EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. – Dabs Digest, conversación semanal de Giants.com con el Coach Brian Daboll:
P: ¿Cómo pasaste tu semana de descanso?
Daboll: "Pude pasar algún tiempo con mi esposa e hijos. Realmente, eso es todo lo que hice. Fui a los partidos de fútbol bandera. Fui a la granja ecuestre con mi hija. Pero nunca te alejas realmente lo suficiente (entrenamiento). Tengo una pequeña oficina en casa por lo que pude hacer algunas cosas. Pero sí pude descansar un poco, y espero la segunda mitad de la temporada".
P: ¿Disfrutas del breve descanso de las rutinas semanales y diarias alejándote un poco de ellas?
Daboll: "Creo que es algo bueno para todos. Vas a trabajar muchas horas y eres competitivo cada semana. Entonces como dije, es difícil como entrenador alejarse completamente de ello. No creo que lo logres nunca".
P: Entonces, ¿pasas tiempo trabajando en casa?
Daboll: "Sí, por supuesto".
P: ¿Ves el fútbol?
Daboll: "Sí. Tengo suerte porque a mi hijo de cinco años le encanta ver el fútbol. Así que lo veo en la televisión. Trabajo un poco en el sistema informático que tenemos con los juegos. Nunca te alejas demasiado".
P: ¿En algún momento de tu vida puedes ver el fútbol como fan? ¿O siempre lo ves como entrenador?
Daboll: "Prácticamente como coach. Siempre tratando de aprender".
P: Creo que todos los entrenadores pasan la semana de descanso analizándose. ¿En qué se enfocan?
Daboll: "Lo he dicho muchas veces: Creo que nuestro personal, no sólo los entrenadores, sino también los entrenadores más jóvenes que lo ven semana a semana, que presentan cosas, los chicos de análisis, cada semana tratamos de mejorar cosas que tal vez no hemos hecho lo suficientemente bien la última semana o un acumulado de tres semanas. Esta semana de descanso en particular, tienes un tamaño de muestra de ocho juegos. Por lo tanto, hay ciertas cosas que surgen y que quieres asegurarte de atender, pero las comentamos todos los lunes y martes cuando lo volvemos a ver (el partido anterior). Creo que, antes de pasar al siguiente rival, hay que analizar los puntos fuertes y débiles y asegurarse de que se están corrigiendo esas cosas".
P: Estamos básicamente a mitad de la temporada. ¿Has establecido una rutina en cuanto a cuándo ver la cinta del rival, reunirte con los entrenadores, etc.? ¿Cómo es una semana típica para ti?
Daboll: "Es bastante consistente con lo que hago. La noche del partido, veo las tres fases de nuestro equipo. Si es un viaje por carretera, lo veré en el autobús y el avión. Si es un partido en casa, me voy a casa. Si mi esposa tiene invitados o no, voy a mi oficina y veo el partido completo. Hago comentarios sobre cosas que necesitamos corregir, saco algunas buenas jugadas, saco algunas jugadas para enseñar. Eso es el domingo por la noche. El lunes, vengo aquí y empiezo con el oponente de la siguiente semana. Tengo una reunión de personal. Hablo de las cosas que vi en la cinta. Vemos un montón de cosas juntos - todos nosotros. Estamos evaluando a nuestros jugadores. También estamos viendo la estrategia, cualquier cosa que necesitemos hablar. Es todo un equipo.
"Y entonces entran los jugadores. Tenemos reuniones con ellos. Les comentamos lo que hablamos en la reunión de equipo y nos dividimos individualmente. Revisan sus cosas. Tenemos obligaciones con los medios. Me reúno con los médicos y los entrenadores y vuelvo a ponerme en contacto con el equipo con el que vamos a jugar. El martes es un gran día para mí porque todo es fútbol. No hay nada más que hacer aparte de lo que estoy acostumbrado a hacer como coordinador. Todo el día del martes es para ver la cinta del equipo contra el que jugamos, planificar el partido, reunirnos con la ofensiva, con la defensa y con los equipos especiales. Más tarde, por la noche, tenemos reuniones exhaustivas para elaborar los planes de juego. Tengo mis preguntas y pensamientos y cosas que quiero presentar y sólo buenas discusiones. Y luego, el miércoles, el jueves y el viernes son días normales de entrenamiento. Tus otras obligaciones, las ruedas de prensa y cosas así, surgen en algunos de esos días. Todo eso ha sido bastante consistente".
P: Te pregunté después del primer partido cómo ves el partido. ¿Aún ves el partido de principio a fin en lugar de ver la ofensiva, la defensa y los equipos especiales por separado?
Daboll: "Lo veo de principio a fin. Ya sea el kickoff o el retorno de patada para empezar el partido y luego como vaya, lo veo de principio a fin".
P: Cuando ves un partido por primera vez, ¿te fijas en el desempeño de los jugadores o en la estrategia?
Daboll: "En todo. Lo abarca todo".
Q: Mientras te preparas para el siguiente partido, ¿los tres coordinadores elaboran sus planes de juego, y luego se reúnen contigo para comentarlos?
Daboll: "Me reúno con todo el personal. A primera hora del día, ya sea el lunes o el martes temprano, les doy a los coordinadores las ideas que tengo, para que no se sienten y se reúnan como equipo y yo llegue cinco o seis horas más tarde y diga: Oigan, piensen en esto'. Intento darles mis ideas antes de que empiecen sus reuniones o en la introducción de estas. Y entonces nos reunimos después de que ellos elaboran los planes de juego, pero siempre intento dar mi opinión a los coordinadores lo antes posible porque sé lo difícil que es hacer ese trabajo. Y cuando recibes cosas de última hora del entrenador en jefe, y tú lo ves de una manera, creo que lo haces antes de que pasen todas esas cosas para darles la mejor oportunidad de elaborar el plan".
P: Mencionaste esto, lo mucho que disfrutas los martes porque es todo fútbol. Como entrenador en jefe, tienes muchas obligaciones que antes no tenías, muchas de ellas relacionadas con los medios de comunicación. ¿Disfrutas eso?
Daboll: "Sí, lo disfruto. Mira, disfruto de todo en este trabajo, excepto perder. Hablar con diferentes áreas del edificio, almorzar con diferentes grupos, reunirme con los diferentes bandos, las obligaciones con los medios de comunicación, la parte del liderazgo, la parte de la adversidad no es lo más fácil, pero disfruto de cada parte de este trabajo. Me siento muy afortunado y bendecido".
P: Me has mostrado las listas detalladas que haces y subrayas. ¿Las haces a medida que ves la grabación del siguiente rival y sacas ideas de lo que quieres hacer?
Daboll: "Miro la grabación y evalúo al personal y la forma en que veo los puntos fuertes y débiles de cada uno de los chicos que aparecen en la cinta y, a continuación, las cosas que creo que nos darían una buena oportunidad o las cosas que creo que tenemos que asegurarnos de lograr. (Diré) 'Este partido es prioritario. Esto es lo que hacen muy bien, y si les dejamos hacer esto, probablemente no obtendremos el resultado que queremos'. Es simplemente la forma en que veo el partido. Desde luego, no tengo todas las respuestas. Por eso le tengo mucha confianza y fe a mi equipo, y hay muchos intercambios de ideas.
"Lo más importante es elaborar un plan que nosotros -no yo, nosotros- pensamos que es el mejor para ese partido. Pero creo que, como entrenador en jefe, tienes que tener una buena idea en tu cabeza de cómo crees que debe jugarse todo el partido. Cuando eres un coordinador ofensivo, sólo tratas de anotar un millón de puntos. De nuevo, me encanta anotar un millón de puntos, pero hay una manera de jugar cada partido que da a tu equipo la mejor oportunidad. Creo que hay que comunicar eso entre las diferentes unidades -los entrenadores de los equipos especiales, los entrenadores defensivos, los entrenadores ofensivos-, cómo funciona todo junto. Porque cuando eres coordinador, sólo te centras en tu lado. Creo que el trabajo de un entrenador en jefe es transmitir a todo el mundo una buena explicación de cómo crees que hay que jugar el partido".
View photos of head coach Brian Daboll's time with the New York Giants.

New York Giants linebacker Jihad Ward (55) and safety Julian Love (20) dump Gatorade on New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Daniel Jones (8)

Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll in the locker room following a week 1 football game against the Tennessee Titans on Sunday September 11, 2022 in Nashville, Tennesse (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Head Coach Brian Daboll

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll following week 1 football game against the Tennessee Titans on Sunday September 11, 2022 in Nashville, Tennesse (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8)during a football game against the Chicago Bears on Sunday October 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp Fan Fest practice at MetLife Stadium on Friday August 5, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following an organized team activity practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Head Coach Brian Daboll, Eli Manning,

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following an organized team activity practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Laura Young Director of Coaching Operations

Joe Schoen Senior Vice President and General Manager, Michael Strahan, Brian Daboll Head Coach

Head Coach Brian Daboll & General Manager Joe Schoen

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Brian Daboll Head Coach, WR David Sills V (84)

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll addresses the media at the 2022 NFL Combine in Indianapolis, Indiana

General Manager Joe Schoen & Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll addresses the media at the 2022 NFL Combine in Indianapolis, Indiana

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll addresses the media at the 2022 NFL Combine in Indianapolis, Indiana

Head Coach Brian Daboll addresses the media at the 2022 NFL Combine in Indianapolis, Indiana

Joe Schoen Senior Vice President and General Manager, Sam Prince, Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Joe Schoen Senior Vice President and General Manager, Sam Prince

Tyrod Taylor (2), Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Tyrod Taylor (2), Brian Daboll

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Amani Toomer

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Amani Toomer

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Head Coach Brian Daboll

General Manager Joe Schoen, OT Evan Neal, Edge Kayvon Thibodeaux, Head Coach Brian Daboll

Joe Schoen Senior Vice President and General Manager, Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll before minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Wan'Dale Robinson during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday July 27, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 24, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following an organized team activity practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday July 27, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with general manager Joe Schoen during training camp Fan Fest practice at MetLife Stadium on Friday August 5, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll before minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Head Coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Head Coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 24, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following an organized team activity practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 24, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Amani Toomer

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following an organized team activity practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following an organized team activity practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday June 8, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll introduces Osi Umenyiora during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday August 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp Fan Fest practice at MetLife Stadium on Friday August 5, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Osi Umenyiora during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday August 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 24, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll waves to fans before training camp Fan Fest practice at MetLife Stadium on Friday August 5, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday June 8, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll and Sam Prince shake hands during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday June 8, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 23, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll talks to Dexter Lawrence during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 23, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 23, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with former NFL coach Bill Cowher during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants Head Coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday August 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Joe Morris following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with assistant general manager Brandon Brown during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with former Giant Osi Umenyiora during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday August 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll stands in the offensive huddle during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 23, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

Brian Daboll and Joe Schoen talk during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Joe Schoen before a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll and Wink Martindale talk during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with former New York Giant OJ Anderson following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll before a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with New York Giants defensive end Leonard Williams (99) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday June 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brandon Jacobs talks with Brian Daboll after training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Joe Schoen, Ronnie Barnes and Leigh Weiss during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday August 15, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll and General Manager Joe Schoen watch training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday August 1, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll arriving before a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to high school football players after training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll arriving before a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 17, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday August 15, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll shakes hands with head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 17, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with defensive coordinator Don Martindale during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday August 1, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll watches during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday May 17, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brandon Jacobs talks with Brian Daboll after training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Monday May 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with wide receiver Wan'Dale Robinson (17) following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Sunday August 14, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Sunday August 14, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Jets head coach Robert Saleh shakes hands with New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll following a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll introduce boys from the San Miguel Academy following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll introduce boys from the San Miguel Academy following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll introduce boys from the San Miguel Academy following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll introduce boys from the San Miguel Academy following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll and Joe Schoen talks during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday May 14, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants Daniel Jones (8) celebrates a touchdown pass with head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with general manager Joe Schoen and Shaun O'Hara during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with offensive line coach Bobby Johnson during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants quarterback Tyrod Taylor (2) talks with New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Brandon Jacobs during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday June 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday June 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday May 14, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants yea coach Brian Daboll talks to the offense in the huddle during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday June 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday July 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Joe Schoen during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday June 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll and Mario Manningham shake during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday June 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Brian Daboll and Joe Schoen talk during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday June 3, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Joe Schoen talks with Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday May 13, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants' Kayvon Thibodeaux (50 talks with New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll celebrates an interception with safety Xavier McKinney during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll shakes with Jalyn Holmes (91) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with running back Saquon Barkley (26) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday July 27, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) talks with head coach Brian Daboll before a preseason NFL football game against New England Patriots on Thursday August 11, 2022 in Foxborough, MA

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks quaterback Daniel Jones during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday July 29, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday July 29, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday August 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Head coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday August 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with New York Jets head coach Robert Saleh before a pre-season football game against the New York Jets on Sunday August 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with defensive coordinator Don Martindale during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 9, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants General Manager Joe Schoen and head coach Brian Daboll pose for a photo with first round draft pick Evan Neal during a press conference at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday April 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with safety Xavier McKinney (29) during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday August 9, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants General Manager Joe Schoen and head coach Brian Daboll pose for a photo with first round draft pick Evan Neal during a press conference at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday April 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants General Manager Joe Schoen and head coach Brian Daboll pose for a photo with first round draft pick Kavon Thibodeaux during a press conference at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Saturday April 30, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll signals touchdown during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday August 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants center Joe Feliciano (76) gets a hug from head coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday April 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll works with running back Saquon Barkley (26) during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday April 20, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with General manager Joe Schoen and former Giant Jeff Feagles during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday July 29, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday June 1, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll walks with General manager Joe Schoen during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday July 29, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll walks with General manager Joe Schoen during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Friday July 29, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brain Daboll introduces Sam Prince to the team during Minicamp at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday June 8, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 19, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 19, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 24, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quaterback Daniel Jones (8) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll fist bumps quaterback Daniel Jones (8) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll fist bumps quaterback Daniel Jones (8) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 19, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Head Coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Joe Schoen, Michael Strahan and Brian Daboll talk after organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Joe Schoen, Michael Strahan and Brian Daboll talk after organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Joe Schoen, Michael Strahan and Brian Daboll talk after organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his players during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants Foundation Charity Golf Classic at Canoe Brook Country Club on Monday May 31, 2022 in Summit, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 19, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his players during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Michael Strahan during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday June 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants cornerback Adoree' Jackson (22) shakes hands with Brian Daboll after returning an interception during organized team activity at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday May 26, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with running back Saquon Barkley (26) during minicamp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Tuesday April 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Sunday August 7, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants Evan Neal (70) talks with head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday July 28, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll and Darnay Holmes (30) during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday July 27, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants Foundation Charity Golf Classic at Canoe Brook Country Club on Monday May 31, 2022 in Summit, New Jersey

New York Giants Foundation Charity Golf Classic at Canoe Brook Country Club on Monday May 31, 2022 in Summit, New Jersey

New York Giants Foundation Charity Golf Classic at Canoe Brook Country Club on Monday May 31, 2022 in Summit, New Jersey

Brian Daboll

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll watches from the sideline during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

Brian Daboll

Brian Daboll

Brian Daboll

Cleveland Browns offensive coordinator Brian Daboll congratulates Cleveland Browns wide receiver Josh Cribbs (16) as he comes off the field against the Jacksonville Jaguars in their NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 3, 2010, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll works the sidelines in the first half of a preseason NFL football game against the New York Jets, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Davis Webb (12) during an NFL pre-season football game, Sunday, Aug. 27, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J.. (AP Photo/Rich Schultz)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll walks off the field after their 31-27 loss to the New York Jets in an NFL pre-season football game, Sunday, Aug. 27, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J.. (AP Photo/Rich Schultz)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll works the sidelines in the first half of a preseason NFL football game against the New York Jets, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll, left, meets with quarterback Daniel Jones, right, during practice before a preseason NFL football game against the New York Jets, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll works the sidelines in the first half of a preseason NFL football game against the New York Jets, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants quarterback Tyrod Taylor (2) runs off the field alongside head coach Brian Daboll, center right, after taking a hard hit from New York Jets defensive end Micheal Clemons (72) in the first half of a preseason NFL football game, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson)

Cincinnati Bengals head coach Zac Taylor, right, shakes hands with New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll after an NFL football game Sunday, Aug. 21, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. The Giants won 25-22. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll works the sidelines during practice before a preseason NFL football game against the New York Jets, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll greets people on the field prior to an NFL football game between against the New England Patriots, Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022, in Foxborough, Mass. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)

FILE - New York Giants general manager Joe Schoen, left, and head coach Brian Daboll, right, attend a news conference before training camp at the NFL football team's practice facility July 27, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. For the third time since 2018, the Giants are rebuilding again. Schoen has replaced Dave Gettleman as general manager and Daboll was selected to replace Joe Judge as coach. (AP Photo/John Minchillo, File)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll works the sidelines in the first half of a preseason NFL football game against the New York Jets, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll watches his team warm up before a preseason NFL football game against the Cincinnati Bengals Sunday, Aug. 21, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Munson)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to reporters before a practice at the NFL football team's training facility in East Rutherford, N.J., Thursday, May 26, 2022. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll on the sideline during the second half of an NFL football game against the New England Patriots, Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022, in Foxborough, Mass. (AP Photo/Greg M. Cooper)

New York Giants quarterback Tyrod Taylor (2) talk with head coach Brian Daboll during the first half of an NFL football game against the New England Patriots, Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022, in Foxborough, Mass. (AP Photo/Greg M. Cooper)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll calls out to his players during the first half of a preseason NFL football game against the Cincinnati Bengals Sunday, Aug. 21, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to tight end Daniel Bellinger during drills at the NFL football team's rookie minicamp in East Rutherford, N.J., Friday, May 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah K. Murray)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll, center, speaks with his first string defensive lineman during training camp at the NFL football team's practice facility, Saturday, July 30, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Giants offensive line coach Bobby Johnson talks with head coach Brian Daboll, left, during a preseason NFL football game, Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022, in Foxborough, Mass. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll speaks with reporters during a coaches press availability at the NFL owner's meeting, Tuesday, March 29, 2022, at The Breakers resort in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)

FILE - Buffalo Bills offensive coordinator Brian Daboll attends warmups before an NFL divisional playoff football game against the Kansas City Chiefs, Jan. 23, 2022, in Kansas City, Mo. The New York Giants hired Daboll as their head coach Friday, Jan. 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Reed Hoffmann, File)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll answers questions from media at the NFL football team's rookie minicamp in East Rutherford, N.J., Friday, May 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah K. Murray)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll waits to take the stage to speak at an introductory news conference at the NFL football team's training facility, Monday, Jan. 31, 2022, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll introduces Osi Umenyiora during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday August 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a football game against the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday October 16, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll at practice in Ware, England before a game against the Green Bay Packers. Credit: Evan Pinkus/New York Giants

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with quarterback Daniel Jones (8) during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a football game against the Chicago Bears on Sunday October 2, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with Osi Umenyiora during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Thursday August 18, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll at practice in Ware, England before a game against the Green Bay Packers. Credit: Evan Pinkus/New York Giants

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll shakes hands with New York Giants safety Julian Love (20) at practice in Ware, England before a game against the Green Bay Packers. Credit: Evan Pinkus/New York Giants

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll walks to practice in England before a game against the Green Bay Packers Credit: Evan Pinkus/ New York Giants

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll fist bumps Shea Tierney before a week 1 football game against the Tennessee Titans on Sunday September 11, 2022 in Nashville, Tennesse (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during training camp practice at Quest Diagnostics Training Center on Wednesday August 24, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll walks to practice in England before a game against the Green Bay Packers Credit: Evan Pinkus/ New York Giants

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a pre-season football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday August 21, 2022 in East Rutherford, New Jersey (Evan Pinkus/NY Giants)

The New York Giants take on the Baltimore Ravens at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday October 16, 2022. (Ben Solomon/New York Giants)

New York Giants linebacker Jihad Ward (55) and safety Julian Love (20) dump Gatorade on New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Leonard Williams (99)

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Head Coach Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

HC Brian Daboll

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Daniel Jones (8)

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Daniel Jones (8)

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Landon Collins (21), Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll after a NFL football game against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Don Martindale Defensive Coordinator, Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team following a NFL football game against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll hugs General Manager Joe Schoen following a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL football game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Sunday January 8, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll after a NFL football game against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll after beating the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll hugs New York Giants linebacker Jihad Ward (55) during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll hugs New York Giants safety Julian Love (20) during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Jeff Saturday

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll before a NFL football game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Sunday January 8, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants linebacker Jihad Ward (55) and safety Julian Love (20) dump Gatorade on New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL football game against the against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks to his team in the locker room following a NFL football game against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday January 1, 2023 in East Rutherford, NJ (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL wild card playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings, Sunday January 15, 2023 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll before a NFL Divisional Playoff game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Saturday January 21, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach, Jerry Meade Vice President of Security

Brian Daboll Head Coach

Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll and Daniel Jones hug following a NFL wild card playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings, Sunday January 15, 2023 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll talks with general manager Joe Schoen before a NFL Divisional Playoff game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Saturday January 21, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

Don Martindale Defensive Coordinator, Brian Daboll Head Coach

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL wild card playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings, Sunday January 15, 2023 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL wild card playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings, Sunday January 15, 2023 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL wild card playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings, Sunday January 15, 2023 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL Divisional Playoff game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Saturday January 21, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )

New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll during a NFL Divisional Playoff game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Saturday January 21, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Evan Pinkus\New York Giants )
P: Has tenido algo de experiencia en la defensa y mucha en la ofensiva. ¿Te ha gustado involucrarte más en la defensa y en los equipos especiales?
Daboll: "Me encantan todos los aspectos. Tengo una enorme confianza en (el coordinador defensivo) Wink (Martindale) y en el personal defensivo y T-Mac (coordinador de equipos especiales Thomas McGaughey) y en el personal de equipos especiales. Jugué en la defensa de la División III (como safety en la Universidad de Rochester). Los primeros cinco años (como entrenador), estuve en la defensa. Como dije, no tengo todas las respuestas; por eso es un esfuerzo colectivo. Me debo a esos chicos para darles mis ideas de cómo creo que se va a jugar o (decir), 'Estas son las tres cosas de las que creo que tenemos que asegurarnos tener el control para esta semana. Ustedes elaboran un diseño y estructura de este, pero no podemos dejar que este chico nos atrape. Tenemos que poder hacerlo'.
"Y mientras jugamos, hay muchas cosas que entran en la filosofía general del juego: situacionales, cómo tienes que jugar. Creo que ahí es donde he aprendido algo de (lo que he aprendido); das un paso atrás, y aprendes de algunos de tus jefes que crees que son buenos haciendo eso. No es sólo de un lado. Ahora eres el entrenador en jefe. Tienes que averiguar cómo jugar ese partido, estratégicamente".
P: Julian Love ha sido probablemente el jugador más versátil en la secundaria. Y ahora va a llevar el punto verde (nombre de las señales defensivas). Parece tener una tranquilidad que hace que ninguna responsabilidad sea demasiado grande.
Daboll: "Creo que se prepara de la manera correcta. Practica de la manera correcta. Confía en su preparación. Cuando sale al campo, es capaz de jugar rápido y con confianza".
P: Desde el punto de vista futbolístico, perder a (el safety) Xavier (McKinney, que está de baja tras sufrir una fractura en los dedos por un accidente durante la semana de descanso), es un jugador productivo, un líder, alguien que nunca se pierde un snap. Me imagino que perder a alguien así es difícil.
Daboll: "Nunca quieres perder a un jugador. Pero ese es el juego que jugamos. Leo (el liniero defensivo Leonard Williams) ha estado fuera de algunos partidos en particular. Hemos tenido chicos que entran y salen. No puedes hacer nada al respecto. Sólo tienes que pasar al siguiente. Repito, hay que tener empatía y comunicación con el jugador que está fuera durante ese partido o varios partidos. Pero realmente tienes que tener listo al siguiente para que juegue".
P: Desde que se lesionó, Shep (el receptor Sterling Shepard) ha estado mucho con el equipo. ¿Alientas a los jugadores lesionados a quedarse aquí, a participar y a aportar?
Daboll: "Absolutamente. Lo echan de menos. Al verlos, desde las OTAs (actividades de equipo) hasta el final, te vuelves muy cercano, un grupo muy unido como equipo. Tienes un enorme respeto por los jugadores que entrenas. Cada semana, es un deporte rudo. Pasan muchas cosas, ya sea una lesión o una derrota. Hay una cierta cercanía que se desarrolla a lo largo de la temporada. Y eso es parte de mi trabajo. Cuando esos chicos caen o sucede algo, solo puedes sentir un enorme respeto por ver a los jugadores y por cómo lo manejan. Quiero decir, (el ex entrenador de los Giants, Bill) Parcells lo dijo en su discurso del Salón de la Fama. – Llevar las intravenosas en el avión, la gente no ve ese tipo de cosas, o una persona que se ha rehabilitado. Así que, los tipos como Shep que están cerca, aman a sus compañeros de equipo. Es un gran compañero de equipo. Aunque no esté ahí para participar, agrega valor a nuestro equipo por el tipo de liderazgo, el tipo de persona que es. Y los chicos que están lesionados y no pueden estar ahí fuera ahora mismo, no están ahí fuera. Pero si los chicos quieren seguir estando ahí fuera y ayudar al equipo, creo que eso es importante para la química del equipo".
P: Shep estuvo en el entrenamiento con una férula en la pierna (después de someterse a una operación para reparar un desgarro del ligamento cruzado anterior).
Daboll: "Totalmente de acuerdo, y está en el vestidor antes de los partidos. Y está en la línea de banda. Hace todo lo que puede para ayudar a sus compañeros de equipo. Y tengo mucho respeto por tipos como él que se preocupan tanto por el equipo. No hay mejor sensación que formar parte de un equipo."
P: (El apoyador) Tomon Fox fue tu principal tacle en Seattle. Como todos los agentes libres novatos, llegó con muchas probabilidades de entrar en el equipo. Ahora, es un colaborador constante.
Daboll: "Por eso entró en el equipo. Se ha ganado el derecho a salir y jugar. Confiamos en todos los jugadores que ponemos en el campo, independientemente de si son agentes libres novatos, agentes libres de alto precio, selección de primera ronda o selección de séptima ronda; realmente no nos importa. Si te lo ganas, entonces tienes la oportunidad. Y él ha aprovechado al máximo sus oportunidades".
P: Esta semana juegan contra los Texans. Con Lovie Smith y tú, este podría ser el mejor enfrentamiento de barbas de entrenadores en jefe en la historia de la NFL.
Daboll: "Me afeité la barba durante las vacaciones."
P: ¿En serio?
Daboll: "Sí, un montón. Lovie tiene una buena cantidad de barba".
P: Houston ha ganado un partido. Perdieron los tres últimos. Tú eres entrenador, ahora tú dirás lo buenos que son. ¿Qué hay de algunos de sus jugadores? (El novato Dameon) Pierce tiene 678 yardas por acarreo. Puede que esta semana recuperen a sus mejores receptores (Brandin Cooks y Nico Collins). El año pasado jugaste con Davis Mills (quarterback). ¿Cuál es tu opinión sobre algunos de sus chicos?
Daboll: "(El gerente general) Nick (Caserio) ha hecho un gran trabajo trayendo jugadores jóvenes (y) firmando algunos agentes libres veteranos, ya sea (el back defensivo Jalen) Pitre, (el esquinero Derek) Stingley (Jr.), (Dameon) Pierce. Son tres tipos que juegan mucho al fútbol y que han sido, diría, importantes en el éxito de su equipo cuando juegan. (Tienen) muchos tacles, jugadores de cobertura, corredores duros. También tienen algunos agentes libres. Lo dije antes: (el liniero defensivo) Jerry Hughes es simplemente, no envejece. Se ha visto muy bien en las grabaciones.
"Para mí, en la NFL no hay récords cuando juegas en la temporada regular. Intentas hacer el mejor trabajo posible para hilar las cosas, y dondequiera que estés cuando llegues al final, ahí es donde estás. Hay que esforzarse al máximo cada semana, tanto si juegas contra un equipo invicto como si juegas contra un equipo que no tiene el récord que le gustaría tener. Hay muchos buenos jugadores en esos equipos. Si juegas bien, te das una oportunidad. Eso no te garantiza la victoria. Si no juegas bien, probablemente vas a perder. Y hay muchas cosas que tienes que hacer durante la semana para prepararte para jugar un partido. Y, evidentemente, el domingo tienes que salir al campo y hacer las jugadas que se te presenten para tener una oportunidad. Y, aun así, eso no te garantiza nada.
"En eso nos centramos cada semana. Nos enfocamos en las cosas que tenemos que hacer, en primer lugar. Y luego nos enfocamos en el equipo contra el que jugamos cada semana. Los números y todas esas cosas no significan nada. He formado parte de equipos que han tenido muy buenos números y que han perdido contra equipos que no tenían buenos números. He formado parte de equipos que no tenían buenos números y que salieron a ganar (equipos con muy buenos números). Los números, de nuevo, son la NFL. Todos son buenos. Todos los entrenadores son buenos. Todos los jugadores son buenos. Y ese es nuestro enfoque cada semana, independientemente de contra quién juguemos".
P: Houston se parece en algunos aspectos a los Giants. Tienen un muy buen corredor, están más dos en pérdidas de balón, bajos en pérdidas de balón y en diferencial de errores.
Daboll: "Ellos no tienen los números que quieren, y nosotros tampoco tenemos los números que queremos. Todo dependerá de cómo juguemos el domingo y de cómo entrenemos: las jugadas que hagamos o las que no hagamos".
P: Mencionaste a Jerry Hughes. No muchos jugadores tienen un resurgimiento en su 13ª temporada. Ya tiene más sacks este año que los que tuvo en los dos últimos años juntos, cuando tú estuviste con él en Buffalo.
Daboll: "Sí, pero puede apresurar bien al pasador. Ya sea que consiga un sack o no, saca al quarterbak del lugar, y logra strip-sacks. Es un muy buen jugador de fútbol americano. Es una buena persona. Siento mucho respeto por Jerry (y) su familia. Vamos a tener que hacer un buen trabajo contra él. Es un buen jugador".
P: Son los últimos de la liga en defender la carrera. Tu ofensiva, obviamente, ha sido un muy buen equipo de corredores con un excelente corredor (Saquon Barkley). La opinión generalizada al entrar en el partido es que los "Giants deberían ser capaces de pasar sobre estos chicos". ¿Cómo es que la creencia popular no siempre funciona así?
Daboll: "Porque juegas contra buenos equipos cada semana. Los números son los que son. Jugamos contra equipos que supuestamente no eran muy buenos deteniendo la carrera y que también detuvieron la nuestra. Y cada semana, los entrenadores, los jugadores y el equipo contra el que juegas van a hacer todo lo posible para parar las cosas que haces bien. Y es difícil. Es difícil cada semana. No es fácil, independientemente de cuál sea el número o su clasificación o esto o lo otro. Sólo hay que ver los partidos de la semana pasada, cuando estábamos en nuestra semana de descanso. Velos. Por eso juegas los partidos, porque todo está hecho para ser bastante parejo en esta liga. Así que, si no haces todo lo que puedes hacer cada semana, probablemente no vas a ganar".