrás (son versátiles). Sé que Wink (Martindale, coordinador defensivo) siempre se refiere a ella como una defensa sin posiciones. Pueden hacer un montón de cosas diferentes, y por eso damos importancia a la inteligencia. Y Julian es ciertamente eso".
P: Muchas veces, los mayores vítores que se escuchan en un vestidor después de un partido es cuando el entrenador dice: "Nos vemos el miércoles", lo que significa que tienen el lunes libre. Tú haces que los jugadores vengan el lunes. ¿No eres partidario de los Lunes de Victoria?
Daboll: "Creo que todavía hay que trabajar mucho. Tenemos que seguir mejorando, y creo que aprender de la grabación es la mejor manera de hacerlo, además de estar allí y aprender en el campo. (Se trata de) asegurarnos de hacer las correcciones necesarias para poder pasar a la semana siguiente, de manera que el lunes se pueda dejar de lado el partido. Y creo que eso es importante para el momento en el que nos encontramos con nuestro equipo de fútbol ahora mismo".
P: Ha sido una semana interesante en la NFC Este, con las derrotas de Filadelfia y Dallas y las victorias de Washington y los Giants, que han puesto presión en la clasificación. A medida que se acerca el final de la temporada, ¿se empieza a poner más atención a lo que ocurre en la división?
Daboll: "No, a menos que juguemos contra ellos. Creo que tienes que cuidar tu propia casa y centrarte en las cosas que tienes que hacer esa semana. Y eso es lo que hemos hecho desde que estamos aquí -desde las OTAs y el campo de entrenamiento y los partidos de pretemporada y los partidos de temporada regular- y sólo te enfocas en una semana a la vez y tratas de poner todo lo que tienes en esa semana en particular, el equipo con el que estás jugando. Y después, por lo general, vacías el tanque después del partido y estás cansado y no te queda nada. Y tienes que volver a llenarlo, para hacerlo, necesitas todo lo que tienes".
P: Esta semana se enfrentan a los Lions. Han perdido cuatro partidos por no más de cuatro puntos. Has estado allí.
Daboll: "Eagles, Minnesota, Seattle y los Dolphins. "
P: Sí. Esos equipos son una combinación de 29-9, por cierto. Los Lions son novenos en puntos, sextos en yardas. Este es el equipo de Detroit que más puntos ha anotado en mucho tiempo. Todavía no lo han conseguido todo, pero tienen muchos buenos jugadores y están mejorando.
Daboll: "Lo son. Creo que (el coordinador ofensivo de Detroit) Ben Johnson hace un buen trabajo con su ofensiva. Hacen muchas jugadas explosivas; son buenos en la zona roja. Su quarterback (Jared Goff) puede hacer todos los lanzamientos. Tienen chicos buenos y rápidos en la posición de receptor (especialmente Amon-Ra St. Brown) que pueden crear separación. Tienen dos corredores muy buenos (Jamaal Williams y D'Andre Smith), y todo comienza con la línea ofensiva. Y yo diría que esta es una de las mejores líneas ofensivas de la liga. Ejecutan a un alto nivel. Han anotado muchos puntos. Así que este es un equipo de fútbol realmente bueno".
P: ¿Consideras a Goff más un pasador tradicional de drop back que muchos de los quarterbacks a los que te has enfrentado este año?
Daboll: "Creo que puede hacer ambas cosas (correr y pasar). Es un chico grande. Es lo suficientemente atlético como para escaparse y hacer algunas jugadas sueltas. Lanza un balón muy bueno, un balón que se puede atrapar. Lo pone donde quiere ponerlo. ¿Han anotado 35, 36, 45 y 31 puntos? Han anotado muchos puntos, y son muy eficientes. Tienen buenos jugadores y creo que tienen un buen esquema".
P: Jamaal Williams ya tiene nueve touchdowns por tierra. Y St. Brown está teniendo un año estupendo. La semana pasada, se alineó en varias posiciones.
Daboll: "Muy inteligente. Muy inteligente. Estudió en el Mater Dei (High School) de California. Es un jugador de habilidad bueno, joven y con talento que tiene una buena flexibilidad de posición. Buenas manos y es muy productivo".
P: A nivel defensivo, sus números no son buenos, pero empiezan como novatos y (el esquinero Jeff) Okudah está jugando muy bien. ¿Ves el talento individual en la defensiva?
Daboll: "Absolutamente. Se pueden ver muchas mejoras. Creo que (el coordinador defensivo) Aaron Glenn es un fantástico entrenador de fútbol, y creo que ha habido mejoras a lo largo de la temporada. Hay chicos con talento, como (el liniero defensivo) Aidan (Hutchinson), Okudah o Isaiah Buggs, que tuve en Alabama. Creo que su flecha apunta hacia arriba".
P: Son los segundos de la liga en devolución de patadas de inicio. Y Michael Badgley pateó cuatro goles de campo el mes pasado contra ti (con los Chicago Bears), y ahora te enfrentas a él de nuevo.
Daboll: "Ya sea A. G. (Glenn), o Ben (Johnson) o Dave Fipp -que es su entrenador de equipos especiales- tienen una unidad muy buena. Presentan muchos problemas. Hacen un gran trabajo cubriendo las patadas. El entrenador (Dan) Campbell es conocido por las patadas cortas sorpresa, las patadas de despeje falsas, cosas en las que tenemos que trabajar. Aunque trabajemos en ellas, tienes que hacer un buen trabajo en tu asignación y tratar de hacer el mejor trabajo posible para entender lo que puede surgir. Así que es un reto en las tres fases".
P: Van por todo en la cuarta oportunidad más que cualquier equipo de la liga (23, con éxito en 10).
Daboll: "Lo hacen. En el partido de Dallas, el resultado fue de 24-6, pero el marcador era 10-6 faltando tres minutos. En el partido de los Patriots, en el que perdieron 29-0, estaban 0-6 en la cuarta oportunidad. Eso es como una posesión. Eso es como una pérdida de balón. Para ir por todo seis veces a lo largo del partido, tenemos que estar preparados para esas situaciones del tipo "debo tenerlo" o jugadas de cuarta oportunidad, porque definitivamente serán agresivos e irán a por ellos. Y tienen mucha confianza en su ofensiva".
View photos of head coach Brian Daboll's time with the New York Giants.

New York Giants linebacker Jihad Ward (55) and safety Julian Love (20) dump Gatorade on New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Daniel Jones (8)

Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll in the locker room following a week 1 football game against the Tennessee Titans on Sunday September 11, 2022 in Nashville, Tennesse (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Head Coach Brian Daboll

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll following week 1 football game against the Tennessee Titans on Sunday September 11, 2022 in Nashville, Tennesse (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8)during a football game against the Chicago Bears on Sunday October 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp Fan Fest practice at MetLife Stadium on Friday August 5, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following an organized team activity practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Head Coach Brian Daboll, Eli Manning,

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following an organized team activity practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Laura Young Director of Coaching Operations

Joe Schoen Senior Vice President and General Manager, Michael Strahan, Brian Daboll Head Coach

Head Coach Brian Daboll & General Manager Joe Schoen

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Brian Daboll Head Coach, WR David Sills V (84)

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll addresses the media at the 2022 NFL Combine in Indianapolis, Indiana

General Manager Joe Schoen & Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll addresses the media at the 2022 NFL Combine in Indianapolis, Indiana

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll addresses the media at the 2022 NFL Combine in Indianapolis, Indiana

Head Coach Brian Daboll addresses the media at the 2022 NFL Combine in Indianapolis, Indiana

Joe Schoen Senior Vice President and General Manager, Sam Prince, Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Joe Schoen Senior Vice President and General Manager, Sam Prince

Tyrod Taylor (2), Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Tyrod Taylor (2), Brian Daboll

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Amani Toomer

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Amani Toomer

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

General Manager Joe Schoen, OT Evan Neal, Edge Kayvon Thibodeaux, Head Coach Brian Daboll

Joe Schoen Senior Vice President and General Manager, Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll before minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Wan'Dale Robinson during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday July 27, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 24, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following an organized team activity practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday July 27, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with general manager Joe Schoen during training camp Fan Fest practice at MetLife Stadium on Friday August 5, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll before minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Head Coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Head Coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 24, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following an organized team activity practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 24, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Amani Toomer

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following an organized team activity practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following an organized team activity practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday June 8, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll introduces Osi Umenyiora during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday August 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp Fan Fest practice at MetLife Stadium on Friday August 5, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Osi Umenyiora during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday August 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 24, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll waves to fans before training camp Fan Fest practice at MetLife Stadium on Friday August 5, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday June 8, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll and Sam Prince shake hands during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday June 8, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 23, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll talks to Dexter Lawrence during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 23, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 23, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with former NFL coach Bill Cowher during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants Head Coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday August 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Joe Morris following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with assistant general manager Brandon Brown during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with former Giant Osi Umenyiora during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday August 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll stands in the offensive huddle during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 23, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

Brian Daboll and Joe Schoen talk during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Joe Schoen before a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll and Wink Martindale talk during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with former New York Giant OJ Anderson following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll before a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with New York Giants defensive end Leonard Williams (99) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brandon Jacobs talks with Brian Daboll after training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Joe Schoen, Ronnie Barnes and Leigh Weiss during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday August 15, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll and General Manager Joe Schoen watch training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday August 1, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll arriving before a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to high school football players after training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll arriving before a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 17, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday August 15, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll shakes hands with head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 17, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with defensive coordinator Don Martindale during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday August 1, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll watches during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 17, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brandon Jacobs talks with Brian Daboll after training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with wide receiver Wan'Dale Robinson (17) following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Sunday August 14, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Sunday August 14, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Jets head coach Robert Saleh shakes hands with New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll following a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll introduce boys from the San Miguel Academy following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll introduce boys from the San Miguel Academy following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll introduce boys from the San Miguel Academy following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll introduce boys from the San Miguel Academy following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll and Joe Schoen talks during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday May 14, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants Daniel Jones (8) celebrates a touchdown pass with head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with general manager Joe Schoen and Shaun O'Hara during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with offensive line coach Bobby Johnson during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants quarterback Tyrod Taylor (2) talks with New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Brandon Jacobs during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday June 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday June 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday May 14, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants yea coach Brian Daboll talks to the offense in the huddle during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday June 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Joe Schoen during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday June 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll and Mario Manningham shake during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday June 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll and Joe Schoen talk during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday June 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Joe Schoen talks with Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday May 13, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants' Kayvon Thibodeaux (50 talks with New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll celebrates an interception with safety Xavier McKinney during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll shakes with Jalyn Holmes (91) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with running back Saquon Barkley (26) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday July 27, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) talks with head coach Brian Daboll before a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks quaterback Daniel Jones during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday July 29, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday July 29, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday August 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Head coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday August 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with New York Jets head coach Robert Saleh before a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with defensive coordinator Don Martindale during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 9, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants General Manager Joe Schoen and head coach Brian Daboll pose for a photo with first round draft pick Evan Neal during a press conference at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday April 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with safety Xavier McKinney (29) during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 9, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants General Manager Joe Schoen and head coach Brian Daboll pose for a photo with first round draft pick Evan Neal during a press conference at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday April 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants General Manager Joe Schoen and head coach Brian Daboll pose for a photo with first round draft pick Kavon Thibodeaux during a press conference at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday April 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll signals touchdown during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday August 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants center Joe Feliciano (76) gets a hug from head coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday April 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll works with running back Saquon Barkley (26) during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday April 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with General manager Joe Schoen and former Giant Jeff Feagles during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday July 29, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday June 1, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll walks with General manager Joe Schoen during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday July 29, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll walks with General manager Joe Schoen during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday July 29, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brain Daboll introduces Sam Prince to the team during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday June 8, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 19, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 19, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 24, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quaterback Daniel Jones (8) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll fist bumps quaterback Daniel Jones (8) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll fist bumps quaterback Daniel Jones (8) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 19, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Head Coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Joe Schoen, Michael Strahan and Brian Daboll talk after organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Joe Schoen, Michael Strahan and Brian Daboll talk after organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Joe Schoen, Michael Strahan and Brian Daboll talk after organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his players during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants Foundation Charity Golf Classic at Canoe Brook Country Club on Monday May 31, 2022 in Summit, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 19, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his players during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Michael Strahan during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants cornerback Adoree' Jackson (22) shakes hands with Brian Daboll after returning an interception during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with running back Saquon Barkley (26) during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Sunday August 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants Evan Neal (70) talks with head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll and Darnay Holmes (30) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday July 27, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants Foundation Charity Golf Classic at Canoe Brook Country Club on Monday May 31, 2022 in Summit, New Jersey

New York Giants Foundation Charity Golf Classic at Canoe Brook Country Club on Monday May 31, 2022 in Summit, New Jersey

New York Giants Foundation Charity Golf Classic at Canoe Brook Country Club on Monday May 31, 2022 in Summit, New Jersey

Brian Daboll

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll watches from the sideline during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Brian Daboll

Brian Daboll

Brian Daboll

Cleveland Browns offensive coordinator Brian Daboll congratulates Cleveland Browns wide receiver Josh Cribbs (16) as he comes off the field against the Jacksonville Jaguars in their NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 3, 2010, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll works the sidelines in the first half of a preseason NFL football game against the New York Jets, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Davis Webb (12) during an NFL pre-season football game, Sunday, Aug. 27, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J.. (AP Photo/Rich Schultz)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll walks off the field after their 31-27 loss to the New York Jets in an NFL pre-season football game, Sunday, Aug. 27, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J.. (AP Photo/Rich Schultz)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll works the sidelines in the first half of a preseason NFL football game against the New York Jets, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll, left, meets with quarterback Daniel Jones, right, during practice before a preseason NFL football game against the New York Jets, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll works the sidelines in the first half of a preseason NFL football game against the New York Jets, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants quarterback Tyrod Taylor (2) runs off the field alongside head coach Brian Daboll, center right, after taking a hard hit from New York Jets defensive end Micheal Clemons (72) in the first half of a preseason NFL football game, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson)

Cincinnati Bengals head coach Zac Taylor, right, shakes hands with New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll after an NFL football game Sunday, Aug. 21, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. The Giants won 25-22. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll works the sidelines during practice before a preseason NFL football game against the New York Jets, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll greets people on the field prior to an NFL football game between against the New England Patriots, Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022, in Foxborough, Mass. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)

FILE - New York Giants general manager Joe Schoen, left, and head coach Brian Daboll, right, attend a news conference before training camp at the NFL football team's practice facility July 27, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. For the third time since 2018, the Giants are rebuilding again. Schoen has replaced Dave Gettleman as general manager and Daboll was selected to replace Joe Judge as coach. (AP Photo/John Minchillo, File)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll works the sidelines in the first half of a preseason NFL football game against the New York Jets, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll watches his team warm up before a preseason NFL football game against the Cincinnati Bengals Sunday, Aug. 21, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to reporters before a practice at the NFL football team's training facility in East Rutherford, N.J., Thursday, May 26, 2022. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll on the sideline during the second half of an NFL football game against the New England Patriots, Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022, in Foxborough, Mass. (AP Photo/Greg M. Cooper)

New York Giants quarterback Tyrod Taylor (2) talk with head coach Brian Daboll during the first half of an NFL football game against the New England Patriots, Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022, in Foxborough, Mass. (AP Photo/Greg M. Cooper)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll calls out to his players during the first half of a preseason NFL football game against the Cincinnati Bengals Sunday, Aug. 21, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to tight end Daniel Bellinger during drills at the NFL football team's rookie minicamp in East Rutherford, N.J., Friday, May 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah K. Murray)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll, center, speaks with his first string defensive lineman during training camp at the NFL football team's practice facility, Saturday, July 30, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Giants offensive line coach Bobby Johnson talks with head coach Brian Daboll, left, during a preseason NFL football game, Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022, in Foxborough, Mass. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll speaks with reporters during a coaches press availability at the NFL owner's meeting, Tuesday, March 29, 2022, at The Breakers resort in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)

FILE - Buffalo Bills offensive coordinator Brian Daboll attends warmups before an NFL divisional playoff football game against the Kansas City Chiefs, Jan. 23, 2022, in Kansas City, Mo. The New York Giants hired Daboll as their head coach Friday, Jan. 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Reed Hoffmann, File)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll answers questions from media at the NFL football team's rookie minicamp in East Rutherford, N.J., Friday, May 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah K. Murray)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll waits to take the stage to speak at an introductory news conference at the NFL football team's training facility, Monday, Jan. 31, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll introduces Osi Umenyiora during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday August 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a football game against the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday October 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll at practice in Ware, England before a game against the Green Bay Packers. Credit: Evan Pinkus/New York Giants

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a football game against the Chicago Bears on Sunday October 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Osi Umenyiora during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday August 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll at practice in Ware, England before a game against the Green Bay Packers. Credit: Evan Pinkus/New York Giants

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll shakes hands with New York Giants safety Julian Love (20) at practice in Ware, England before a game against the Green Bay Packers. Credit: Evan Pinkus/New York Giants

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll walks to practice in England before a game against the Green Bay Packers Credit: Evan Pinkus/ New York Giants

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll fist bumps Shea Tierney before a week 1 football game against the Tennessee Titans on Sunday September 11, 2022 in Nashville, Tennesse (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 24, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll walks to practice in England before a game against the Green Bay Packers Credit: Evan Pinkus/ New York Giants

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

New York Giants linebacker Jihad Ward (55) and safety Julian Love (20) dump Gatorade on New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Leonard Williams (99)

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Head Coach Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

HC Brian Daboll

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Daniel Jones (8)

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Daniel Jones (8)

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Landon Collins (21), Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll after a NFL football game against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Don Martindale Defensive Coordinator, Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following a NFL football game against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll hugs General Manager Joe Schoen following a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL football game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Sunday January 8, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll after a NFL football game against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll after beating the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll hugs New York Giants linebacker Jihad Ward (55) during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll hugs New York Giants safety Julian Love (20) during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Jeff Saturday

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll before a NFL football game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Sunday January 8, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants linebacker Jihad Ward (55) and safety Julian Love (20) dump Gatorade on New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team in the locker room following a NFL football game against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL wild card playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings, Sunday January 15, 2023 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll before a NFL Divisional Playoff game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Saturday January 21, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Jerry Meade Vice President of Security

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll and Daniel Jones hug following a NFL wild card playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings, Sunday January 15, 2023 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with general manager Joe Schoen before a NFL Divisional Playoff game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Saturday January 21, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Don Martindale Defensive Coordinator, Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL wild card playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings, Sunday January 15, 2023 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL wild card playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings, Sunday January 15, 2023 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL wild card playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings, Sunday January 15, 2023 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL Divisional Playoff game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Saturday January 21, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL Divisional Playoff game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Saturday January 21, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Vote Giants to 2023 Pro Bowl Games
Online voting is now open for the 2023 Pro Bowl Games. Vote for your favorite Giants players.