Head Coach Brian Daboll
Q: Can you talk about (wide receiver Sterling) Shepard? You've only had him for two years, but can you just talk about what he's brought to the locker room and how he potentially closed out his career?
A: Good teammate, has a lot of energy. He's been here for a bit. This is the only team he's played for. This is an important organization to him, but I will just say he's a really good person and a good father. I've got a lot of respect for Shep and towards the end there, we were trying to get him bumped up there, gave him a look pass and I told him younger Shep might have made that guy miss and run in, but it was good.
Q: I know obviously the final record is not where you want it, but how important is it for the big picture to finish strong and get a win against the Eagles at the end for everything you're looking to establish?
A: I mean, one year is so different than the next. I'm just going to enjoy this one here. We were 3-3 in the division. I thought we got off to a really good start in the first half and played a physical game, made some explosive plays, played complementary football. So, I'm just happy for the guys right now. It's a long time between now and the next season, as you all know, so just enjoy this one and proud of the way the guys competed and fought and ultimately made more plays.
Q: There's a lot of decisions to be made in the off season, with (running back) Saquon (Barkley) being one of them. Can you speak on his day-to-day and if this was potentially his last go-around?
A: There's so much time between now and next season. All speculation.
Q: But his night tonight.
A: He made a nice play down the sideline. I thought (quarterback Tyrod Tayor) Ty found him. Nice play call, kind of motioned him out and empty, ran a rail route, did a nice job on a checkdown. You know, got him involved in the red zone, made some nice plays. So, it was good.
Q: I know you try not to have regrets; you play the players that are healthy and out there, but do you ever have a moment to say what the season could have been if Tyrod didn't get hurt in that Jet game and didn't miss the time he had?
A: No, we just play the guys that are ready to go. Look, we had some close ones. Again, didn't end the way we wanted to end, but very proud of the guys and the way they competed, particularly this last whole stretch of the way they competed. I was really proud of them.
Q: Talk about Tyrod's performance today.
A: I think he has started 58 games and last week was his second 300-yard game in his career. Did he get one tonight?
Q: Four yards short.
A: He had one last week, I thought he did some good stuff this week, so a true pro.
Q: (Tight end Darren) Waller got banged up a little bit.
A: Yeah, a lot of guys got banged up throughout the game.
Q: And he came back in. Sometimes, a veteran doesn't come back in.
A: Give me an example.
Q: I mean, just in general sometimes guys - they choose not to play at the end. You're not playing for the playoffs or anything. The fact that he did, is that what you want to see as a coach?
A: I don't have a lot of experiences with that in 25 years, but I mean, I'm sure there's some, but we're pros, so go out there and compete and do everything you can do to try to win a game.
Q: (Linebacker) Bobby Okereke had that leap on the push. Is that something that is coached or talked about? (former Giants linebacker) Carl Banks earlier in the week had talked about what he would have done.
A: I think he thought he moved the ball a little bit, so we took a chance on it.
Q: Can you talk a little bit about (wide receiver) Wan'Dale (Robinson) and the way he has ended the season?
A: He's finally getting healthy. I mean, really healthy. So, he's got quickness, speed, good with the ball in his hands. I've said that plenty of times, I know earlier in the season, maybe not as productive, but I think that was a result of him fighting through and his knee and that's a tough thing to do when you're a skill player that relies on quickness and speed and explosiveness. I'm sure happy we have him. I think he's going to be a good player for us. He's a great teammate. Glad we got him.
Q: When you look across at the other sideline and you see the Eagles and you see all the talent they have, are you kind of scratching your head going, why are they struggling so much down the stretch?
A: I'm just focused on the Giants. Thought our guys competed and practiced well. I mean, they've done that in this whole back half here. It's good to end off on a win.
Q: Can you talk about the job the coordinators did today? It looked like they emptied the playbook.
A: Yeah, I mean, they try to do that every week. It's what you try to do, put your guys in good position, go out there and compete to try to win a game.
Q: You had a shift on the offensive line today.
A: One more time.
*Q: You had a shift on the offensive line today with (center John Michael) Schmitz Jr. being out. Talk about those guys like (tackle Matt) Peart who had to come in there. *
A: We've done that throughout the week. Worked a couple of guys out this morning and they couldn't go. I credit those guys for being able to play multiple spots, but we do it through walk-through and some at practice. That's why you kind of move guys around a little bit. (guard Mark Glowinski) Glow was a tight end for us and now he's at guard and (guard Ben) Bredeson and Peart came back and played right tackle. I thought they competed well.
Q: 4 turnovers and 5 sacks. How do you feel about the defensive performance today?
A: I'd say the team performance was good. There was some good team football in there. Got off to a fast start. I just thought it was good team football.
Q: I'm not talking about you; I'm talking about the players. How important is it or is it important for them to end this season psychologically on a high moving forward?
A: I think anytime you win, it's a good thing. Obviously, our last game of the year and certainly would like to be playing still. Again, their attitudes and the way they handle their business day in and day out in our building. I'm really proud of the guys. That's a happy locker room, as it should be.
Q: What's the next couple of days going to be like without having to prepare for a playoff game?
A: A lot of meetings.
Quarterback Tyrod Taylor
Q: So, it looked like you had fun today.
A: Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Anytime you win in this league, it's a challenge. Proud of the way the guys went out and played today, competed at a high level and we enjoyed the moment.
Q: Did you think you made a statement the last two games? You threw for what, 319 last week, 296 this week. I mean, you can be a starter, I think.
A: Yeah, I mean I definitely have all the faith and confidence in myself that I can play as a starter in this league. Yeah, I don't always control that as well and I think it's just about staying ready, being ready for the moment and taking advantage of the opportunity when it presents itself and today, as a team, we were able to do so and finish the season ultimately on a good note.
Q: I mean you threw some great balls.
A: Thank you.
Q: It was a great touch on that one to (running back) Saquon (Barkley) and (tight end Darren) Waller down the sideline.
A: Yeah, I think we talked about it last week, just trusting the guys one-on-one, down the field, giving them a chance to make a play. I have ultimate confidence in those guys, they compete at a high-level week-in and week-out. When you give guys a chance to make a play, they show what they can do.
Q: What did you think of ending the season? Was a win important today?
A: For sure. A win is always important. Anytime you're keeping score, a win is important. But to finish the season on a good note. Obviously we have no idea what the team looks like next year and that's not up to us. All we can control is this very moment and we talk each and every week about finishing strong and you take that into today's aspect, it's yeah, finish the season strong, finish each play strong and ultimately, we were able to do that against a division opponent and better our division record from last year. It's always positives to take away. Ultimately, it wasn't the season that we wanted to have but to end it on a good note against a division opponent, it feels very good.
Q: One of the things that everybody was talking about was seeing (wide receiver) Shep(ard Sterling), who probably played his final game as a Giant. What did it mean to you to get him three throws, break (former Giants tight end Jeremy) Shockey's, move past Shockey.
A: Yeah, it means everything. Shep last year dealt with some injuries, but he never let that get in the way who of he was as a person. Each and every day he came in the building, creating energy for the guys, in the midst of him dealing with trying to bounce back from an injury and even this year, maybe not having the biggest role that he may have wanted, but still supporting the guys, supporting the younger guys in the wide receiver room and still being the energy, the heartbeat for our team. We knew how many catches he needed going into this game and tried to get him a catch him there right before half, but we were able to get him a couple in the second half to be able to move him into that top five. Shep is a good friend of mine, proud of him, proud of the career that he's had here and the legacy he's going to leave and glad to be a part of it as well.
Running Back Saquon Barkley
Q: How meaningful was it to beat the Eagles in such a fashion as you did being that they've had this team's number for so long?
A: Yeah, definitely, it's a bonus when you're able to beat a division rival, but at the end of the day it's just important to finish the season how we wanted to. We didn't have the season we want, but we were able to control this last game and how we go out and we all made up in our mind that we wanted to go out on top with a win and we were able to get that.
Q: Do you think this is your last game (with the Giants)?
A: I have no idea.
Q: If it is your last game, how does a performance like this cement your legacy with this franchise?
A: I don't know. I feel like that's something that you reflect on when it's all said and done. Like I said over there in an interview with TV, I can't control that. If it is my last game, playing here, if it is, it was a fun six years. Made a lot of great memories, but it's not like the last time I'm ever playing football. I can't control that, so I'm not letting my emotions. If I knew that it was my last game, I probably would feel a little different but like I said, I have no idea.
Q: Did you feel at all different coming off the field? Did you think about it when you walked off the field?
A: [Nods no].
Q: What was it like to be out there with (Giants WR Sterling) Shep(ard)?
A: That was fun. Happy to see him end up top five (in all time Giants WR receptions). Obviously, statistically in his career is probably not what he thought it was going to be, but he battled a lot of adversity throughout his career. But he epitomizes what it means to be a Giant. That's why you see him get the love that he gets from the fans, from us. Every single day the energy he brings in, no matter if we lose, win, I've got nothing but tremendous respect for that guy and I think I can speak for the whole locker room that we all feel the same way. So just happy for him and it definitely helps the bonus to get a win to end the season.
Q: You had your arm wrapped around him as time expired or close to then. What did you say to him?
A: That's my brother, man. It's deeper than football with me and him. He's kind of like a big brother to me. We've got a lot in common, our kids are best friends. And if this is the last time playing football, that's my last time playing football with him. I think I would think about that more—going back to your question what I thought about leaving the field—more emotional, probably because that's the last time I'm going to strap it up with Sterling Shepard which that's fun. Lots of fun.
Q: You had a lot of ups, good times and bad here, but how would you describe the six-year journey so far because there has been a lot of frustration [inaudible}. It's been a roller coaster.
A: I don't know how to answer that. When I'm done playing football, we'll [inaudible]. I really don't have a great answer for that. [Inaudible]
Q: Who did you give the ball to?
A: A kid. I don't know.
Q; Oh, just a random kid?
A: Yeah, both of them.
Q: Did you treat this game any differently mentally, thinking that it possibly could be your last game?
A: The same way how I would treat it knowing obviously our season is over. Go out, try to go out with a win and come out healthy. That was the whole goal.
Q: To beat the Eagles handily, does it do something for you [inaudible] this season?
A: It definitely helps. Like I said, it's a bonus. You want to go out on top and to be able to beat a division rival, a team that's kind of had our number in recent years, definitely helps, but hopefully we can catapult this team into the right direction and get on the brighter side against our division rivals.
Q: It seemed like today there was so many different people kind of getting accomplishments today and that kind of thing. What did you think of (Giants Safety) Xavier McKinney and the two interceptions?
A: Yeah, man he's money. I don't know. It might be the Giants or whoever, he's a heck of a player, he's a heck of a leader and he deserves it for sure.
Q: What did you hear from the crowd today?
A: I think it was great, especially the love that (Giants WR Sterling) Shep(ard) was able to get. That means a lot to us as players. We go out there, we put our life and body on the line every single time we step on that field. With him being here in recent years, all of us. I don't think there's one player that hasn't had any adversity or dealt with a severe injury and he's probably dealt with two or three. For him to come back every single time and never complain and never make excuses, and just work his butt off and just lead and bring the energy and get the love that he deserves from the fans means a lot. It goes a long way and like I said, was just happy for him.
Q: How frustrating is it to not be in the playoffs and to know your season ends before the fun begins really?
A: I mean, I think it's more frustrating when you first realize you're eliminated, which was probably about two or three weeks ago. Now, you come into this game knowing that this is the last game of the year, but the beauty of it – it's not the beauty of it, it's just the nature of the NFL, that this is the last time we're going to be a locker room. No matter what. This locker room is going to be completely different. That's how it works. Through my six years, every year has been a whole new team. Obviously, we keep a lot of the key players and core players but you're going to have new players every year. So, to go out on a win with these guys is meaningful. It means a lot and I just make sure that I went around and told every single player that I'm thankful for them and it was an honor to play alongside all these guys.
Wide Receiver Sterling Shepard
Q: We talked over the week about this potentially being your last game. So, from the time you got introduced to the time the game was over, the crowd was giving you an ovation, what kind of emotions were you feeling around today?
A: Really just trying to take it all in. Like I told you guys earlier in the week, I knew that this was probably going to be my last time being in this jersey. I just wanted to take it all in with my brothers and enjoy every moment of it, and that's exactly what I did.
Q: You had said that you wanted to get into the top five of the New York Giants receiving category. You did pass former New York Giants TE Jeremy Shockey in getting to that fifth spot. How much did it mean to you?
A: Yeah, it meant a lot. I grew up watching that guy and it was a special deal being able to get it. It wasn't easy but my career hasn't been easy. So, I didn't expect it to be any other way, but it was a great feeling.
Q: (some have) said that you epitomize what it means to be a Giant. What does that mean to you?
A: It means so much, because that is the reason why I play this game, for those guys. That's what ex-players will always come back AND tell you. They'll tell you that they miss the guys and being around them and the camaraderie, and for guys to be able to compliment me that way is something, that's what I strive for. It means a lot to me.
Q: What does it mean the last couple years, coming back from injuries, to make it back onto this roster? And of course, New York Giants Head Coach Brian Daboll and his staff really showed you a lot of love over these last couple of seasons.
A: Yeah, I'm just very appreciative of the opportunities that they gave me, because they didn't really have to do that. They believed in me, and I tried to put my best foot forward every day trying to fight back from those injuries and thank God I was able to do that. Thank God that we have the coaching staff that we have and the ownership that we have. I'm very appreciative of those guys.
Safety Xavier McKinney
A: That first one was crazy. I didn't even know that I caught it until I looked. I said oh yeah, I definitely – I tried to get it, my foot down but I didn't think I got it down in time. But I got to go with that first one.
Q: The second one is all instincts, right? Is it something you saw on tape?
A: Yeah, so the second one was just instincts. I knew who I was – we were in cover one, I knew who I was aligned on and then once I saw him just go directly out, I figured that they were running a screen, so it was just an instincts play.
Q: So, you've got your buddy over there saying pay that man. Do you agree?
A: I definitely agree. I definitely agree, but we'll see what happens and go from there.
Q: You had statistically, if you look at the nitty gritty of PFF, this was your best year, and you know it obviously. So, what kind of statement did you make in your contract year about yourself as a player?
A: Yeah, I think that's crazy because like I didn't really think it was my best year but if that's what they said, then that's what they said, but to be honest I don't think I've touched – scratched the surface of who I am as a player. I think I could've been a lot better this year in a lot of different areas, but I think the best is yet to come for me.
Q: I don't think you should say that it wasn't your best year in negotiations.
A: No, no not in negotiations, not for sure.
Q: Do you want to come back?
A: I mean, I can't really – I can tell you, but I can't really control nothing. It's a business at the end of the day, so I just got to be where my feet are, be present and that's really about it.

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