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Watch Giants postgame reactions

Head Coach Pat Shurmur

RE: Game Summary

Yeah, that was quite a game. To play it, I meant there's many things to talk about. I'll just field your questions, but, disappointed for our team, the way we played. We played hard. We played tough. We played the way that I know that our team is, so for the record, our team is tough, they play hard and I've got no issues with the way they play. Again, we've still got some things we've got to clean up and play better, but we'll get that fixed as we go. We'll deal with the disappointment quickly and then we'll get right back to work being we've got a game on Thursday.

RE: Unnecessary roughness call

Listen, I'm not going to talk about calls. What I am going to say is what I saw was a guy going for the ball, making an effort. I think he touched the ball if I'm not mistaken. I saw that with my own eyes. So a guy is making a play on the ball with no attempt to target the receiver, so that's how I saw it. I'm sure somebody will see it in slow mo HD and somebody will tell me what they think.

RE: Saquon Barkley injury

He's fine. He's moving around. He's fine. That was a good play on his part.

RE: Worried at the end with 1:08 left

No, we've got to go out and play. We've got to go out and play and get them stopped. Unfortunately, they made a big kick and the score is 33-31. I wasn't worried. Let's don't got to that game where we scored with too much time. I'm not playing that bulls* game.

RE: Ball spot on play before field goal at the end of the game

We considered looking at it, but when they made it. It would have been hard. I thought we did a good job of using the time out. We had plenty of time to go down and score. Some may think we scored too fast.

RE: Lift for team on touchdown pass from Odell Beckham to Saquon Barkley

It was a big lift, particularly when you're in a tight game and you have something good that happens. It kind of jump starts your team and your emotions. I thought it was really well executed by everybody, the way we had it schemed up. The guys blocked it then the throw and the catch.

RE: Reports you were livid with Odell Beckham over his comments

Alright, listen. I'm going to answer all the drama questions right now and I'm going to go back to what I said. I addressed it with Odell. I addressed it with our team. I publicly declared that I didn't agree with his comments and I asked anybody that was interested if they wanted clarification [to] go to Odell because he's a big man. Now, I'm not going to give the public a pound of flesh on this, alright. That would make me small not strong. And these are the kind of things, in my opinion, when we have the locker room that we have that will help galvanize them because the locker room took care of it and that is all I'm saying on it. Finito. Done. Let's talk football, not drama.

RE: Beckham's response on the field by getting him involved

Sure. Like every game. Coming into this game he caught 31 passes. I wanted to get him involved and he did a good job. He fought. Some good plays, a lot of really good plays that didn't go our way.

RE: Punt return mishap

Hit him on the leg. He was down there, he was trying to get away from it. Hit him on the leg. I'm sure you saw it. He was trying to get away with it. He was trying to get away from it and signal to the gunner to get out of the way and you saw it. It hit him on the leg.

RE: Challenge inside two minutes

I don't know about that. There was nothing I could do at that point.

RE: If he thought McCaffrey got the first down

Again, we're out of control. There's really nothing you can do. You've just got to play the down.

RE: Eli Manning

He just kept fighting. He's tough. He's competitive. At one point we were ahead 31-30.

Quarterback Eli Manning

RE: Tough losses

Obviously this was a tough one, a tough one just because I'm proud of the way our team fought back from that game. There were calls and there were plays and a lot of things not going our way. The defense got a stop there and held them to a field goal at the end; we knew we needed a touchdown to go and win it and guys made some big plays. Russell Shepard on the post route; Saquon Barkley on the final one; line picking up things; everything we could do to come back from some bad plays we had in the third and fourth quarter and to get the lead there. We probably felt like we deserved to win that game and obviously to lose on a 63-yarder is tough to swallow.

RE: On the two picks to Panthers free safety Mike Adams

The second one, I just forced it. I tried to put it into a hole and just didn't get wide enough; was kind of improvising there. First one good job play action, I thought I would hold him in the box and he ran out right away on the snap and I just didn't see him. I have to do a better job of seeing him right there.

RE: Giants best game so far offensively?

There were obviously some good things. Obviously the turnovers hurt us. I can't do that; I can't put us in that situation. Obviously some big plays but we have to do better in the redzone. We settled for some field goals, too many field goals. We got into some third and long situations a few times; we have to try to do a better job. We hit some nice plays, moved the ball well and scored some points.

RE: Can you walk us through your last scoring drive

First play, hit a little slant and got us to the two minute. Second play they dropped in zone, and hit Rhett Ellison for a little stick route that got 13 or 14 yards. Then got on ball they were playing corners hit a post route to Russell Shepard, they were kind of playing their safeties low and so went over the top. Next play, they came out with a blitz and I hit Saquon Barkley in the flat, the defensive ends tried to drop and guard him man-to-man so it hit him and he did a good job of staying in bounds and getting the touchdown. It was a pretty efficient drive right there.

RE: Now having a 1-4 record, where are you mentally?

The record is what it is. You have to worry about the next game. We have a short week playing Philly and our mindset will be on that. We will have to try to bounce back from this quickly, but to build off the fight that this team has. Every game that we have played we have been right there at the end, we have had a chance to win every single one and we just have to find a way to come together as a team. Everybody step up and raise their level of playing in those final minutes, final quarter of the game and give us an opportunity to win some games.

RE: Odell Beckham Jr.'s comments being a distraction leading into the short week with Philadelphia

No, I haven't heard anything. Odell (Beckham Jr.) and I have a great relationship. Our mindset will be everybody stay focused on beating Philadelphia.

Running Back Saquon Barkley

RE: On the game

The team fought and played their butt off. Carolina fought too and it came down to the wire and they made a 63-yard field goal. That hurts, but we have to give credit to our team - from start to finish, they fought the whole game. We were down a couple times, continued to fight and found a way to get back on top.

RE: On the last touchdown

At the moment, it felt great. We wanted to go down and find a way to score and put seven on the board. We needed seven on the board. Coach, the offensive coordinator and the whole offensive staff called great plays and put us in great positions to get into the end zone. We found a way to get into the end zone. Like I said, Carolina came up with a 63-yard field goal. I don't know what else you can say about that. We played our butt off and you have to give credit where credit is due. They made a 63-yard field goal and won the game.

RE: Eli Manning on the final drive

I did not need that drive to know about the magic of Eli Manning. I knew about Eli before I got here, the way he worked, the way he played, how great he is as a leader, how smart he is. He fought through that whole game and put us in position to win.

RE: On the trick play

That is something we have been going through. We called it before, but we had to check out of it. Odell (Beckham, Jr.) did a great job getting the ball in the air. I caught the ball and found a way to get in the end zone.

RE: State of the locker room

Honestly, I would say everyone is hurt, because we lost. Right now we are 1-4 and we have been in every single game so far. We found a way just one time. At the same time, this team played its heart out. We played our butt off – fought from start to finish. We have to find a way to finish games. That is the moral of the season – moral of the story, so far. I still believe we can figure it out.

Wide Receiver Odell Beckham Jr.

RE: Regretting any comments criticizing head coach, Pat Shurmur, and teammates

I don't regret anything, I don't regret anything that I said. If it took that for us to come together as a team like we did today, I can take that every single time. I spoke to the team just to kind of relay the message that sometimes stuff comes off the wrong way. Words can be portrayed in any kind of light. The conversation is between us. But the way we responded as a team to what was said, I felt like it would've been too easy after what was said, and after what I said to them for us to come in here and have heart, energy and all that stuff. Grit, whatever the words you want to use for that. We had it today, and we came up short, but I'm proud of this team, and this is the team that we are going to be for the rest of the season. Like I said, if it took that to get us going, I can take that. I'm trying to be a leader, I'm in a position I've never been in. I'm trying to grow, I'm learning on the way, on the fly, but I'm proud of where we went today. We gave it our all, we came against adversity, calls here and there. We can never rely on the referees to win the game, but there was calls here and there that were questionable or this and that, but we kept fighting, kept fighting, and kept fighting. That's all I could ask for.

RE: The last 24 hours within the Giants' locker room

I haven't felt anymore closer than I have in the last 24 hours, and like I said, if it took that to bring us together I can take that. I can carry that and I'm proud of what we showed today. I'm proud of everything we showed today, I'm just happy for that. We just came up short, I know we have a short week coming up, and a big

division game against the defending Super Bowl champs, so we have a tough challenge ahead.

RE: Reports saying Coach Shurmur was livid and demanded he apologize for his comments

I don't know. I don't think that happened. Is it a report? I don't think that happened.

Safety Landon Collins

RE: Bouncing back from today's loss

Honestly, just go out there and play football. We have to try and figure out how to play football, but we are going to go out there and play football. We are going to play fast, we have to come out the first snap and play fast. From that point on, if we do that we are going to win the game.

RE: The locker room handling Odell Beckham's comments earlier in the week

I don't know what comments you guys are talking about. I didn't hear about them, but when Odell [Beckham] came to talk to us, he spoke from the heart, he talked gratefully, and we knew where he was coming from. We knew he was coming from the heart, so you know he's a great teammate, a great guy, a great person and a leader. This offense, this team, we have to look up to him, so we knew where he was coming from.

Defensive Lineman Damon Harrison, Sr.

RE: Stopping the clock

It is up to the referees to make that judgment. I am not exactly sure who was supposed to make the judgement to stop for the review, or if they automatically gave it to them. I don't think any of those guys are perfect and I know Jerome – he has been in the league a long time. When one guy comes in and overturns a call, that is something that gets your attention.

RE: The spot Christian McCaffrey got

I think they jumped the gun a bit. From where I was, I don't think it was a first down. It was short.

RE: Odell Beckham's comments

I don't really want to comment on that. It was handled in house.

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