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Quotes: DC Wink Martindale, OC Mike Kafka, STC Thomas McGaughey, RB Saquon Barkley

Defensive Coordinator Wink Martindale

Martindale: How great is it to be playing in a meaningful game here in December. I think we're right where we want to be to go play this game. All we're doing is picking it up where we left it off and it's going to be a great challenge for us. With that, I'll open it up to questions.

Q: Do you look at this as the fifth, sixth quarter of last game?

A: You can. Every game's a new game. I know you're trying to be 1-0 at the end of this week but that's what you felt like afterwards coming out of there. Matter of fact, I said that to (head coach) Ron (Rivera), I said, 'see you in two weeks'. I have great respect for the team and especially that offense, they're very talented, they've got talented skill, they're talented up front and they're talented running backs. So, we've got out work cut out for us.

Q: In your past you've always had really strong run defenses, why do you think that's been such a struggle this season?

A: I think we're going to continue to work on it. We understood the process of building a roster of what we needed to do. It's been a struggle. We've played with more DBs than we ever have this year, just to change things up. So, I think that's part of it. I think teams are just running the ball more and we've played three really good mobile quarterbacks. What do they call them five-tool players in baseball? They're five-tool players as quarterbacks. I think that has a lot to do with it.

Q: What do you attribute the lack of success for you guys from stopping teams from running at your edges?

A: I think there's a multitude of things that we're working on to try to remedy that. I don't think it's just always on the edges, I think there's some right up the middle too that we've had some issues with. So, it's like one of those things when you start working on it, you're plugging the dike. I'm running out of fingers and toes to plug the dike. So, we're just going to continue to work at it and try to get better and play better defense, coach better defense, and go attack this team just like we do every Sunday.

Q: I think one of the things you do is you probably show teams something they haven't seen before on film when you're devising your game plan. When you play a team two weeks later, what's the balance there? Do you try and come up with something totally different or keep doing the things that worked?

A: I think there's a little bit of both. I think both teams look at it that way but that's a great part of our scheme itself, is we can give multiple looks and try to confuse your opponent. Same thing back end wise and everything else. It's a challenge, no doubt. I've never done this before in my career, played a team that's playing us back-to-back, they're playing us back-to-back.

Q: I think I'm correct in that you were a big (defensive lineman) Dexter Lawrence fan before you got here to coach him. I'm just wondering under your coaching, under (defensive line coach) Andre Patterson's, how have you seen Dexter kind of either blossom or almost emerge more than we had seen previously?

A: I think it's all credit to Dex. He had a really good offseason, he was here all during the installs, he's smart, I think he enjoys playing in this defense and I said it when I took the job here that he should be a Pro Bowler. You could just see it in the kid himself. Then after I got to know him, I could've guaranteed you he's going to be that type of player because of how much he loves football, how much he loves his teammates, he's selfless and he's very accountable to everybody in the room.

Q: Last year, weren't you with the Ravens when the Browns had the Bye in between your guys two games?

A: It might've been. I don't remember.

Q: I was just going to ask you if you remember then handling the second game a certain type of way over the first one?

A: No, like I said, I don't remember it. Might've happened, but I don't remember it that way. It's one of those things that it all becomes a blur after a while.

Q: Did you coach any differently in the first game knowing that you were going to be their next opponent too?

A: No, that would've been really smart though, I should've said yes. We were just trying to play that game and win that game. You always try to hold something back during a game and bring it out in the fourth quarter, I'm talking about each individual game, not just this game but every game. So, I wish I could tell you yes, but I'm too honest. What is it, I'm too dumb to lie?

Q: Do you go down to that sheet? Like you said, you usually have stuff in the fourth quarter that you haven't used that you try to use. Or something that you didn't use, and you try to put that at the top of the list for this?

A: Yeah, exactly. That's exactly right. It's one of those things that the players know it, too. 'Hey, I'm holding onto this, I'm holding onto this.' Just like the Baltimore game, we had some things different that we turned on in the fourth quarter that helped us, just for an example.

Q: It seemed like (cornerback) Fabian Moreau got off to a really good start this season playing opposite of (cornerback) Adoree' (Jackson) and when Adoree' went down these last couple of games, Fabian's had four penalties I think the last two games. Then it seemed like (wide receiver) Terry McLaurin gave him a handful. Is it a case of overexposure with Fabian playing more than he was expected to in a bigger role? Or what do you see from Fabian in these last couple of weeks versus earlier?

A: I think Fabian's done a great job. I think he's been a great surprise for this organization for the defense, for the team. I think that's the life of a corner, is what you just described right there. I'm just expecting big things out of him not only this game but the next four games. Sometimes you end on top on those 50/50 balls, sometimes you don't. The penalties, sometimes they're just out of your control. We don't make the rules, we just try to play by them.

Q: You guys were forced to wait to see (outside linebacker) Azeez (Ojulari) and (outside linebacker) Kayvon (Thibodeaux) together for what seemingly felt like months.

A: Years.

Q: Seeing them together the last couple of weeks, is that kind of what you envisioned and how much can you build off of that with them out there together?

A: You can't help to sit here and wonder what it would be like if Azeez was healthy all season. What has it been, four games? He's got 4.0 sacks. I think he's done a great job of coming back and these next four games are going to be obviously very important to him and us.

Q: Do offensive guards have particular trouble against edges? It seems like sometimes you scheme that up.

A: It goes game by game. There's guards, there's different tackles, there's different ways that you attack them. It goes game to game, but guards are usually not as good in space because they'd be tackles if they were. You know what I mean? Seriously.

Q: Are you an arm length guy, like at the combine?

A: Oh yeah. Bigger, longer, faster, that's what I like. Yup, no doubt.

Q: What does (cornerback) Rodarius Williams have to do to get back on the field in your mind?

A: I think it starts at practice. He's got to be consistent in the way he practices, and he's done that. He had a real good practice yesterday, much better practice yesterday. We'll see what he does today, and we'll go from there.

Q: With having Azeez back and now Kayvon together, how does that help you scheme the overall defense as a whole? Knowing that those two are there?

A: Every time you get a good or great player back, it helps you scheme a lot easier. Then you can either do more things with them or less things with them because they can just win their one-on-one matchups. So, it does help. You can give them different looks, too, the opponent. Like I said, he's done a really nice job and so has Kayvon.

Offensive Coordinator Mike Kafka

Q: Having to face the Commanders again so soon, what stood out from rewatching the tape and that first matchup?

A: There was a lot of good feedback, a lot of stuff that you can look at. The areas of improvement that we are focusing on right now in the run game, the pass game – look at some of the things we did well, trying to build on that. Look at some of the things that may have not gone as well, trying to fix those, make those corrections and apply it to practice this week.

Q: Obviously there's opportunity in your receiver corps. How has (wide receiver) Isaiah Hodgins seized that and become the guy you look for in the red zone?

A: Isaiah has done a really nice job, not only in the red zone but being a factor on third down, first, second down. He's a really good blocker, he's a tough kid. He's done a great job, he's done everything we've asked of him.

Q: There is a possibility you might see (Washington defensive end) Chase Young this weekend. How much does that change how you approach the game?

A: Yeah. It's an opportunity for them to add a really good player to their defense. We'll have to prep for him and account for him in both the run and pass game. Really, even in situational positions – third down, red zone, short yardage. We have to make sure we take care of him and prep for the whole entire front as well.

Q: How tough are those defensive tackles to prepare for?

A: They do a really nice job. They're aggressive, they're violent, they get up field and they play almost every snap. They never come off the field. It's going to be a great challenge for us.

Q: In retrospect, how much was (running back) Saquon (Barkley) limited last week for you guys?

A: I never thought of it that way. Saquon came ready to play and we played him as we saw fit.

Q: So you didn't have to change anything? Aside from using (running back) Gary (Brightwell) a drive or two there?

A: Yeah, we mixed Gary in. Gary and (running back Matt) Breida in there. We mixed those guys in there. They did a nice job.

Q: How much do you pay attention to the amount that you've used Saquon this year? Is that something you look at as a whole? Do you look at it specifically within games whether it could be too much on a running back?

A: The way we use really all our players – try to put them in the best positions to be successful, use them to their strengths. Put them in positions where if there's something that may be a little bit of a weakness, try keep them out of those situations. We try to use Saquon to the best of his assets.

Q: How much does the instability of the offensive line because of injuries hindered you guys? It seems like you might be back to the point where when you started six months with the same five starters there, how much is that a problem?

A: I think we've done a really nice job with the guys who have gone in there with the next-man-up mentality. Coming in, playing tough, working to get our assignments right and sticking together. I think that's one bright spot that we look at from that o-line and really when you look at all the position groups. Guys have had to go through that. Tight ends, receivers. It's been a great job by our assistant coaches and coaching staff getting those guys lined up.

Q: When you see how maybe the run game has been a little bit more limited in the last few weeks, how much of that do you feel is other teams scouting you guys, having seen plenty of you and how much of it is just execution on your own part?

A: We look back and we look at ourselves first. If the execution was right, were the fundamentals right, was the scheme right? Those are all things that we evaluate on a week-to-week. We take that information, we apply it to this game plan and try and get those guys in the right spots and seeing it the way that we see it from a coaching staff.

Q: Does the immediacy of it offer a rare opportunity in the aspect that normally you see a team, you go into it and then when the game is over and you are reviewing stuff you say, "Oh we should have gotten to that quicker, made the mistake of not putting this in and it would have worked." You normally have to wait four weeks, who knows how that team is going to look. The fact that this team hasn't taken the field since they saw you the last time, I would imagine that lends to what you thought right after the game might still work here. Is that a fair assessment?

A: That's fair. After we watch the games and review it, we kind of always go around the staff and talk about things we would have changed, things that we should have in for the next time and then kind of build complements off of stuff we've shown. That all goes into it, absolutely.

Q: With your quarterback room, how do you think – well you know how that dynamic works – when a really smart, engaging experienced guy like (quarterback) Tyrod (Taylor), and I would say a lot of the same things about (quarterback) Davis Webb, helping not only (quarterback) Daniel (Jones) but the whole group and the esprit de corps within that group?

A: It's a great quarterback room, one of my favorites being around coaching and as a player. They do a great job communicating. They all see the game the right way and see it through the same set of eyes. (Quarterbacks) Coach (Shea) Tierney does a great job of organizing them and getting them in the right spots and communicating well with them at practice, in the meeting rooms and then on gameday.

Q: Could you see a future coach down the road from that room?

A: Absolutely. I think those guys can do really anything they want to. As far as football IQ, they do a great job and, absolutely, if they want to get into coaching, I'm sure they would do a great job.

Q: Washington controlled time of possession and they typically do. Obviously, you're trying to score when you have the ball but are you sometimes trying to also matriculate and kind of hold the ball to keep your defense off the field? Or is that not a concern, it's just call plays to score?

A: There's a little bit of both. I think you always want to score every time you touch the football, but you also got to understand the flow of the game. There's never a play call where you're like, "This play is not going to score." That's not the mentality you have. You've got to be able to manage the game and call the game that you see is going to get the offense to be the most successful.

Q: You've been yelling a lot this week?

A: Just that time of year and three kids under six.

Q: What did you feel after that Commanders game? Did it feel like a loss to you?

A: Not quite like a loss but not quite like a win.

Q: Your entire offense in that game was four series where I think you scored on four straight possessions and then it seemed like there was a faucet that just shut off. When you look at those sequences, what did you see that caused you guys to not have offense into overtime, really?

A: There are a few of those drives that came up. Just got to do a better job with execution, play calling. All those things tie in together. We talk about as an offense that we are all in this thing together and that we're working our butts off each week, each day in practice to perfect those fundamentals, perfect those schemes and those techniques. That way, when you get in those situations again, we can go and operate.

Q: I don't really have hard numbers to back this up, this is really more of an eye test. It seems like early on, you were using multiple halfbacks together more often you are now. Like Saquon in packages with Breida or Brightwell or in the rare occasion, even all three more often than you are now. Is there a reason you've gone away from that?

A: I don't have the numbers in front of me either, but I'd say each week is a little bit different, each team kind of plays personnel groupings different. We want to make sure that we have our best personnel groupings, our best people to do those jobs. We evaluate it every week, we talk about it at depth – which guys in which spots and if it's going to help us an offense score points, get yards, all those things, get first downs, skip third downs. We really talk about a lot of that. Not to say that this week may or may not be like that but that's things that we talk about. If we can get those guys in more spots to be successful, we will.

Q: If (guard) Ben Bredeson does get back, what would he add to your offense?

A: I think Bred's did a nice job in practice yesterday. I think just take it day by day, don't want to get too far ahead on it. He's doing a nice job and towards the end of the week, I think (head coach Brian Daboll) Dabs will have a good feel for what he wants to do.

Special Teams Coordinator Thomas McGaughey

McGaughey: Good afternoon, good people. How are you all doing?

Q: Be honest, did you know the illegal kick rule when it happened?

A: Never seen it before, honestly. It's been a year of firsts for me – that's one of them. I've never seen that play happen. Again, you live, and you learn.

Q: What's the difference between a drop-kick and a fumble? Is it just the judgement call?

A: Of the official, yeah. Obviously, as he's (punter Jamie Gillan) attempting to catch it, you have to pick it up and then drop it on the ground. So, it's one smooth, continuous motion. That, obviously, was not a smooth, continuous motion. So, that was kind of an easy call for the officials.

Q: Obviously, that was a weird play where their punter (Eagles punter Aaryn Siposs) got hurt, scooped the ball. What do you want from your guys on that play?

A: Chase him down and do exactly what they did. That's just a skill he's learned in Australian rules football. That's one of the skills that they have. It was just a natural, one smooth, fluid motion. He picked it up, and smart play by him. Anytime the ball's behind the line of scrimmage – it's blocked, and it's behind the line of scrimmage – both teams can advance it. So, he knew the rule. And he went and got it.

Q: How tricky is that if you have to decide whether it's past the line of scrimmage or not? Right when it goes past, you don't want your guys to touch it.

A: Right.

Q: So, when it's near the line of scrimmage, what do you sort of teach them to do at that point?

A: If it's anywhere close, we're going to get away from the ball. So, we give them a 'poison' call, especially if it's at the line of scrimmage. As a punt team, you got to cover it either way. And as a punt return team, you just got to make a good judgment call. You've got to see the flight of the ball, and then normally it's pretty clear (if) it's behind the line of scrimmage (or) not behind the line of scrimmage. But you got to be aggressive, and you've got to be smart at the same time.

Q: Are you sure all your players, in the heat of that moment, know exactly what the rule is?

A: As far as?

Q: As far as the ball being behind the line of scrimmage.

A: Oh, they know the rule. We talk about it all the time. We go through situations every week that happen throughout the league. We cover it every Saturday night – ball behind the line of scrimmage, ball across the line of scrimmage, players out of bounds on punts, holding calls, penalties. We go through the full gambit throughout the league. We've covered it multiple times.

Q: The question becomes judging whether it is or not?

A: Exactly.

Q: What did (cornerback Zyon) Gilbert tell you about why he didn't hit the punter there? Did he see him (Aaryn Siposs) step out – Zyon Gilbert?

A: I think he thought he (Aaryn Siposs) might have stepped out and didn't want to get a penalty right there on the sideline because it's just like a quarterback. You know, (if the) quarterback's close to the sideline (and) he steps out of bounds, you got to be smart. And we're always on these guys about making smart plays, especially because quarterbacks and punters are allowed basically the same protection. So, you got to be smart in that situation.

Q: What happened on the two kickoff returns – the long kickoff returns?

A: Just not getting off blocks. When the ball's kicked, we're covering down the field. I'll say this: There are some things that happened on the play that could have been seen, and it is what it is. But we got to do a better job of getting off blocks, using our hands and getting to the ballcarrier. That's something we've been talking about all week, and we've been working on.

Q: Did you scheme up the (outside linebacker) Elerson (Smith) block? Or was that just him and his length? Or how did that work?

A: It's a block that we've had all year, especially for that situation. Aaryn does a good job of getting the ball off quick. And we knew the only chance we had is to rush directly up the A-gap, and you had to have somebody with some length to get there. So, he did exactly what he was supposed to do – rushed right on the edge, and get that long arm up, 35-inch arm up, in the A-gap. He did a good job.

Q: He's been a healthy scratch for a few games. Does that kind of get you a jersey for the next week, if you block a punt, in your eyes at least?

A: It's a slippery slope. Obviously, I'm an Elerson Smith fan.

Q: (Kicker) Graham (Gano) does such a good job getting touchbacks that it was surprising actually even seeing them have kick returns. Was it windy or cold? Is that why? Or is that something you wanted – Philly to return kicks?

A: No, it was a little windy. And it's cold – just 38 degrees.

Q: Just harder to get touchbacks?

A: Yeah. We can line-drive it down there, but you also take a chance of him catching the ball four, five-yards deep and bringing it out. So, we were trying to kick it deep, but that's December football in the Northeast. This week, we're going to play Washington. It's going to be 28 degrees or whatever it's going to be with some wind. That's what it is.

Q: How comfortable would you be with (wide receiver Jaydon) Mickens if he has to be back there on Sunday night?

A: You know, he's done it. He's done it for six years now. He's more than capable. It wouldn't bother me at all.

Q: What about (wide receiver Kalil) Pimpleton – what do you see from him?

A: Young kid that's ascending. He's getting better every week. He's super talented, super quick. He's hard to get on the ground. Our guys struggle with him all the time. He has a definite skillset. He's going to be alright. He does a good job, and he works his tail off.

Q: If you guys struggle bringing him down, why not see if other teams would?

A: That's way above my paygrade. I just coach the guys that I get. He does a good job. And he's a talented kid that has a bright future.

Running Back Saquon Barkley

Q: You're not on the injury report at all, which is good news, I'm sure. Any reason why you would see your workload not being back to what it was previously?

A: No. I don't think so. Nope.

Q: Do you feel a lot different than you did (during) the middle of last week? Or do you feel the same?

A: I definitely feel a lot better, being able to go out there and practice and get reps. I feel pretty good. That's really it.

Q: I know that wasn't really the point of it at all, but did getting the break and getting the rest on Sunday – was it almost like a little bit of half a bye, at least?

A: (Laughs) I never thought about it that way. I mean, I guess I didn't take the banging I would in a normal game. But I feel good this week; I had a really good practice yesterday. I feel like I had a pretty good practice today, not just for myself but the team. So, just excited about this week.

Q: You've had some of your best games at their place. (Is there) anything to that?

A: You can't read too much into that. It's a new game; it's a new season. (It's a) new opportunity. I'm just really excited for the opportunity. We have a great opportunity in front of us and go out there and try to capitalize on it.

Q: Does this feel like the biggest game of your career?

A: I wouldn't say that. Obviously, I understand the magnitude of the game and understand that it's a big game. It's a divisional opponent, a primetime game. I do understand that. But for me, I guess I kind of just go back to my Penn State days. Something that (Penn State Head) Coach (James) Franklin kind of taught us when I was 18 years old is that 'It's the biggest game because it's the next game – next opportunity.' So, I kind of just take that with me, no matter what. If we're playing in December and playing 7-5-1 versus 7-5-1, or if we're both 3-12. It's still an opportunity. It's another chance you get to play the game you love, so that's why it's a big game.

Q: Did it always feel that way on the field, though? Did a bowl game feel the same as a regular (season game)?

A: It depends on who you're talking to. For me, I love football. I love the game of football. So, for me, every game feels the same. Obviously, if you're playing a bowl game or a Big 10 championship or you're playing a playoff, obviously, when you win, you get a different type of trophy or you advance into the playoffs (more so) than a regular season game. But for me, I love the game of football. It's something that I'm passionate about; I love doing it. I'm just happy to get the opportunity. We get to do it against a divisional opponent – against a team that we tied against. So, there's still a sour taste in our mouth and their mouth, too. And we get to settle it out on primetime football.

Q: It's been a few years since this franchise has had meaningful games in late December. What's the vibe been like in the building this week?

A: The same. The vibe is the same. Coming into work, the energy's high. That's really it. A lot of people keep saying that we haven't had meaningful games in December, which is true. But the year I tore my knee (2020), they had to beat Dallas to get into the playoffs. They did that. The way the events happened over there when they played when Washington played Philly. But that was like a big game where you have to win to give yourself an opportunity to play in the playoffs. Obviously, I hated watching it on the couch. But they got it done, too. DJ (Daniel Jones) was the quarterback there, too. So, that's kind of been the theme, 'Oh, you guys haven't been in these types of games before.' But it's like two, three years ago, we were in a type of game like this.

Q: Has that game come up at all this week? Has that been talked about in here at all this week? Like 'Hey nobody thinks we've played in a big game.'

A: Oh, no. That's just coming from me. I just thought about it. I've heard that before. It wasn't a shot at you, but it was just kind of responding to (a previous) question: two years ago, three years ago – whenever what was – they were in a game like this. I say they because I was on the couch. But just playing football is fun. You get a primetime game in Washington against a divisional opponent who's a heck of a team. So, that's really what it is to me.

Q: You get to be part of it this time.

A: I do get to be part of it.

Q: So, what's your perspective on that?

A: My perspective on that is 'try to make a change. Try to be helpful. Try to make plays.' That's where I feel like I've got to get back to. I feel like I've been lacking the last couple of weeks – being the guy, and making explosive plays, especially when it matters most. The only thing I can do there is come here and practice, try to have the best practice I can have. And then when the games come, when the opportunity presents itself, got to capitalize on it.

Q: Why do you say that? Why do you say you think you've been lacking? Is it being banged up?

A: No, not because of being banged up. It's just the truth. I haven't had a big run in a long time. The last time, I guess, was against Washington. It was over 20 (yards). The last couple of weeks, the run game has been – I don't want to say non-existent. But they've been doing a really good job of stopping the run game or necessarily, stopping me. Obviously, that's a focal point. And that's going to be a focal point again this week. But just got to continue to get back to that mentality of knowing that teams are going to try to stop us, but if I can get going, it's going to help the team and it's going to help put us in a position to win.

Q: You said a little while back that there was a play where, I think it was in the first Dallas game, where you made a cut and you said, 'Oh, that's me. That feels like the guy – before the surgery guy.' Do you feel as good now as you did at that time? And how important is it for you to finish these four games strong for a variety of reasons?

A: It's important to finish four games strong just because, like I said, loving the game and wanting to be out there for my teammates. And how I feel, (how) my body feels, I feel pretty good. I feel like, I guess, I don't feel any better or any worse than anyone else who's in Week 15. I feel the same way. But I put a lot of work into my body – spend a lot of money on my body – and I'm just happy. For the last couple of years, I haven't been this healthy in December. So, I'm healthy. And I just want to go out there and try to make a difference for my team.

Q: What's it like dealing with that front – that defensive front – especially (Commanders defensive tackles Daron) Payne and (Johnathan) Allen, obviously?

A: They're extremely good. There's nothing those two can't do. Obviously, (Commanders defensive end Montez) Sweat, too. I think they got another monster coming back this week with (Commanders defensive end Chase) Young. Obviously, I don't know how many plays or pitch count or play count, whatever it's going to be. But it's kind of like I said last week when you're going against (Eagles defensive end Brandon) Graham and (Eagles defensive tackle Fletcher) Cox: You love going against them because you respect their game, and you know what they're able to bring to the table. But at the same time, you hate going against them. It's a little different when that gap is open, and you hit it. And Payne sticks his arm out, and you run into a brick wall. But we know how talented those guys are, but we know how talented we are, too. Just got to continue to get back to trusting the system and really getting the run game going. I think it will be a confidence builder, too, if you can get the run game going against guys like that.

Q: Did (head coach Brian) Daboll offer you a rest day yesterday?

A: No, I was out there (Laughs). I had like my best practice to be completely honest.

Q: Yesterday was your best practice?

A: To be honest.

Q: I just meant did he say, 'Hey. I'm giving some guy's rest if you want one,'?

A: No. I mean, there's a time and a place for it. Everybody throughout the season, there are vet days. And sometimes, some guys need it. And I guess alluding back to (a previous) question (that) asked me how my body feels, and I said, 'I feel pretty good.'

Q: We don't usually see those highlights from practice.

A: But I was out there. It felt good.

Q: You guys have lost 11 straight primetime games. What do you think when I say that?

A: That's a crazy stat. We lost 11 straight, dang (Laughs). I really don't know what to say to that. It sucks, I guess. But guess what? We get an opportunity to change that. And I guess those 11 games we lost; we weren't as successful as we were previously. We're a successful team this year. We're a different team this year than we were in the past. We're getting that opportunity in another primetime game to go show that, and I feel like if we continue to trust each other, lean on each other, get that power and belief back, go out there, play for each other, anything can happen, right?

Q: I asked you that because this is the time where everyone else in the league is kind of watching you guys. Do you guys almost need to win those games for everyone else to realize that you guys are good or to see that you're a winning team.

A: It doesn't really matter. I think that's kind of more for the outside view. To be completely honest, if you're playing on Sunday, if you're playing on Saturday, playing in MetLife, playing in Washington, or playing on the parking lot, it really doesn't matter. At the end of the day for us, it's like we got to win this game because it's the next opportunity – the next game for us against a divisional opponent. So, we got to go out there and capitalize on it. But whether it's primetime or not, whether the world's watching or not, it doesn't really matter. It doesn't hurt; don't get me wrong. It's primetime. I'm all about the NFL and the ratings and stuff like that, but at the end of the day, what really matters is 'Let's go out there and try to get a win,' whether it's one o'clock, 12 o'clock, four o'clock, three o'clock, five o'clock, six o'clock.

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