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Quotes: Coach Brian Daboll, QB Daniel Jones, QB Tyrod Taylor, TE Darren Waller, OL Justin Pugh

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Q: How's (quarterback) Daniel (Jones) doing?

A: He's doing better. He'll be out here today at practice doing some stuff. We'll see where we're at.

Q: Has he been cleared for contact?

A: Well, he's cleared to throw, so that's what he's going to do today is throw.

Q: He'll be limited technically?

A: Limited, yep.

Q: What does he need to do to be cleared for contact at this point, and how does that work throughout the week?

A: Whenever the doctors tell me he's cleared. Right now, he's able to throw, so that's what we're going to do.

Q: Is there a day that he has to go back to get checked where he can get cleared for contact?

A: I think he gets evaluated pretty much every day, so when they tell me he's cleared, that's when he'll be cleared.

Q: Is it your impression that he has to be symptom free to start that clearance process?

A: I'll just say when the doctors and the trainers tell me that he's ready to go, that's when he'll be ready to go.

Q: The update that NBC gave on his injury and how he was feeling it into his shoulder, does that reflect it's more serious than we initially understood?

A: No, he's out here today, he'll be throwing, and I would say he's eager to come back. He wants to play, but obviously, just like any player, if you're not ready to play based on the doctor's evaluation, we won't put him out there, but he's getting better. That's why we're going to have him out here today.

Q: Is he going to take team reps today?

A: No. Nope, he's going to come out here, throw, do some individual. He could do some stuff on the look team as a quarterback, but we'll see where we're at with that.

Q: Are you convinced his season is not over?

A: Whose? Daniel's?

Q: Daniel's.

A: Yeah, it's not over.

Q: When he's healthy, he's definitely your starting quarterback, correct?

A: Yeah. Yep.

Q: How about (tackle) Andrew Thomas?

A: Andrew Thomas will not participate but he is getting better. He's going to be doing stuff with the trainers. He is getting closer. I'd say same with the other guys, too.

The people that won't practice, just an FYI, are (tackle) Evan (Neal), he won't practice, his ankle; (tackle Matt) Peart; (center) John Michael (Schmitz Jr.); Andrew; and (wide receiver) Wan'Dale (Robinson) with his knee, which is kind of a preventative thing coming off of the game.

Q: John Michael, what happened there? What's going on?

A: He's got a shoulder.

Q: So, he hasn't practiced in two weeks and still not practicing?

A: Has not practiced, no, and won't practice today.

Q: And Neal is that –

A: His ankle.

Q: I mean, he played.

A: Yeah, he played. It's swollen a little bit, so we're going to rehab him.

Q: Is Schmitz an IR candidate?

A: Don't think so.

Q: Is (guard) Justin (Pugh) now your starting left tackle?

A: We'll see. We've got a bunch of new guys today. Replaced one (offensive lineman) Josh (Ezeudu) with another (tackle) Josh (Miles), we have Pugh, (guard) Tyre (Phillips) is back, so a lot of new faces today that we'll put in there and start working with.

Q: How do you think Pugh did at left tackle? When you looked at it.

A: I thought he did some good things. Again, he hasn't played tackle in a while. We talked about it, like I said before, but we'll give him obviously some reps out there and make sure we get him ready to go.

Q: But ideally, you'd like somebody – he said he's under 300 pounds – bigger at that position.

A: He's a pro. He's played a long time, so he does a good job staying in front of the guys, got quick feet. He can get to the second level. He's got a lot of experience. So, as long as they can do their job.

Q: Does Ezeudu have a shot to return this year?

A: I don't know. Yeah.

Q: As a guy who deals a lot with offense, what can be done to improve yards after catch? Is it guys just have to break tackles or is it just–

A: Oh, it's a combination of everything. It's getting up field, making a guy miss, ball placement, everything plays into it. If you're beating man coverage, escaping man; if you're in zone, splitting defenders. That's about what it is.

Q: How important is that for an offense to kind of, you know–

A: Yards after catch?

Q: Yeah, just getting something out of nothing or something out of–

A: You always want to stay in favorable situations, so a five-yard pass, you'd like to turn into an eight-yard gain, a nine-yard gain. First down, make it second-and-one. Second-and-five, make it first down. Definitely important.

Q: Why hasn't (defensive lineman) A'Shawn Robinson been playing very much the last two games?

A: We've been in a little bit less base. We've been playing more nickel with the guys. That's kind of the reason but we'll work with him, put him in some different little spots here based on how we're getting played to make sure he gets in there more.

Q: What have you seen from (wide receiver) Jalin Hyatt? You mentioned the other day that you want to play your young receivers. What have you seen from him that makes you think he's ready for it now?

A: I think he's fast and that he's got to play. You can go out here and practice and do that, which is important, but you've got to get some game reps and run routes against DBs that are playing in the NFL in a competitive way. I think each week, he's gotten a little bit better. There's a lot to learn when you're a young player, but he's done a good job of practicing the right way, of preparing. I think he's got some good talent, and we're going to play him.

Q: How did (running back) Saquon (Barkley) come out of Sunday night and is there motivation to get him to be more than a limited participant in practice, or do you think that's kind of the way this thing is going?

A: No, I'd say right now we're going to make sure he gets to the games the way we need to make sure he gets to the games. He'll be a limited guy today, but he'll do stuff. I'd say the ankle wasn't any worse off, just natural bumps and bruises from not having played for a while. So, I'd say he's in a good spot.

Q: What did he give you Sunday maybe that you hadn't had in previous—

A: Big-play runs.

Q: Does that allow you to be more balanced as an offense?

A: Yeah, I mean, like I said, we were, I don't know how many carries it was for not many yards. Again, if you're able to stick with it based on how the game is being played… He gave you some big runs that you skip two or three third downs when you get 25-yard runs. That's important.

Q: I guess my question is, when you have him, does that make it easier to say we're going to stick with this?

A: It depends on the situation of the game, too, based on the score. But sure, when you give him the ball, again, he didn't have many yards there at first, but the game was competitive and control of the game was good, and he made some.

I'd say the line blocked. Some of those long ones, there were some good-sized holes.

Q: With Jalin Hyatt, what took so long? I mean, he's been fast since he got here.

A: I mean, you're a rookie. It's a hard position to play, receiver. I coached it for six years. There weren't many rookie receivers that I've had that have played right away. (Wide receiver) Deion Branch comes to mind as one of them. But it's a learning experience when you're a young receiver. There's a lot of different things that happen that maybe didn't happen to him in college relative to whether it's press coverage, certain adjustments, things like that, and that happens for most. The position, when I coached receivers, it takes a little bit of time for younger players.

So again, he's a young guy that's still learning, and he'll get some opportunities.

Q: Do you plan to make any changes to your offensive play calling?

A: No.

Q: You mentioned the physicality part of it for Hyatt. He's not the biggest guy. Is that one of the biggest challenges, do you think, for him personally?

A: No. I just think just as coaching the receivers, it's really everything in this league. Whether it's press coverage, the disguises that you're getting, the verbiage that you're hearing, there's so many things that go into it for a young player, for a receiver. I've dealt with it firsthand when I coached them for six years, whatever it was. It's a challenge and every spot is challenging coming from college to the pros, but receivers, there's a lot. Just the play calls, too, in the huddle are a little bit different. Not much different than the younger guys that I've been around. We'll just keep bringing him along.

Q: Is the plan to bring (tight end Lawrence) Cager back on the practice squad?

A: Yeah, we'll see how that goes.

Q: One of the things (defensive lineman) Leonard Wiliams said he wanted to talk to the younger players in particular about is that the season isn't over. Do you know if he addressed the team?

A: That's probably a locker room conversation, something to ask Leo.

Our focus is on this week, and we've got a good division team coming in that's 3-3 that just won their last game against Atlanta, a close one. Had a close one against Arizona the first game and a close one against Denver. Took Philly to overtime. The Chicago game was what it was and the Bills game, but they're doing a good job. They're 3-3 and coming off a win.

Q: Is it a hard sell to convince guys that everything's still available to you?

A: No, we just focus on the stuff that we can control, and that's where our focus is.

Q: Do you regret letting (Commanders center) Nick Gates out of the building?

A: Things happen every year. You never get everybody back. That's the nature of the NFL, free agency, stuff like that. Nick's a good player, tough guy, appreciated his time here. He's doing a good job there.

Q: (Commanders quarterback) Sam Howell, what are your thoughts on him?

A: They throw it a lot. They drop back and pass a lot, and he slings it. He's not afraid to turn it loose, stands in the pocket, has a good arm. He's not afraid to fire it. So, he's a tough competitor. Liked him coming out, and he's done a good job there.

Q: What's so challenging about the Commanders' defensive front?

A: There's four good first rounders out there. They've been together for a while. Coach Del Rio (Commanders Defensive Coordinator Jack Del Rio) does a good job. We've played them a bunch since I've been here or at Buffalo. Talented guys from Bama inside that are talented, and the edge players are top-notch players. They can get pressure with four, cover with seven. They'll mix in pressures; they certainly did against us the last couple of games. So, good team.

Quarterback Daniel Jones

Q: Is throwing a sign of progress?

A: Yeah. It felt good throwing. I've been throwing for a few days now. So yeah, it felt good.

Q: What's the biggest noticeable difference from last week to this week for you? How are you feeling?

A: I just continue to feel better every day. Yeah, just feeling better overall and continue to do that day by day.

Q: There was a report that you feel pain or something in your left shoulder from the left side of your neck. Is that still there?

A: Yeah, I mean, I feel it a little bit. I think just working through it and getting better day by day.

Q: Is it a nerve issue?

A: It's just an effect from the neck injury, but I feel good and I'm feeling better.

Q: The report said it's kind of going down your shoulder. Are you still kind of feeling it in your neck into your shoulder?

A: I really don't feel much pain at all. It's feeling better, it's just working through it and listening to the doctors and trainers.

Q: Is it your understanding that you need to feel symptom free before they allow you to take the next step?

A: Yeah, that's part of it. Yeah, I think that's part of it. Just continuing to try to get there.

Q: How close are you to symptom-free right now?

A: I'm close. I'm pretty close. I've just got to keep doing what I'm doing and trust the doctors and trainers and what they're telling me to do and keep going about it.

Q: Is there concern that if you're hit a certain way, that it could bring all of this back again?

A: Yeah, I think that's part of it, just the contact piece of it. I think that's the concern.

Q: Can you talk about how much you want to be out there with the division game on tap this week, and where you guys are sitting in the standings?

A: I obviously want to be out there extremely, extremely badly. I want to be there for the team and be on the field. I certainly feel that way. But doing everything I can to get back out there and everything I can to help.

Q: Did you have any role in going over plays with (quarterback) Tyrod (Taylor) during the game or anything like that?

A: We're all there on the sideline and involved. I think most of the communication is between Tyrod and (Quarterbacks Coach) Shea (Tierney) and (Offensive Coordinator Mike) Kaf(ka) and Dabs (Head Coach Brian Daboll). In spots where I thought I had an idea I offered it, but it's mainly between those guys.

Q: How did it feel just out there throwing today?

A: It felt good. It felt good throwing.

Q: Were you able to run any scout team and actually play quarterback?

A: I didn't run any scout team today, but I threw. It felt good throwing.

Q: How can you know that you're ready to handle contact unless you have contact? Is that a fine line?

A: I think it's just trusting the doctors and trainers when they say based on their evaluation that I'm ready for it. Obviously, you want to be out there. It's frustrating not being out there. But just trying to do everything I can do and control what I can in terms of my recovery.

Q: If it was up to you, would you be out there playing this Sunday?

A: Yeah, I mean, I want to play. I certainly want to play. But at the same time, we've got great doctors, great trainers and I trust them. Lucky to have them. But yeah, everybody wants to play. Everybody wants to be on the field.

Q: Because of the nature of this injury, is there a chance that you could feel good Sunday, but they would say to you, we need to give it an extra week?

A: I think at this point, we're just taking it kind of day by day and seeing how I feel that day and going through the tests. Sunday's a little ways away at this point, but just trying to get better every day.

Q: What kind of tests are they giving you to make sure you're doing well?

A: Just a series of tests based on the injury.

Q: Is it as simple as you just wake up one day and not feel pain and say, 'Okay, I'm good, I'm ready for contact?' Is that as simple as it can be?

A: I feel good. The pain has definitely subsided a good bit. It's just listening to the doctors and trainers and doing what they tell me to do.

Q: You mentioned how it's really a day-to-day thing. Is there a point where you know you have to go back to the doctor to see how things are looking, or are you just progressing this way and then you'll decide at a certain point?

A: We speak to the doctors almost every other day, they're coming to the facility. I see them a good bit. I think at this point we're continuing with the plan and the process that we kind of saw at the outset and trying to improve every day.

Q: You've had one scan?

A: Yeah.

Q: Would you need another one before they can move forward?

A: No, I don't think so.

Q: What was it like to watch a game like that that truly came down to the wire, and you were obviously a spectator?

A: You want to be on the field. I think as a competitor that's the tough part is not being out there, but I thought we played well. We played hard and it didn't go our way there at the end, which was tough for everybody, but I thought we did a lot of good things well.

Q: What'd you think of Tyrod?

A: I thought he played well. I thought he played really well and came in and executed. We moved the ball well, and I thought he played really well.

Q: What'd you think of the defense on (tight end) Darren Waller on the last play?

A: I think there was some contact there, but part of the game. It's a tough way to finish, but I'm not going to say whether or not—what exactly I thought.

Q: Is it tough seeing (Commanders center) Nick Gates on the other side now, and what kind of loss was it to lose him?

A: I've a lot of respect for Gates, obviously a close friend and close teammate that I played a lot with, and I think a lot of. Weird seeing him on the other side, but pulling for him, not this week, but I've got a lot of respect and appreciation for him.

Quarterback Tyrod Taylor

Q: With him (quarterback Daniel Jones only out there throwing today, do you think you are starting Sunday?

A: That's up to the coaches and the training staff, that's not necessarily my focus, not to say it in a bad way, it's not my concern either. I have to prepare myself mentally and physically each and every week as if my number could get called.

Q: Do you remember when your last start was against Washington? Or when it was?

A: My last start against Washington, was I in Buffalo? Was it in Washington? I think 2015, 2016.

Q: You threw two touchdowns.

A: (Wide receiver) Sammy Watkins up the sideline, I remember that one.

Q: Were you satisfied with the way you played?

A: It wasn't a winning performance, so ultimately no. I think I did somethings well, but there is always room to grow and like I said, as a quarterback, you get judged on a lot, but at the end of the day, wins and losses is what matter, and ultimately it wasn't a winning performance, so we have to clean up some of the things that we didn't do so well as a unit and be better this week.

Q: Did anyone ever text you saying, 'how did you audible out of that play?' or is that in your rear-view mirror?

A: That's in the rear-view. It's Wednesday now. Rear-view, move forward. Actually, move forward, I mean actually in the game. It happened, get a chance to go to halftime, adjust, make some adjustments and then you got to come back out in the third quarter with a new, fresh mind and clear thoughts and ready to execute, and I think we did that. We put ourselves in a position to go down and win in the game on the last drive. It's something to learn from, move forward, be better as a person and a player from that.

Q: Was that the first time you ever felt (head coach) Brian's (Daboll) wrath? I mean he was pretty animated as you were going off the field.

A: You get a sense of his passion in practice, training camp practices, I've seen him obviously show emotion. For me, I think you guys have been around me and seen me long enough over these past two years or year and a half that I'm pretty even keeled, so it doesn't necessarily sway me one way or the other. I knew that it was a mistake at the time. Like I said, my mind completely shifted to how we can come out even better in the second half. I own up to it. It wasn't the right call at the time. Like I said, move forward.

Q: Who is more even keeled, you or Daniel?

A: I don't know (laughs).

Q: In this day and age with the offense and everything going on in the league. Why is it so hard for you guys to score touchdowns?

A: Obviously, if you can create explosives outside of the red zone, then you have a chance to score. I think when you look back at the games we played, lack of execution in the red zone. Some of it has been penalties, putting ourselves behind the sticks and creating just a bigger problem for us. It's definitely something that we have to get better at. Eliminate penalties down there and just overall, just better execution in the red zone. We've had opportunities. We've just got to execute to our standard in that area. That's something that we are working on, something that we are putting a focus on, and in order to get down there, you have to do the right things to put yourself in that position as well.

Q: Did you find it remarkable that (guard) Justin Pugh came in here, here for a week, practiced three days, starts at left guard, moved to left tackle and plays, whatever how many plays?

A: Yes. Definitely proud of the way he played. A true vet and you just felt his presence when we signed him. His leadership, his communication on the field, it goes a long way. And it helps a younger line, a younger line that's kind of been in different spots all year. We've battled some injuries up there. All those guys played their butts off. He was one of five or one of six that went out there and competed. It was a great performance by them overall. I know they get a lot of criticism over the past couple of games, but ultimately, I think the offensive line went out there and played lights out this past week versus a good front four and a good defense.

Tight End Darren Waller

Q. You didn't agree or disagree with the call, or you were just satisfied seeing the call?

A: I mean, I saw what – they were asking me after the game like, 'did you see the clips? Did you see the clip?' I was like, 'dang, why are you asking me if I saw the clip? I just didn't make the play.' Then, I saw there was a lot of contact going on, so yeah, I get why. I looked it, I was like 'man, like I wish it could've gone a different way.' But that's what happened on the field, and it be like that sometimes.

Q. What did you see from the team in that game obviously going up to Buffalo and fighting there the way you did down the stretch?

A: Yeha, a whole lot of fight. I loved the way the offensive line did a lot of good things in clutch moments as far as like breaking holes open for (running back) Saquon (Barkley) to run through, allowing (quarterback) Tyrod (Taylor) to make throws. Everybody on offense (inaudible) make some plays to keep drives going. Defensively, guys are flying around. (Inside linebacker) Bobby Okereke is playing out of his mind, as are a lot of guys on defense. They showed up, and they played against one of the best offenses over the past few years, so I saw a lot of good things from a lot of people.

Q. Obviously, injuries are a part of the game, but have you seen anything like what's going on with the offensive line as a unit right now? With guys having to be subbed in so much in your career.

A: No, I haven't. It's very difficult because just to have five guys in there consistently to build that rapport, to build that communication and just that longevity together is difficult enough. I mean, you have so many guys coming in, coming out, trying to learn, playing positions they haven't played before, it's really difficult. You've got a guy like (tackle Joshua) Ezeudu whose prepared the whole season to play like he's a guard and moves to tackle. I don't think the common people can see how difficult of a task that is, but just to see how those guys embrace challenge and (offensive line coach) Bobby (Johnson) as well coaching them. I feel like we're doing a better job handling it.

Q. How close do you think this offense is to working out and showing what it's capable of doing?

A: I feel like we're right there. I feel like we're knocking on the door. It's all about execution when we get down to the redzone like we had opportunities to make plays and to convert and to take advantage of situations. We just haven't been able to do that yet, but as far as moving the ball and getting down there and having opportunities, we're there. We feel like it's only a matter of time.

Q. Will you be at the game tonight?

A: I will be.

Q. How do you feel about the chances going into enemy territory tonight?

A: I'm excited. The Liberty play strong at home, and I know the Aces are down a couple of soldiers, so it's going to be a fight. I'm looking forward to seeing some great basketball.

Q. How exciting is this? It's not every day you get to see your spouse possibly win a professional championship.

A: It's very exciting. I want to see her accomplish everything that she sets out to accomplish. It's cool to just be there and be fan of her, be a husband and support.

Q. It's kind of funny how it worked out. That they're in Brooklyn and you're here.

A: I could see it from a mile away. Just from the talent that's on both teams and to see it come together, I feel like it's great for the league, great for young girls that are watching. Everybody tuning in and seeing how good of a product is on the floor.

Q. Do you feel like the league exploded this year?

A: I feel like it took a step, for sure. Being able to market those two teams, like I said, they kind of built a rivalry out of it and people want to see it. It's a lot of talent on the floor, and it's what people want to see.

Q. Do you get nervous watching her play? She mentioned she gets nervous watching you play. Do you share that?

A: She probably gets nervous watching me get hit and stuff like that because it's a little different when you're a little more invested. I don't really get that nervous watching her. I just love watching her because I see the work that she puts in throughout as far as like trying to be there as a supporter regardless of what the result is, but of course, I want to see her win and I'll be excited.

Offensive Lineman Justin Pugh

Q: When you say crazy, just because of the number of snaps you played coming in from straight off the couch as you said?

A: Yeah, I mean to play 80 plays, a year removed, I had gotten three practices in. It's just one of those things, you've got to do what you've got to do for the team. We had a guy who had an unfortunate injury, limited numbers, it was like the perfect storm for me to have to go do that. I haven't played left tackle in eight years. And then the Buffalo Bills has the number one sack defense in the NFL. I look out there and it's Von Miller. The last time I played for the Giants was six years ago to the day against Von Miller, Sunday Night Football, when he was with the Denver Broncos, and I had to go out to right tackle on a whim that week. So, there have just been so many crazy things that have brought this thing all full circle and I don't know what it is, there is something in the air (laughs).

Q. Obviously, you were watching from the outside before you came in here with all of the injuries and the rotating that they've had on the offensive line. Have you ever seen anything like this in your career in a given season with a unit going through so much?

A: Yeah, for sure. With how young the offensive line is, moving guys around and trying to find where guys best fit. Injuries happen, guys have to slide over, fighting through adversity. That's something I've always been a big proponent of. How you handle adversity and how you come out the other side and this group is being tested right now and it's only going to make them better in the long haul. We have so much talent, it's just doing little things and sealing off some things. We're getting those things adjusted and I'm excited for the group.

Q. Were you pretty excited that you signed today?

A: Yeah, I was super excited. It got into the late hours yesterday and we got it done. It's the business of football. I started a podcast this offseason called, 'Net worth with Justin Pugh,' and it talks about the business of football from life what players go through and what fans go through and the ecosystem of it. This was like the purest example of business of football because everything that I've said and exactly how I said it is exactly how it happened and I don't know if that's just I've been around so long, I knew how it was going to go. The only thing I didn't account for was the 80 plays or left tackle (laughs) but it's football. You've got to get up and play, like I wasn't going to let the team down. I wasn't going to let the guy next to me down, that's not how I roll.

Q. Did you have another opportunity coming off that game? Had your agent made you aware?

A: Look, there was never anything that I wanted to do than sign here. My whole goal was to come here, prove I'm healthy. I told everyone it was a tryout for me to come back and go on the practice squad. I went on the practice squad, I proved I was healthy, I did everything they asked and here we are. So now, I get to wrap this thing up as a Giant.

Q. Does any part of this locker room remind you of the one you left?

A: Everyone besides the players are the same (laughs). Every personnel person, all you guys are the same, like this feels very familiar. It took me a little – it was like riding a bike. Meeting the new guys and like I said last week, I don't think all the guys even knew who I was or that I'd played here before or any of the history. It made me feel really good, because after that game every one of my teammates and coaches and guys that I've played with from my first year in the league to last year in the league texted me and said, 'You have no idea how proud we are of you,' and that means more to me than anything. There's no dollar amount that you can put on that. To earn the respect of these guys in the locker room and my fellow teammates and coaches, that's what gets me emotional or excited. All of it.

Q: How much better do you think you can be actually practicing at left tackle this week?

A: Yeah, obviously I had some cadence issues. The silent cadence is different for every team and obviously at guard I can really 'periph' the ball a lot better, so that was a major factor, and I was getting out jumping the count, then I was a little too slow and I remember coming to the sideline like alright I figured the snap count out, we are good to go. I am just going to go out there and fight and that's all I can promise you is I'll go out there and fight. It's not always going to be pretty and it's not how this game is, it's just I am going to go out there and battle and give it everything I've got. That's all I can ask. There are going to be bad plays, there are going to be plays I mess up and there is some story of life in there where it's like, where you get back up and you fight, you clear that play and that's something that I think is good for anybody.

Q: How'd you come up with 'straight off the couch' and when did you actually even record that?

A: So, straight off the couch, I was riding the bus to the hotel, and we landed in Buffalo, and they're like, 'Hey, you have to shoot your Sunday Night Football.' Obviously, I went to Syracuse University, and I always say Syracuse University, and I still love Syracuse University, so all my Syracuse folks out there, I give you your flowers. I love you so much. But I truly was watching last Sunday Night Football on the couch. It just hit me, like, I was a fan last week watching football. How many times can you be a fan watching your favorite team, the New York Giants, and the next Sunday you get to go play for that team on Sunday Night Football? That is a story. That is a story. I really came straight off the couch and started on Sunday Night Football, and nobody can ever take that away from me. If I never played another football game and that was my last one, I could go out like that. Then obviously, the Giants called the next day and said, 'Hey, let's get a deal done.' So, we were able to come back and keep doing it.

Q: Did anyone else know you did that?

A: I've got to give a huge shout out to (guard) Jalen Mayfield. I was going to do fresh off the couch, and he's like, 'straight off the couch.' He said straight off the couch to me when he came out. I was like, 'That's it.' That's it right there. So, I went in and did it. It was me, him and (quarterback Tommy) DeVito in there doing our Sunday Night Football, and DeVito has got some good personality. They were my hype guys.

Q: I'm sure you got a lot of reaction for that, all your friends, everybody saw that.

A: Yeah, I just called my wife after. That was the only person I really wanted to talk to after the game. She's like, 'Have you seen the internet?' I was like, 'I've seen I have 400 or 500 text messages right now.' And then I checked my phone and saw. That's how I want to go out, laughing, having fun. This is too stressful. This is not an easy place to play, as we've seen, and if we can go out and start having some fun and turn this thing around, that's my whole goal is to have some good vibes, to have fun and go win some games. That's what we have to do now.

Q: I know you said this was the only place you want it to be, but did you have other teams reach out to you and inquire about signing? Because once you went to the practice squad, anyone could make the call.

A: Yeah, I mean, look, teams can reach out, but there was never even a doubt in my mind. I came here for a reason. Before I even signed here, I had other options, but there was never a thought in my mind. I've said from—honestly, this is all Jerry Seinfeld's fault. Honestly. I was at a restaurant, Torrisi, in New York, like, four months ago over the summer. My wife and I are sitting there with some friends and across from us is Jerry Seinfeld. I hear his voice, and it was the most quintessential New York moment of all time. I remember texting my agent, like, 'Text the Giants, I want to come back.' So, really, if it wasn't for Jerry Seinfeld, I don't know if I'd be here right now. He's the greatest. He's the G.O.A.T. But from that point forward, I knew I wanted to come back here. Everything worked out perfectly. They played in Arizona. They stayed there for a week. I came and worked out 10 minutes from my house. They called me right after that, I fly in here. The way I started, it was just meant to be.

Once again, the New York Giants are bringing back their classic blue uniforms from the '80s and '90s for the 2023 season as part of two Legacy Games presented by Quest.


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