During team OTA's, Offensive Line Coach Pat Flaherty met with the media to update the team's progress:*
Q: How has Justin Pugh taken to life in the NFL?
A: Fine. He's working extremely hard. He comes to work everyday. He's still finding some things out about the NFL, which he will continue to do for a long time. But he's conscientious, he gives good effort. He's guy that wants to learn football, wants to learn the techniques of the NFL as much as anyone.
Q: Are the veterans making him bring in deliveries?
A: I don't pay much attention to that. That's up to those guys. He knows this. He knows his job and what he has to do in terms of on the field and also off the field in that room. So if they have to remind him, then I don't think they'll be very kind in reminding him about those things.
Q: Do you expect David Baas and Chris Snee to be ready to go by training camp?
A: I'm not concerned about it. I think they're going to be ready. They're out there. They're doing what they can do on the field right now. In the classroom they're doing everything they need to do. They're focused. They've seen all of the cutups. They've actually done extra work in the classroom when they couldn't be on the field. I anticipate them being ready for training camp.
Q: How much progress has James Brewer made?
A: James has an opportunity here in the OTAs to get a lot of reps. He's getting the most reps of anybody because we have him at right guard and then swing him back to right tackle because David Diehl is limited with the amount of reps he can do right now. That's helping him and he has some good days and he has some bad days. So right now we have to get more good days than bad days.
Q: How many open spots are there that guys are competing for starting jobs right now?
A: There's a lot of open spots. You have William Beatty back at left tackle and Kevin Boothe at left guard and David Baas and Chris Snee have been injured and David Diehl is limited along with Kevin Boothe. So you have really four spots there that guys are in and out and this gives an opportunity for the younger guys to step up and see if they can take the bull by the horn. In the long run, it will be nothing but really secured at most positions.
Q: What's the key to getting the Giants back to a dominant power running game?
A: We have to get everybody working together. We have to look to the tight end to be able to block different types of concepts. In the run game, we have to get the backs to mesh with the offensive line and we have to get the offensive line to come off the ball and sustain the blocks. If we're able to do that, we'll be better in 2013 than we were in 2012.
Q: Do you see a lot of progress from Matt McCants and Brandon Mosley?
A: They are progressing in the OTAs and each day they progress, but they're still behind because… Matt was able to get some work in on the practice squad last year and Brandon missed the whole training camp with surgery and everything. So he's really more or less still a rookie. But I see some good things out of both of those guys. As we do with most people on the offensive line… being able to be versatile and play multiple positions… We have Matt working at center and both guards and Brandon working at tackle and guard. Right now it's hard on them, difficult because they have to be able to play both positions but they're settling in with techniques getting a little bit better and they seem like they're learning the offense very well.
