Head Coach Joe Judge
Opening Statement: Appreciate your patience waiting. I'm always a little bit slow to the podium after games, I talk to a few players. But look, overall, I'm proud of how our team competed for 60 minutes today. We talked about it on the front end, there's things we had to do and play our style of ball. Sometimes you've got to make it a little bit grimey, but that's the way we've got to play sometimes. But I'm proud of the way they played and I'm proud of the guys. They get to see some tangible results for their work, and they've been working hard.
Q: What did you find out about your team today?
A: Well, I think we all found out that when we put ourselves in position and don't shoot ourselves in the foot that the results will come and happen. I already knew they were a resilient group, I knew they were a tough group, a mentally tough group. I'm just proud they were able to get the win today and that their work was rewarded. But there were a lot of things that were just confirmed that we already knew about these guys – they had good energy, they stayed together on the sideline, and every game you're going to have some kind of a storm and you've got to fight through the storm. You see with our guys when that kicks up, they stay together, they have good communication on the sideline, there's good energy, they support each other. I'm proud of the way they stick together.
Q: Until you get the first one, you don't have the first one. I know you don't like to internalize and take things personally, but this is your first win as a head coach. What did it mean to you? What was the locker room like? And now that you finally got it in the sixth week, is it a relief?
A: You know what, the locker room obviously had a lot of energy afterwards. The guys were very happy. There's been a lot of pressure that they've put on themselves and that we put on them. They've been fighting hard for six weeks and working through training camp for us. You hit this point right here and you just want to get the results. And I'm happy the fans were able to have it and I'm happy the players were able to enjoy it today.
Q: Did the head coach enjoy it, Joe?
A: Yeah, I did. I'm sure I'll turn the tape on and – look, I tell you guys all the time, I'm not just saying this – win or lose, there's good things to highlight and there's things you've got to improve on and highlight to your team that we've got to make sure the other teams are watching and aware of as well. Right now, I'm going to look at this tape tonight and kind of make any corrections we need to, and then we've got to turn the page quickly and get on to Philly.
Q: As Washington is driving, are you guys thinking that if they score a touchdown that they're going to go for two? Were you surprised that [Washington Head Coach] Ron [Rivera] decided to do that? And what did you see on the play from your defense that stood out and stopped it?
A: You know what, I was actually expecting them to go for two. They've been aggressive in a lot of situations this year, Ron's always been aggressive as a head coach. You're on the road, a lot of times that's the decision you're going to make right there. We knew they were going to treat those last couple series like they were their last series and they were going to try to get this thing all the way down and clock. I thought [Defensive Coordinator] Pat [Graham] made a great call on the two-point conversion, that's actually a call we put in this week. I thought the guys matched it and played it very well. We got some pressure from the line. I saw the DB's did a good job getting the initial coverage. They were trying to work [Washington WR Terry] McLaurin on kind of a hesitation and work out to the flat right there. I think it was [DB] Logan [Ryan] on him at that point right there and did a good job covering him. But it was a call Pat put in this week. The guys did a really good job working that on Friday, really improving on some things that we put on tape in practice that were mistakes, cleaned it up through Saturday, and, hey, practice execution becomes game reality.
Q: With the call, [Defensive Lineman] Dexter [Lawrence] and [Linebacker] Blake [Martinez] both ended up finishing it. Did they both have flat responsibility or how did that play out?
A: Roughly, it's a combo call right there where, in terms of that flat responsibility based on the way the play comes out, different guys can take it, so it's kind of a different hybrid of a zone right there for us. But both guys did a good job breaking on it.
Q: What was your take on the [Linebacker Kyler] Fackrell fumble and then [Linebacker] Tae [Crowder] scooping it up and scoring?
A: Yeah, I wish Tae would've bent his knees a little better and taken it cleaner off, but I'm glad the second time through he got it and finished it on out. But it was a nice job of the guys putting pressure on it. We've been preaching for a while to keep the pressure on the quarterback and turnovers will come. They did today and Tae did a good job of finishing the play. We've just got to make sure we don't kick that thing initially and give him an opportunity to get on that ball.
Q: I know that they brought [Wide Receiver] C.J. [Board] to the hospital. Have you heard anything back from there yet?
A: I'm going to wait on the official diagnosis. The one thing I can say good news-wise, even on the field he was moving, he was conscious, he was responding, he had feeling, he had movement in all of his extremities. They obviously had to have some precautions with what they were doing. I'll let the doctors diagnose exactly what it is, but the feedback I was given just now was pretty positive overall, so that was a relief.
Q: What went into the decision to start Matt Peart at left tackle and then rotate him and Andrew Thomas? And then what did you think of the play of both?
A: I'll address this right now and I want to make clear, this wasn't performance based at all. I'm not going to go too far into detail, but what I will say is Andrew violated team policy. There was nothing disobedient, disrespectful or malicious in what he did, but he made a mistake and there's consequences for mistakes. We've got to make sure that we go ahead and we handle that the right way. That being said, I thought that Andrew did a really good job of accepting it, staying ready, performing when he got in the game. Matt – you know, we always preach 'be ready to play' – his number was called, he was ready to go early and right away. Thought both guys fought and played well when they were in the game. I'll look at the tape for the specifics on different things that came up, but that's all that was right there. In terms of how we're playing everybody going forward, I say it all the time and it's not just something I say, but we plan on playing everybody we take to the game every week, so that's the linemen, that's the skill players, that's everyone across the board right there. Everyone has some kind of role going into the game. I'm glad Matt was ready and I'm proud of how Andrew responded to it, he was very mature about it, came in early and competed well. Again, I'll emphasize it's important that everyone understands he didn't do anything disrespectful, anything malicious or disobedient, but he made a mistake and mistakes have consequences.
Q: You had a lot of guys today who played through a lot it seemed, like Blake Martinez, [Safety] Jabrill [Peppers], [Wide Receiver] Darius Slayton, Dexter Lawrence. What kind of example does that set? Does that have a significant positive effect on a team in-game?
A: I just think that's the expectation really for our team. It's not always going to be easy, you're going to be banged up, you're going to be bruised. We have a lot of tough dudes on our team, physically and mentally tough, and I think what you saw today was a combination of both that from our team. There are a lot of guys that are playing through physical ailments. The reality is there's not a single player in the league right now that's 100 percent. Everybody's banged up, everybody's fatigued, everybody's tired, that's just the nature of what we're doing right now. You know, football is a collision game, it just is what it is. We're going to try and see if we can't get those guys' bodies back as fast as we can and flip it over and lead into Philly on Thursday night. But, yeah, we definitely had a lot of tough guys out there gritting it though and doing everything they could for the team – spatting up ankles, shaking things off and coming back as fast as they can.
Q: Just kind of curious what was going through your mind toward the end of the game when you're on the sideline, the victory is assured, you're hugging guys, clearly emotional based on the first win. Did you think about your dad at all afterwards since he's had such a big influence on your life?
A: On the sideline, no. With a couple text messages I received when I went to my locker, yes. The short answer to your question is yes, I did. That's obviously a big part of a lot of things that I do, but really the emotion on the sideline was just joy for the players. To see them smiling, to see them rewarded for their hard work, that's really what you play for. You really want to teach someone and when you see somebody carry out what you teached them and have success with it, that's really the reward in our profession.
Q: How big is it when you can get a guy like Darius Slayton involved early like you did on that touchdown pass?
A: I think anytime you can go ahead and make plays early in a game to go ahead and give yourselves a little bit of a lead and an edge, that's always big. We always try to get Darius involved as much as we can, along with all of our other skill players. I just think [Offensive Coordinator] Jason [Garrett] made a great call right there, [QB] Daniel [Jones] made a great throw and Darius made a great catch. All three of them strung it together, they couldn't do it without the offensive line blocking, the other guys running their routes and occupying the other defenders. They strung it together, but I thought Jason made a great call at a great time and the players went out there and they executed.
Q: You keep talking about the players' feelings, what everyone else was thinking and how they might have responded to the victory. How would you describe what you were feeling after your first win? Is it relief, is it joy? How do you view it when the game ends there?
A: I don't know the exact word to describe it right there. To be honest with you, not just trying to deflect things, but I try not to make things internal. When the players lose, I feel bad for the players. When they win, I'm happy for the players. When something goes wrong, our first reaction is, 'What did I screw up? What could I have done better to help put this guy in a position to have success?' You're kind of happy when you get the results that you want, that maybe you didn't too many things to hurt the players and you gave them an opportunity to go out there, play and win the game, which they did today. Look, I'll kind of sit back someday far in the future and think about internal things. I don't think it's even close to time right now for that, it was one game and we've got another one shortly.
Q: You mentioned 'tangible results, it's good for players to see tangible results.' Obviously when you say that, how important do you think that it was for them to see those results? If you keep losing, it's hard if you keep preaching certain things and not actually see the results there in regard to wins.
A: The one thing I'll say about our players in that regard is they haven't blinked. They've gone through six weeks before today and they show up every Monday to get the corrections, they come in every Wednesday to start on the next opponent and they've done a tremendous job. They don't blink, they stay focused on the next opponent at hand, they work tirelessly. The appreciation we as coaches have for our players' work is tough to put into words. You understand when it's tough, when they're going through a streak, when there's a lot of noise on the outside that we ask them to stay focused on what's ahead of them. We know they're getting it from all directions, but they come to work, they don't complain, they do whatever we ask them to, that's just the way it is. We've got a good group of guys, they're tough, they're fun to coach and I'm glad they had success today.
Q: How much of a weapon has Daniel's ability to run become for this offense? Obviously, he had that long run and I'm just curious what you saw in that. In general, how valuable has it been to add that element to this offense?
A: I think it's something he definitely does as a strength and Jason has done a good job incorporating that into our offense. It's something that we always carry, we always have available. Our offensive coaching staff does a good job communicating on the sidelines and through the headsets of seeing what's available and what we can come back and kind of make a change or an adjustment in the game plan on. Daniel had his number called and he made the most of it right there.
Q: You obviously can't really celebrate this one for too long, you have a quick turnaround. What was kind of the message to the team even though you just won turning your attention to Philly obviously?
A: Kind of just typical locker room joy after the game and then just remind them, 'Hey, it's Wednesday night, guys.' In Philly week, it's Wednesday night right now. We've got to turn around, get our bodies right, we've got to get focused, we've got to come back in ready to work and then we'll get a little bit of a break on the back end, but we've got to get ready to grind on through these next few days.
Quarterback Daniel Jones
Q: How much of a relief is it to win a game?
A: It's exciting to get the result. We feel like we've battled in all these games and been close, and to finally get the result now is a rewarding feeling. Got to build on it going forward and learn from the things we didn't do well and build on the things we did do well.
Q: What's your message to your team now as you go forward following the first win of the year?
A: Just to build on it. Like all of these games, there's things we didn't do well, there's things we did do well. The approach is to build on the good and correct the bad. Today, it was good to get the result, to do enough to get the win. We know we got to keep improving and keep moving forward as a team. I think guys understand that, and that's how we're going to build on this one and keep it going.
Q: Could you describe the emotions in the locker room, especially for Coach Judge getting his first win for you guys? Obviously the first five weeks didn't end how you wanted it to.
A: It was an exciting moment in the locker room with everyone and like I said, we battled these first five weeks, hadn't gotten the result we all hoped for so to get it was thrilling and it was Coach's first win so it was a lot of fun to do that. We were able to give him the game ball and rightfully so, he deserves it.
Q: How did Andrew Thomas respond to his benching and as a Captain, did you have to say anything to him about it before or during the game?
A: I thought he did well, and it's something he'll learn from. As teammates, we support him, and I thought he did a good job. He's a mature guy, he's a guy who can step up and he stepped in and played well when he got back out there. Certainly, have all the confidence in the world with him, and our job is to support him, and I thought he played well.
Q: And on the flip side with Matt Peart, how comfortable were you with someone who hasn't played much on your blindside?
A: He did a great job for us. Matt is a guy who has come in here and improved every day. He's a guy who has a great approach to the game, and to his work, and certainly has a lot of talent too. He played big for us today, and we all certainly have a lot of confidence in him.
Q: What happened on the interception, and did you think it would get overturned?
A: Just throwing the ball away, didn't get enough on it out of the back of the endzone. Got to make that decision sooner and get the ball out. I thought there was a chance it would be overturned after seeing it but can't afford to make those mistakes.
Q: Were you the guy who gave Joe the game ball? It's usually the quarterback is the one who does that in the locker room.
A: Yeah, I gave him the game ball. He was quickly dumped with Gatorade. A lot of people played a part in that celebration. It was a good, it was a fun moment there after the game.
Q: Were you able to get out of the pocket before you got too wet?
A: Yeah, I didn't get any Gatorade on me.
Q: At one point when Darius limped off with the injury there, you had two healthy receivers. How hard is it to run an offense when you have so many playmakers that are banged up?
A: It certainly makes it tougher. We have to adjust when things like that happen. I thought we did a good job. There's ways we can get in different personnel groupings. We certainly have enough players who can get out there. Smart guys who can play different positions if they need to. I felt good about that and I thought guys stepped up and we were able to execute even then.
Q: You did get the win but that was a costly interception near the end. Was there anything, message wise, that you said to Tae? He picks you up there. What is your level of concern that these things keep happening?
A: Big play by Tae (Crowder). Like I said, you can't afford to make those mistakes in the red zone. Have to do a better job throwing the ball away.
Q: Six weeks into the season, you finally get your first win. How much was it a weight off your guys shoulders?
A: Like I said, we've battled these first five weeks and haven't gotten the results. An extremely rewarding feeling today to get that result. We're going to improve on the things we didn't do as well. There's certainly aspects of the game that we'll look at and build off the good. That's the challenge moving forward, to build off it going forward.
Linebacker Tae Crowder
Q: Walk us through the fumble recovery, what you're thinking when you see the ball lying on the ground there, and how the play developed in your mind.
A: I have to say big ups to my teammate Kyler Fackrell for making a big play, a strip-sack on the quarterback and I was in the right place at the right time. Just trying to make a play for my team.
Q: A lot of guys who are picked last in the draft and you get that tag "Mr. Irrelevant", they don't do anything in the NFL, they never make a team, they never even make a play, what has your mindset been ever since you got slapped with that tag to get to this point where you're making this huge play?
A: I took it as motivation. I love the name, I just wanted to get here, get to work with my team. One of my goals for this year was to help the team in any way I can. I thank God for coming to work each day and going to work with my team
Q: You see the block from Cam (Brown) as you were getting close to the goal line?
A: Yes sir I did.
Q: What'd you think of that?
A: After the game, I told him that was great effort. It was just a great play from the defense as a whole.
Q: Do you think you would've made it without that block?
A: I think he gave me a great block, I'll take that.
Q: What'd you do with the football, you still have it?
A: I gave it to the equipment managers, we'll see what goes on next.
Q: Tae, instinctively when you see that ball, it looked like you may have kicked it at first, do you have the instincts to pick it up again, or were you thinking about diving on it, end the play and give it back to our offense?
A: I wanted to dive on it bad. Like I said, one of my goals was to help the team and I knew if I could scoop it up and get in the endzone it would help the team, and it was something we needed at the moment.
Q: Did Coach Judge actually come up to you after the game and critique the play? He joked with us, or at least I thought he was joking that you should've bent the knees more the first time.
A: After the game, as a team, he congratulated all of us for coming out and never giving up. And coming back each week, after the adversity we faced, and we're thankful that it paid off today.
Q: You crossed the goal line with three minutes left in a tied game at that time for your first career touchdown, what do you think about after you crossed that goal line?
A: The defense scores, we go back on the field. I got in the endzone, like I said, we were ready to get back on the field. We knew we had to keep making plays. It was a next play mentality.
Q: You never thought, "Wow I just got to score in an NFL game" or anything like that?
A: No, we still had a lot of game to play. Right now, I can soak it in, I'm thankful we got the win today. But at the time, it was next play mentality.
Q: When was the last time you scored a touchdown?
A: In college maybe.
Q: You talked about the mentality of coming back out when the defense scores, and then they came down and scored a touchdown, how hard was it to get things back together there?
A: Big ups to Washington. They came and played a hell of a game. Like I said, we have faced adversity the whole season, so it was next play mentality. We had to stop them on the two point, we got a great stop, and it paid off.
Q: Were you in coverage on the two point conversion?
A: No I wasn't.
Cornerback James Bradberry
Q: Coach Judge told us the scheme that you played on the two-point conversion was only installed on Friday and sort of polished up on Saturday. How did that come about, I guess? Were you surprised that such a new play was called at such an important spot?
A: It was a new play, but it was similar to another play that we had. For me, my job, it was easy to learn so it wasn't difficult for me. We have smart guys on our defense. Anytime the coaches come in and give us a new play, something to install, I would say it's later in the week, I feel like we can obtain it and be able to adjust and execute.
Q: Confidence was high on that two-point conversion? Did you know it was a play you had to run?
A: For sure. We didn't want to lose at that point.
Q: How big is it for this defense and for your morale to make a play that put you guys ahead with the fumble return for the touchdown? Then made the play that slammed the door shut with the two-point conversion.
A: It was a huge play. Any time you can come out there and get a forced fumble and then get a touchdown. Any time your defense can score, it's a big momentum swing for your whole team. We needed that at the moment. I'm glad that we made that play.
Q: Take me through the interception. Were you surprised that they kind of threw it right at you?
A: Yeah, I was surprised. I just wanted to make sure I didn't drop it. That's kind of why I double caught it. We were in a cover three zone and pretty much took my drop and I was in the right place at the right time.
Q: Back to the two-point conversion. I know you said you kind of had the easy job. Who had the most difficult job in that spot? I assume it had something to do with Dexter Lawrence having to track down that running quarterback?
A: Yeah, any time you have a mobile quarterback that can get out the pocket, it definitely puts stress on the linemen and also on the DB's. Dex, I feel like he is a great pass rusher, a great defensive lineman. Any time you have a quarterback that's going to get out of the pocket, I feel like he is going to run him down.
Q: Did you even see that play develop or were you in coverage?
A: No sir, I was in coverage. I was guarding my man, I kept my eyes on my man.
Q: You would take Dex over a running quarterback in this league?
A: Yup, yessir.
Q: Did anybody stand up there and say anything, give coach a game ball or something like that in the locker room? Was it special for you guys to see him get his first win?
A: Yeah, it was definitely special to see him get his first win. It was also my first win as a Giant, so that felt special as well. Of course, we might have poured a little water on a little bit just to celebrate. We were just happy to get the win. There was a lot of celebration going on in there. It was a happy moment.
Defensive Lineman Leonard Williams
Q: What was the locker room like after the big win?
A: It was obviously exciting. We finally got our win. We've been working hard and finally got to see some of the fruits of our labor. It was obviously an ugly win, though. We obviously wanted to do a lot better. There's still some football out there that we have to clean up. With a short week, we don't have a lot of time to watch the film, but I think guys are going to try to take ownership and watch on their own to see what we can clean up.
Q: What did you see on the fumble recovery for the touchdown both from [Linebacker] Kyler [Fackrell] on the sack and then for [Linebacker] Tae Crowder, a guy who was the last pick in the draft, 'Mr. Irrelevant,' to score that game-winning touchdown?
A: It's funny that you call him 'Mr. Irrelevant' because he's been doing a lot for us. I think since he came in, he's been the quiet guy just working hard and he slowly has worked his way up to playing with the defense. He's built his trust up with his teammates and he went out there and made a huge play today, and it was possibly the deciding factor of the game. That late in the game when it was that tight, we needed a huge play and the defense delivered. It was huge for him to not just dive on that ball and be okay with that, he picked it up and made a big play and we needed it.
Q: How about the way your 342-pound lineman Dexter Lawrence motored to stop that two-point conversion?
A: I mean, that was a big play, too. Someone that big, I'd be kind of hesitant to take a hit from, a guy like that. It got the ball off of him and he didn't have enough time to find an open receiver. He and [LB] Blake [Martinez] hit him pretty hard, so it was nice.
Q: After they scored, are you ready to sit down and see the extra point or did you expect them going for two?
A: I didn't expect them to go for two, but we practice a lot of situations with [Head] Coach [Joe] Judge, so we kind of have to be prepared for a lot of different situations. I wasn't quickly running off the field after they scored a touchdown, I was still kind of sitting on the field until I saw what situation was about to happen. They ended up going for two and it paid off for us, and we kind of needed that.
Q: You guys before halftime have struggled a little bit containing the other offense. What do you think has been the biggest issue there and how much of a point of discussion has that been on something you guys need to improve?
A: Looking at defense first, that has been one of our issues so far, giving up points at the end of the half. It's definitely something that we need to work on. Going into the half with that extra seven points would've been better and it's something that we need to work on.
Q: I'm curious if you guys have even thought about it yet, but you have one win and the leader of your division only has two wins at this point. What does that say to you and how much do guys realize that?
A: I mean, I don't know how much the team talks about it, but it's definitely something that's running through my head a lot. Even before we got this win today, I'd seen that the Cowboys were leading in our division and they only had two wins, and it made me feel happy and feel confident that everything is still in front of us still. Even when we had no wins under our belt at the time, it still gave us some hope going forward knowing that was the case.
Q: Is it special for you guys to get that first win, not just for you guys as a team, but for your coach since it was his first win ever as a head coach?
A: I mean, it was special. It's not like we won the playoffs, we still have a lot of work to do. No bragging rights or anything like that. You know, we've been working really hard through camp, we've been working really hard through the beginning of the season and we finally got that win under our belt. It was nice to see guys smiling in the locker room after putting in that much hard work. We kind of got tired of going into the locker room and seeing sad faces in the locker room. It goes to show everyone was happy for Coach Judge.
Q: Do you think this team is better than its record of 1-5? And do you think this win could serve as a springboard for the rest of the year?
A: That's a good question. I absolutely think that we're better than what our record shows. I've been on teams where we've gone 0-4, 0-5 in the beginning of the season and you can feel guys hanging their heads, you can feel guys giving up on the team and there's a lot of division on a team with that. And I think even though we've been not winning as much as wanted to in the beginning of the season, we've been really tight in these games and guys are having each other's backs and working hard. People are still coming to work every day expecting to win and I think that shows a lot of the type of guys that we have on this team. It makes me happy to be here.
Wide Receiver Darius Slayton
Q: I was just kind of curious about your reaction to the team hanging in there. With some good things happening early and then scuffling late and coming out with the win. What does that say to the resourcefulness of your team?
A: It was indicative of football, that's what football is. You have good moments, you have low moments. You have things that go your way, you have things that don't go your way. I think the fact that we were able to hang in there and be able to pull out the W says a tremendous amount about our team. We're trending in the right direction.
Q: What was the reaction in the locker room with Coach Judge getting his first win? One of your teammates said you poured some water over him?
A: Yea, there was a little bit of water thrown around. Just excited man, since Coach Judge got here, he's put in a lot of work. He's had us put in a lot of work and we know that we've worked hard and we deserve to win. Just happy to be able to get this first win for him and also for our team.
Q: What did you see on Daniel's 59-yard run? How much of a weapon has it been to be able have him do things like that? I don't know how many people outside your locker room realize he was that athletic before this season.
A: I knew he could run. I thought it was Daniel Jackson there for a second. He stretched out a good bit. It's definitely huge having his ability to run to keep defenses off balance. It was a tremendous play by him.
Q: You guys are in a division where the division leader only has two wins, which I'm sure you are aware of. How much is that in your mind going into today, especially now going into next week now that you got that first win?
A: You say you are 0-5 or whatever, some people fall off the bandwagon or whatever you want to call it. Like you just sad, our division leader only has two wins so we're right there in it. We just have to keep fighting, keep on stacking these wins.
Q: I don't know if you were on the field when C.J. Board got hurt. What did you see? How scary is that moment to then have to go back and play football right again after seeing your teammate like that? Have you been able to hear anything from him or about him yet?
A: I was on the field. I was running a route so I didn't see the collision, but I heard the collision. I knew it was a good hit. Obviously, I looked over there and I saw him. Obviously, the first thing I did was a I prayed for him, continue to pray for him. They said nothing was wrong with his neck, nothing wrong with his spine, just concussed. I wouldn't even want that to be wrong with him but fortunate that he's alert, he's okay. They said I believe he'll be able to go home tonight. Obviously, stuff like that is a little unnerving. At the end of the day, at that point, you're kind of almost playing, not in their memory, he didn't die. You're kind of playing for that person to some degree.
Q: How badly did this team need the victory?
A: I think we just wanted it badly more so than anything. I think we've played some good football in previous weeks, we just haven't been able to close out a win. I know we were hungry, I know we were ready, we were poised to win. We were able to get it done today.
Q: Is it a relief to have that first win now? Get that out the way so people don't sit there and harp on it with you?
A: To some degree yes. At the end of the day winning is always a good feeling whether you're 10-0 or 0-10.
Q: Where do you go from here as a team? Does a win like this change the way you come in to work? Does it change your confidence level? How much does that make it easier to try to achieve your goals?
A: I definitely think it breathes life into the locker room, it breathes life into the building. Just brings an overall good feeling into the building. Hopefully, we'll be able to carry that building throughout the rest of this week as we get ready for Philly.
View photos from the Week 6 matchup between the Giants and Washington at MetLife Stadium.

2021: DL Leonard Williams (No. 84)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) looks to pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) throws a pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team, Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) throws a pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

CB James Bradberry finished with three tackles (one solo), one pass breakup and one interception.

Washington Football Team's Kyle Allen (8) throws a pass away from New York Giants' Dalvin Tomlinson (94) during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Bill Kostroun)

New York Giants' Graham Gano (5) kicks a field goal during the first half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team, Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants cornerback James Bradberry (24) celebrates with teammates after making an interception during the first half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team, Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants' Darius Slayton catches a pass for a touchdown in front of Washington Football Team's Fabian Moreau (25) and Kendall Fuller (29) during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants cornerback James Bradberry (24) celebrates with teammates after making an interception during the first half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Washington Football Team's Landon Collins (26) and Jon Bostic (53) force New York Giants' Dion Lewis (33) out of bounds during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

The New York Giants play the Washington Football Team during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants' Graham Gano celebrates with Riley Dixon (9) after kicking a field goal during the first half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants' Darius Slayton (86) celebrates with teammates after scoring a touchdown during the first half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants' Leonard Williams (99) and Dalvin Tomlinson (94) tackle Washington Football Team's J.D. McKissic (41) during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants' Daniel Jones (8) rushes during the first half of an NFL football game as Washington Football Team's Jimmy Moreland (20) and Cole Holcomb (55) chase him Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants' Leonard Williams (99) and Dalvin Tomlinson (94) tackle Washington Football Team's J.D. McKissic (41) during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Washington Football Team's J.D. McKissic (41) rushes as New York Giants' Jabrill Peppers (21) and Blake Martinez (54) close in during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants' Daniel Jones (8) runs away from Washington Football Team's Landon Collins (26) during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) rushes past Washington Football Team's Chase Young (99) and Jonathan Allen (93) during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants' Dexter Lawrence (97) tackles Washington Football Team's J.D. McKissic (41) during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Bill Kostroun)

New York Giants cornerback James Bradberry (24) runs back an interception during the first half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team, Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) throws a pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Washington Football Team offensive guard Wes Schweitzer (71) blocks New York Giants' Dexter Lawrence (97) as quarterback Kyle Allen (8) throws a pass during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) in action during an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team, Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Adam Hunger)

Washington Football Team offensive guard Wes Schweitzer (71) blocks New York Giants' Dexter Lawrence (97) as quarterback Kyle Allen (8) throws a pass during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants' Daniel Jones (8) runs away from Washington Football Team's Landon Collins (26) during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants cornerback James Bradberry (24) intercepts Washington Football Team quarterback Kyle Allen (8) during an NFL football game, Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Adam Hunger)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) in action during an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team, Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Adam Hunger)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) in action during an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team, Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Adam Hunger)

New York Giants' Logan Ryan (23) sacks Washington Football Team's Kyle Allen (8) during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Washington Football Team quarterback Kyle Allen (8) looks to pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the New York Giants Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Washington Football Team's Logan Thomas (82) is tackled by New York Giants' Tae Crowder (48), Logan Ryan (23) and Blake Martinez (54) during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants' Daniel Jones (8) hands off to Devonta Freeman (31) during the second half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) is hit by Washington Football Team's Deshazor Everett (22) and Cole Holcomb (55) during the second half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) reacts after a play during the second half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Washington Football Team's Kyle Allen (8) throws a pass away from New York Giants' Blake Martinez (54) during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants' Darius Slayton (86) gestures to the referee during the first half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants' Daniel Jones (8) throws a pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants' Devonta Freeman (31) rushes during the second half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) throws a pass during the second half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Bill Kostroun)

Washington Football Team quarterback Kyle Allen (8) loses control of the ball during the second half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. New York Giants linebacker Tae Crowder (48) recovered the ball and scored a touchdown on the play. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones (8) throws a pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the Washington Football Team Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Bill Kostroun)

Washington Football Team quarterback Kyle Allen (8) loses control of the ball during the second half of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, in East Rutherford, N.J. New York Giants linebacker Tae Crowder (48) recovered the ball and scored a touchdown on the play. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

LB Tae Crowder finished second on the team with 10 tackles (six solo), and one fumble recovery which he returned 43 yards for the game-winning touchdown.

LB Tae Crowder finished second on the team with 10 tackles (six solo), and one fumble recovery which he returned 43 yards for the game-winning touchdown.

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