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The Giants meet the media following Sunday's game against the Chiefs:

Head Coach Ben McAdoo

Opening Statement:Great to get a win at home. Guys played great today. Fought through a lot of adversity. Played heavy-handed and physical. Special teams showed up in a big way for us today. Specialists played very well. Coverage units were outstanding. That's what we expected. We knew we needed that coming into the ball game. Just a tremendous team win. Fought through a lot of adversity against a good football team.* *

Q: How much did the wind play into your game plan today?

A: Yeah. The wind was a big factor in the ball game, especially down there to the left. It was really howling down there pretty good. We had the first kick for points down there in that endzone and we knew it was going to be a challenge. The gust picked up right before the first PAT. We knew we were going to probably have to go for two if we scored back in that endzone again, but other than that we had a nice field goal try down there late in the game. We got nice and close for it, so Aldrick (Rosas) did a good job putting it through.

Q: How good does this feel?

A: Feelings don't have anything to do with it. We played like the type of team that we're capable of playing. We played tremendous defense today. We were all over the field. We were flying around, running to the football. That was great to see. Special teams was big for us, again, I can't say that enough. Going against that offense – they have a lot of speed, a lot of lump-in-your-throat returners. Three of them. And, we played tremendous on special teams and the offense just stuck with it. We were short-handed today, but that's no excuse. We have enough talented players to go out there and play well. Eli (Manning) took his shots when he had a chance to take his shots. We had some receivers, you know, Tavarres King and Roger Lewis made some plays for us today.

Q: Talk about Aldrick Rosas' and Janoris Jenkins' redemption and overcoming some adversity today.

A: The redemption – I thought Janoris Jenkins played his tail off. We'll have to go back, take a look at the tape and see what we saw on the last – on that second pick. Thought we could have iced the game there. But, he played his tail off. He was all over the field, did a good job turning the ball back inside a few times, was playing physical. It was good to see him do that. Aldrick just kept kicking. That first one that wasn't pretty. We knew the wind was going to factor there. He just kept fighting. We knew there was going to be some adversity and Aldrick did a good job fighting through it.

Q: At what point did you notice the effort would be different in this game?

A: I thought we played well as a football team. I thought we played hard. We knew to beat this team we were going to have to come out and exceed their effort and play hard and play physical and play heavy-handed and that's what we did today.

Q: Did you see a difference in the effort compared to what you've seen before?

A: We'll go watch the film. I know we played hard. I can see that we played hard from where I was standing. Played inspired football today.

Q: You seemed more animated than usual. Was that a conscious decision?

A: I'm just going to be myself on the sidelines. I don't call plays anymore, so I try to stay into it on all three phases. Be myself.

Q: On the fake punt, did you see something on film or was it your gut feeling?

A: Yeah, we thought where we were in the situation that we had, we were confident in the fake at that point. Wanted to take some chances today.

Q: Why did you want to take some chances?

A: We were playing against a good team. They're a tremendous football team in all three phases and to beat them, you're going to have to think outside of the box a little bit and not be afraid to pull the trigger on some of those things.

Q: How intrigued were you to see how your team would respond after the meeting earlier this week?

A: Again, it was about the game today. It's about the way the players played the game today. Coaches put players in a position to be successful. The players responded. Tremendous team effort.

Q: Did you consider running the ball on third-and-two late in the fourth quarter?

A: Yeah. Yeah, we considered running the ball there, but we knew they had plenty of time and being up against an explosive offense, you have to think about really all three phases in that instance. We thought we had a good play. We thought we had a chance to score there and that was really the mindset there on third down, was trying to put a touchdown on the board, but it didn't work out.

Q: Talk about fourth-and-five and the possible 53-yard field goal. What was your decision-making process there?

A: I'll have to go back. Where was it in the game?

Q: The Roger Lewis one. You were at the 36.

A: Yeah, the wind played a factor.

Q: On the Roger Lewis catch, did they tell you they were reviewing it to see if he got in for the touchdown?

A: It looked to me like he scored. Looked to me like it was a touchdown. I'll have to go back and see the film. They said they looked at it and they were confident that he was down right there at the spot.

Q: Why do you think today was the day your defense came together against such an explosive offense?

A: You know what, I think the defense – they came out and they played inspired football. They played tremendous football. They leaned on each other. They challenged each other. They played their techniques well. They played fast. They played aggressive. You know, we missed some tackles today, but the second, the third and the fourth guy were to the ball pretty fast. So, that's a big part of it.

Q: What do you have to say about Eli Apple being inactive?

A: That was a coaching decision. Thought it was the right thing to do this week for him.

Q: Sterling Shepard had migraines Friday night, Saturday?

A: Yeah. Sterling had migraines and we felt it wasn't in his best interest to play.

Q: Did you make decisions today based on what your record is along with the fact you were playing a good team?

A: No.

Q: How do you feel Chad Wheeler responded to the action he saw today?

A: I thought Chad had a quiet day from where I was standing. So, that's a good day for your first start.

Q: How do you feel that Eli Manning played, especially on the last drive?

A: Yeah, you know, Eli played aggressive in that last drive especially. He doesn't get to throw the ball as much as he used to. We like to run it over, establishing the run, so he doesn't get a chance maybe to get in the type of rhythm that he'd like to get into in a ball game. In that instance, we gave him the ball and we played it a little more aggressive and he took advantage of it. 

Quarterback Eli Manning

Q: How good does it feel to have this feeling again?

A: It feels good. The great part about football is having a great week of preparation and then going out on Sunday and finding ways to win games and celebrating with your teammates and feeling good about the work and the preparation and dedication and doing everything the right way and earning that win. We've been doing the work. We haven't been playing as well on Sundays. Haven't been able to finish games and play games well into the fourth quarter and just haven't been able to close it out. Today; great team effort with everybody coming together in the fourth quarter and getting this win.

Q: What was your message to the offense when you went out there for the overtime period?

A: No message, we've got to do our job. We had a great opportunity out there. I thought Coach Sully called an aggressive game in overtime. Second and seven, we checked to a run right there and got the first and then hit a couple of nice plays to Roger Lewis and Tavarres King and then obviously Roger with the big play on fourth-down down the left sideline. I thought the guys stepped up, were excited about the opportunity and we wanted to go get the win. We could smell it, we could taste it, it was there for us and we went and got it.

Q: How did it feel to get the MetLife Stadium crowd back on your side?

A: It was great. It was great to get a win at home and get the crowd going, get the excitement. That's what we need. We need to feel good and get the crowd going to help us out so it's a big win.

Q: Especially after so many games earlier in the season where you had the lead and you let it get away, how satisfying is this one?

A: This was nice. We knew it was going to be kind of a tight game and a little bit difficult just with the wind and the conditions, it wasn't going to be an easy day to throw the ball and taking shots down the field. I thought we were patient, didn't turn the ball over besides the one with Shane (Vereen) on the halfback pass, but we played some nice, smart football. Defense was playing outstanding and just knew they had to be patient, take our shots when we could and did some good things.

Q: Was it a lot easier throwing the ball in the direction you went in overtime?

A: Yeah. A little easier going toward our tunnel, especially when you got down near the red zone on the other side of the 50. Going the opposite way was tough, especially throwing to your left.

Q: Obviously pales in comparison to the team accomplishment today, but 209 consecutive starts for you. How does it feel as you reflect on that?

A: I always think that's kind of a team effort. Obviously I need my guys to keep me upright; my offensive line over the years, running backs, receivers getting open. I want to be there for my teammates each and every week, be accountable. Obviously throw in some good fortune, some good luck in there as well, but I'm more excited about this win than that.

Q: You had a halfback option pass and a fake punt; was there a sense or a commitment to being more aggressive?

A: That's the special teams on the fake punt. Kind of midfield on fourth down so I think aggressive call to get the first right there which led to, that one may have been the touchdown. Then the halfback pass was something we saw in film. We knew we had aggressive safeties. With the wind, Shane probably hasn't thrown many passes into a 25 mph wind, so I think that got the best of him today.

Q: Are you going to go over that play with Shane this week on film?

A: Oh yeah. We'll give him a hard time. I asked him if he'd thrown any passes in the NFL before and he said that was his first. I said 'that was probably your last, also.' He'll take a hard time about that but that's okay after a win.

Q: How much impact did having Shane Smith back in the lineup have on you guys today?

A: It was good getting the fullback and getting us some different runs, showing some different looks. He got a good bit of snaps today and just to change it up. We're doing more three-tight-end stuff and two-tight-ends, fullbacks, some more ways just to get the running attack going.

Q: On the fourth-down pass to Roger Lewis in overtime, I think it was a 4th and 5, not exactly a high-percentage pass especially considering the conditions, was he your first option there or did you see something?

A: They were coming with an all-out blitz and so I had Roger one-on-one, fastest way to get the ball up in time so I gave it a shot, make a play or get a pass interference, so he did a great job coming back to the ball a little bit and making a play.

Q: Chad Wheeler had his first extended NFL action today. How do you think he did for his first action especially going against a guy like Justin Houston.

A: I thought Chad did a good job. Like you said, going up against a good player, he held his own and he's comfortable and I thought he'll learn from it and there's nothing like experience. First game, kind of just getting accustomed to things and the speed of everything. I thought he did a good job.

Q: Did the energy feel different on the sidelines today?

A: I think we talked about that a little bit during the week, just that we've got to do a better job keeping the energy up. It's easy to start before the game but before the second half, third quarter, celebrate the stops, get the offense going, communicate a little bit more and just keep the excitement going and take that the whole game.

Wide Receiver Roger Lewis

Q: How good did it feel to get this?

A: It feels great, it feels great. Nobodybelieved in us. Nobody believed in us to win this game and it feels great. It's a team win.

Q: Did you think you scored?

A: I thought I did, I thought I did. But all I want to do is have 10 (Eli Manning) trust me and I can do some things.

Q: So he put the ball up and you went and got it?

A: That's what I do, that's what I want to do. I want to make plays, I want to be able to have 10 trust me. Everybody was down. 13 (Odell Beckham), 15 (Brandon Marshall), 17 (Dwayne Harris), 87 (Sterling Shepard), nobody believed in us, but it's that time.

Q: Number 18 stepped up though.

A: Yeah, I try. Everybody stepped up though. It's not just me, everybody. TK (Tavarres King), (Travis) Rudolph, all of those guys stepped up.

Q: Can you talk about the overtime drive?
A: When we got in the huddle, 10 was like, 'we're going to hit a slant,' we hit a slant, and 10 was like, 'you ready?' And I said, 'yeah, you believe in me,' so I want 10 to believe in me and that's what I got to do. I've got to make that play.

Q: Do you believe you guys are rallying around your coach?

A: I'm behind Coach (Ben) McAdoo. Coach McAdoo taught me and a lot of our guys things not just about football, but about life and I believe in McAdoo a lot. I'm not against him.

Q: Have you guys been wondering why you haven't been able to perform like this the last couple of weeks?

A: Nah, we just focus on the next opponent. Our coach Adam Henry preaches next man up mentality and it's not a fall off or anything, just make plays.

Q: Did the defender touch you at all after you made the catch?

A: I thought he didn't. I don't know, I don't know. It is what it is. We got the win, that's all I care about.

Q: Did he grab a hold of your arm?

A: I don't know. When I see the ball, everything slows down and I go get it.

Q: Did he just grab you by the shirt and throw you?

A: I don't know. Everything slows down. I just got to make that play. That's it.

Q: Take me through the play again.

A: Eli gave me a go and I just wanted to do that and make that play. That's it.

Q: Was that your best catch in the NFL?

A: Oh yeah, I would rate that as one of my best catches.

Q: How big was this effort?
A: It was huge. It's huge, it's huge. We want to win, we want to win. Everybody on the team wants to win and it's huge. It's a huge win and after this we're going to focus on our next opponent on Thursday.

Q: With Sterling Shepard out, did you feel like this could be an opportunity for you to step up?
A: Yeah, I feel like every game is a huge opportunity I get to play in. Not just offense, but special teams. I'm a big special teams guy with (Tom) Quinn believing in me at gunner and just having that opportunity, that's it and that's what coach preaches every day, opportunity.

Q: How did it feel to make the game winning play?

A: It felt great. It feels great. But one thing nobody can take away from me is my big play mentality and my ability to go make a play and that's what I got to do every time.

Q: Were you surprised at all?

A: I'm not surprised at all. I've made those catches in practice before and it's just playing football at the end of the day.

Q: How does it feel to finally get a home win, especially against Kansas City?
A: It feels great. We want to win. That's what everybody wants to do. We preach about winning every day. Every day we preach about winning. It's a huge win and after this, we are going to focus on Thursday and go try and get another one.

Q: Did that meeting that you guys had spark what you brought out here today?

A: We meet every day. Every day, we preach on winning. It's just having the next man up mentality and going out there to make a play. That's what Coach Henry preaches every day. That's what we're going out there to do. Q: What was the difference? What do you feel like was the difference?

A: I don't feel like there was any difference. We are all brothers. Every week we are all close. No matter what the record is, we all stick together. We will not fall apart or anything like that. We're all brothers. * *

Q: Was there any adjustment on your part on that last play you made?

A: Yes, it was a blitz. A cover zero blitz. Eli just threw it up to me. I have to come down with that ball every time.

Q: Did you have to make any read on the alignment offensively?

A: I knew the ball was going to come out quick. I saw the blitz and I have to come up with that. I'm an undrafted guy and I have to make that play.

Q: That was your route whether they blitzed or not?

A: Yes. That's my route.

Q: You mentioned you're an undrafted guy. Does that make today even better because you have this golden opportunity to make plays and show what you can do?

A: Yes. Me being undrafted, I play with a chip on my shoulder no matter what I'm doing. Blocking, I want to have a chip on my shoulder every game and practice. I practice hard and put in the work. Everyone in our room put in the work. Just having a chip on our shoulder, that's what I come here to do, to make plays.

Q: When did you find out Sterling [Shepard] wasn't going to play?

A: I found out this morning. Sterling, that's like my brother. He said he was going to be out and I told him that I got him. That we were going to go out and get this win.

Q: How does that change things for you that you are basically elevated to the number one receiver?

A: It doesn't change anything. I just come out and play. It doesn't change anything. I come out and play and do what coach tells me. That's it.

  Q: Did you feel like you were down on that last play?

A: I didn't think I was down. It is what it is. We have to win, that's all I care about.

Q: What does it mean to you to have the opportunity to make the play that really results in a win?

A: It's a huge blessing. I just want to be able to make plays for the team to win. That's it. It's a blessing.

Q: Was the wind at all a factor for you guys today?

A: No. We just went out and played football. That's all it is.

CB Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie

Q: Did you need that? Did you need that last field goal?

A: Yes, sir.

Q: I mean walking out of here 9-9, might not have felt the same way, I'd imagine?

A: Definitely.

Q: How do you explain what happened today?

A: I thank God, just responded. A couple of guys were called out. You know what I think, as a team we went out there and responded well.

Q: DRC, I apologize if this was asked before, but can you just talk about the bounce back game that Jackrabbit [Janoris Jenkins] had, especially after the last couple of weeks?

A: That's one person we're definitely not worried about in the locker room because he's a competitor and we know as long as he's out there on that field we've got a great chance to win. So he definitely responded well and I mean that's what we get out of him all the time, so we're not worried about him.

Q: What about the defense in general? You guys, you know, basically didn't let the tight end run wild on you, you shut down the run game. How complete of a win would you say this was for the defense?

A: I mean it was a good, great feeling. The Kansas City Chiefs are a real good offense. They can run the ball, throw the ball and for the most part it made it one-dimensional and we went out there and we just kept fighting and never looked up at the scoreboard. At the end of the game we came out 12-9.

Q: There's a lot of pressure on Ben [McAdoo] lately. He's been taking a lot of heat. How much do you think a win like this means for him?

A: It means a lot, man, because it's against a team that everyone knows is a special team, a playoff caliber team and you go out there and hold them how we did and to get a win at home, I think it takes a little bit off of him. We've just got to keep rolling.

Q: How much do guys realize that the heat's on him?

A: I think a lot. You can tell by the guys responding. I think every man went out there with a mentality not to lose.

Q: What did you see from Jackrabbit [Janoris Jenkins] today? Did he look like a different player from last week?

A: What did I see? Nah, no, no, no. The only thing about him is he's a competitor. You know how he's going to compete. I think they came at 'em a little bit today and he stepped up for the most part. He made his plays.

Q: Do you feel like he had something to prove after last weekend?

A: Nah, not a guy like that. He's been proving it. You just got to go out and play like that every week.

Q:  He got a lot of criticism this week about his effort.

A: That's football.

Q: You don't think that affected him at all?

A: Nah, no, no, no.

Q: You didn't see it? He brushes it off?

A: Definitely. Because he knows he's a competitor, man.

Q: When he plays like that, how much does it help the defense or change…?

A: It helps a lot. When he's on the field doing what he's doing, falling on guys, shutting guys down, we can play a little bit, do a little bit more on the defense.

Q: Why do you think the result was so much better than the previous two weeks? This was supposed to be a better offense and you guys had a significantly better result.

A: I think after the week we had, you know, guys being called out, being put on the bench, I think everybody responded well. I think just being called out as a team, I think we responded well.

Cornerback Janoris Jenkins

Q: How did it feel to get that interception?

A: It's football. We just came out and played good in all three phases of the game. Looking forward to next week.

Q: Did you feel like you responded well today?

A: I feel like we played together as a team and we just got to keep moving.

Q: Did you think you had that second interception?

A: I mean, I know I had it. The ref called a pass interference, so you got to live with it, continue to play football.

Q: Were you surprised by the call?

A: I was but you know, all I can do is play football. The ref controls that, he called the pass interference.

Q: What was this week like for you?

A: It was like a normal week. Just came out, worked, did what I had to do. Everybody, not only myself, the team and we just came out and played.

Q: Do you think you quieted the criticism with the way you played this week?
A: I don't pay attention to that, man. Like I said, last week was last week. We came out, we played good this week and we're just moving forward.

Q: How do you think you played in particular?

A: I feel like I played alright. There is always room for improvement. Just come out there so we can get better.

Q: How important was it for you to play well this week?

A: I just came out and played hard. From a team, we all played together. Offense, defense, special teams. Made sure I corrected my techniques and we got a victory.

Q: What did this win mean for this team?

A: You got to remember, man, tough times don't last, tough people do. We understand it's football, it's the NFL. We just got to come out and play every week.

Kicker Aldrick Rosas

Q: With the windy conditions, how do you put that out of your mind? With the wind, obviously, you have to adjust.

A: Every kicker has got to battle a mental battle when it starts to get a little bit of weather. But, just stay true to your form and if you hit a nice ball, it'll cut straight through the wind. 

Q: Do you feel like you kind of redeemed yourself a little bit after some struggles. Do you feel like you have redeemed yourself?

A: At the end of the day, I didn't get a perfect day in. You know, I'm still going to go back and look at the film and what we could've done and kind of what went wrong. But I wouldn't say redeeming but I would say that I was there to be accountable, to be someone to call on to do their job and helped the team win and it was a great team win today. 

Q: What did you take away from the Wednesday meeting that focused on effort?

A: I just took it as motivation. To be held accountable to the whole team, they put up slides for the whole team. We were kind of like on some plays, we are better than that. He just said, "Be the best version of you, that's what the team wants. So that's why you're here and just be motivated."

Q: What does it say also about the job that [punter] Brad [Wing] did, catching that ball, putting it down in the windy conditions. Again, judging by the flags on the goal posts, the wind was kind of fierce?

A: It was pretty fierce, and yeah Brad did a great job. I believe in Brad and [Long snapper] Zak [DeOssie] to be able to get the ball where it needs to be and you know at the end of the day, I just swing away.

Q: Watching the game play out, how much were itching for the opportunity to kick that game-winning field goal, especially given how the game started?

A: Hugh opportunity. I emphasized to be accountable to do it, wanting to have those opportunities. So, I was excited and I would have been ready to go.

Q: How much was the weather a factor today in kicking? Was is it as bad as it looked?

A: We knew it was going to be a windy game today, and just stay true to your form and you should just kick it straight through.

Q: How much did you want a crack at a 53-yarder?

A: I was ready to hit it. At the end of the day, we didn't go and I was behind Coach McAdoo and the team 100 percent.

Q: You happy it made it easier for you?

A: I think it would have been the same either way.

Q: Was it a gut check win for this team to prove people wrong?

A: Everybody who talks or whatever, we let them talk. We're over here doing us, so it's a great team win for us in all three phases. 

Q: That extra point, did the wind just knock that down or what?

A: Yeah, so it kind of just held up there a bit. The wind just kind of maybe pulled it a little bit to the right. We still got to go back and look back at the film and see kind of what happened on that. 

Q: How tough was the wind today?

A: It was a little gustier on the farther end than on our side. But either way, you stay true to your form and you trust yourself as much as you can and the ball should go straight through.

Q: You know it was true as soon as you struck it, the winner?

A: No, I don't. That's the thing as a kicker when it's in weather conditions, you strike it to the best of your ability and you keep your head down and it should go in. 

Q: On the game winner, you watched it and waited to see?

A: A little bit, yeah. So, it was a great team win and I'm excited about all my teammates and to be able to put me in the opportunity and a position like that. The offense did great, the coaches did great and it was a great team win.  

Q: When was your last game-winning kick like that, other than the preseason?

A: I think the preseason was the only one so far in my career. 

Q: How much did you need a kick like that just for your confidence?

A: That's a great kick. The whole team was behind us, the long snapper, the holder. At the end of the day, we got the win, so everybody can feel the sense of doing it. So, it was great team win. 

Safety Landon Collins

Q: Did you guys rally around anyone today? Whether it was McAdoo or Janoris? Your defense gave an A-plus effort today.

A: No, we just stayed together. We fought together; we knew what we had to come in here and do.

Q: When Janoris picked that first interception off, it seemed that the entire defense rallied around him. We you guys especially happy for him, given the way this week went?

A: Yeah. We know what kind of player he is. This was the time for him to showcase that. His talent, ability, and passion for the game, a lot of people have been saying that he is giving up and not playing the way he usually plays. He's been hurt, and nicked up and everyone is. At the same time we came out here and fought.

*Q: Is that the best the defense has played this year?

A: It's up there. We played the Broncos pretty well, too. It's definitely up there. We are definitely going to keep trying and pushing every week here on out.

Q: It looked like you had a sense of pride on the field today.

A: Yeah, and a sense of urgency. All the guys we on the same page, we were consistent. We trusted in every call that the coaches made. We played fast and that was the best feeling.

*Q: As a defensive player, what are you thinking when you guys are going for it on fourth and long from that part of the field?

A: I hope we make it, because if not, we got to go make a play. That's about it.

*Q: Do you personally feel like you had a "Landon Collins" performance today? That you got back to everything that you do blowing up some plays?

A: Yes, of course. Yeah, we played defense more like we did last year. With instinct, we didn't really have to think about anything. It was fun.

*Q: Did you guys change anything schematically?

A: No, we just played our defense. What we do best and what we know best, played fast and just flew around.

*Q: Since the effort has been questioned, did coach McAdoo address effort in the post game?

A: I think so. We showcased it, we left the effort out there. He saw it in how fast we were playing.

*Q: It is a very short week, how are you getting ready for Washington?

A: Yeah, it's a very short week. We have a meeting tomorrow at 12. We have to try and get as healthy as possible, as fast as possible and go back to work.

*Q: How badly did you need a win emotionally?

A: Very badly. Coming against a good team, even more. Because we were doubted, the moment we stepped through the door. When they were put on our schedule we were doubted. From that point on, it was big for us to do what we did today.

Q: Defensively, it didn't look like you guys blitzed as much.

A: It was more zone. We played zone, we know all the ins and outs of our zone.

Q: Did you have a feeling halfway through the game that you could control this team?

A: Yeah. We kept playing fast. They aren't used to teams playing fast against them. So by playing fast, you get more of an advantage on them.

Q: What was going through your mind as Rosas kicked the winner?

A: Make it. If not, then we got to hold them until the game is over with. I have faith in him. We were like he is going to make it.

*Q: Was it a relief to just get a win?

A: Yeah, definitely, a big relief. It was a big win. We have some pressure off our shoulder. We still have pressure, but to play a team like the way we did is awesome.

*Q: How does it feel to get a win in an "ugly game" like this?

A: I wouldn't say it's ugly. It's a good game when you can hold a team under 9 points or whatever they had at the end. It's fantastic.

Q: You needed this win, but what does it say about being able to hang in there to really get this win?

A: We have faith in one another. We had the mindset of going to get this win. We had to make every play count. We knew there was going to be adversity, knew they were going to make plays. They get paid, too, so we had to make sure that we just made one more play than them.

*Q: Travis Kelce had a 32 yarder. What did you see in the defensive coverage there?

A: I was blitzing. I got held by the running back, but didn't get the call. I got to just play faster than that.

*Q: Do you think Janoris improved this week?

A: No, he just played the way we expect him to play. That's the person I expect each and every week.

*Q: Will this momentum carry through to Thursday?

A: It's definitely going to carry though. We have to stay focused and stay healthy. We also have to travel. It's a quick turnaround but we have to stay focused.

*Q: Obviously every pick is important, but does it matter whom you pick it from?

A: Yeah, of course, it does. It's Travis Kelce, one of the best tight ends in the game. It means a lot. A lot of respect for him.

*Q: Are you going to build on this win?

A: The goal is to keep this trend going.

*Q: Where were you for the game winning field goal?

A: Around the 45-50. Had my arms around coach Spagnuolo. I said, 'if he makes this field goal, I'm going tackle you.' And I got that tackle.

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