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Quotes (8/6): Coach Pat Shurmur, QB Daniel Jones, DL Dexter Lawrence

Coach Pat Shurmur

Opening Statement: We're two days out from the game, so we had a 10-10-10 practice, which was good. It got them moving around. We focused mainly on the Jets. We had a little period at the end there, 7-on-7, Giants vs. Giants. (It was) designed to give them some scheme that the Jets, what we anticipate they're going to run. Obviously doing research on Adam (Gase) when he was at the Dolphins, and then Gregg Williams when he was in Cleveland. That's sort of how we try to plan for that. This is more about the players and less about the scheme. The guys that are playing in this game, we want to see them block, tackle, run, throw, catch, all of the things. It's going to be less about matchups and more about execution from that standpoint. I'm sure I'm going to get peppered here by questions of who's playing in the game. I would say this. After this practice, we're going to reassess where everybody is health wise. But a few guys that are healthy and have been practicing may not play. But then certainly the guys who can't play at this point in training camp won't either. I don't have a final answer on any of that yet, although I do have some strong ideas who may not. I'll just leave it at that and then we can visit about other stuff.

Q: Is the plan for Eli (to play)?

A: We'll just leave it. We'll let that all reveal itself.

Q: How important is it for you to see Daniel (Jones) play extended action here in the preseason?

A: He's a guy that will play. I can tell you that for sure. Yeah, and it's good. The preseason games are very important, especially for the quarterback to be able to go out there. It's the next real step in his process, so to speak. We're looking forward to seeing him go out and execute.

Q: You want to see him play as much as possible though?

A: Yeah, we want to see him play. We'll just see how long it takes.

Q: We saw what you did with the quarterbacks last preseason. Is that different from this preseason, because last preseason they were learning your playbook, and this year, Eli (Manning), (Kyle) Lauletta and (Alex) Tanney are familiar with it?

A: Maybe slightly. Maybe slightly.

Q: Has your thinking evolved at all regarding preseason play among veterans particularly?

A: Yeah, I've kind of adjusted my thinking over the years. As I mentioned, there are some healthy guys that have been practicing that you may not see Thursday.

Q: This kind of ties into that. What are your thoughts on the proposal out there of 18 regular season games and 2 preseason games?

A: I don't know. I think we play a lot of football. I'm not involved in those meetings. The players, the owners and the NFLPA, they'll get that figured out. It's still 20 games in my mind. I obviously know that it means different things to different people. So we'll just have to see it how it plays out.

Q: From the coaching standpoint, is two preseason games enough to get your team ready? Would that be okay?

A: If we're given two preseason games, we'll get the team ready. That's what I would say. That's really, over the years, how we've adjusted to the rules. At one point, there wasn't an offseason that was quite as structured as it is now. Now with all of the structure, we're still required to do our jobs in the amount of time that's allotted, and be smart about how we train our guys. That's really going to be my opinion regardless.

Q: Does it make it particularly challenging for Daniel going against a Gregg Williams defense? He will not be shy about bringing pressure.

A: Yeah, that's the reputation of it. But you have to see it. He's going to get pressured during the season. We'll react to whatever comes.

Q: What are you looking to see from him (Jones) when he does get out there?

A: We want him to play good football and execute well. I think that's the important thing. Everybody that plays on Thursday is going to play a portion of the game. So, we want to see the guys that are playing make the best of the reps that they get.

Q: With the healthy guys you sit, what will go into that decision?

A: I'll decide why and why they won't. I don't want to go (into it). Like I said, I mentioned that there will be some guys that don't play. I just have an idea of who I don't want to see in this first game.

Q: This is usually the third preseason game. Did you have some say in wanting the third game to be against somebody you're not playing in the regular season this year?

A: I was involved in those conversations. I think it makes sense. We're going to play the Jets in the regular season. As I mentioned, this is more about the players and trying to decide who our best 53 are, than actually the scheme and the matchups and all that. We'll get to that later when we play the Jets. But to play them first instead of third, I think it makes sense this year.

Q: Will you talk about Sean Chandler a little bit and how he's progressing?

A: He's done a really good job. In fact, he caught my eye a couple times today moving around. Coming back from the back injury, first in my mind, I'm looking at his movement skills, his change of direction, and his twisting and turning. I think he's done a really good job with all of that. He was tight in coverage in the red zone a couple of times at the end of practice. He's very tough and very competitive. For him, the next step obviously now will be the preseason.

Q: Is the first preseason game very important for quarterbacks because it's probably the first time they're getting real, live pressure and actually getting hit?

A: That's part of it. There's no red jerseys in real games, so obviously they're exposed to hits. Yeah, that's part of it. It's understanding the timing. Sometimes the timing changes a little bit. So they get that all calibrated in the preseason games. Just like fending off low blocks. Just like tackling to the ground. There are certain things that you really can't practice safely that you have to get in the preseason games. That's probably one of the elements for the quarterbacks.

Q: When Daniel's in the game, do you want him to stick to the script, whatever you send to the field?

A: We want him to execute the offense. There are some plays that they have flexibility to do what they do. Then there are other things that we have that are what I consider 'run it' plays, where you just call it and run it. We want him to execute, and we want him to do it in a way that represents how we run our offense.

Q: Are you going to continue to call plays this year?

A: Yes.

Q: What's Chad Wheeler's status? We haven't seen him in a couple of days.

A: He's dealing with a back thing that's… Those are a little bit tricky sometimes. He's sort of day-to-day.

Q: Do you think you'll be very aggressive in calling reviews, specifically with pass interference, trying to figure out how they're going to do it this year?

A: Yeah, I'd like to see how they're going to do it. I have my opinion of how it's going to play out, based on what we heard from the officials, based on the training tapes that go around. The replay system works really well, but there's also an element of it that's sort of what was called, stays. I'm curious to see if that's… unless it's so obvious that we're going to change it. We've seen plays in the past… forget OPI-DPI (offensive pass interference- defensive pass interference). Any type of foul where you would have said, 'We called a foul here. If I didn't call the foul, it wouldn't have been one. But since I did, I see why…' I think there's a little bit of that in there, which I think it's important for us early on in this process to see how it's going to be done. I really do believe that we all want to get it right. This is going to be talked about a great deal. It's going to have an effect on some games, so I think in the preseason, it makes sense for all of us to, every once in a while, throw one just to see what the response is.

Q: Were you reasonably comfortable with how it was explained to you?

A: I was. I'm comfortable with how it was explained, and I have my opinions of how I think it's going to be officiated. I understand where the officials are coming from when they make their decisions. But we all know it happens in real time. As an example, I don't know if we visited it here, there was a foul the other night where the running back lowered his head. Do we all remember that foul in the first game? The foul was called on the running back, but then when you watch it, the defender came in just as low and used his head. Then were was some discussion, 'Well should it have been on the defender? Oh by the way, should it be on both of them?' There's an example of, that's obviously not up for review, but the interpretation of something that happens in real time.

Q: Are you looking forward to just getting some clarity on Golden Tate with his appeal today?

A: Yeah, and that should be coming here soon. You noticed he was at practice. He left a little bit early to get to where he needed to be.

QB Daniel Jones

Q: What is your feeling going into Thursday night? Excited? Nervous? What?

A: I'm excited. I think it'll be a whole lot of fun to just run out there for the first time and kind of be part of the scene, be part of an NFL football game. So, I'm excited, I'm looking forward to getting out there.

Q: Do you have any sense at all from the coaches how much and when you will play?

A: I'm not really sure. I think we'll all play some, but as far as the plan, I'm not sure.

Q: What are you expecting to be different once you get into game action?

A: Well, the defense will be different, for one. Going against different looks will be a big thing. I expect it'll be faster to some extent, just a live game, but I'm excited just to be back playing football again.

Q: Do you feel that you're as equipped as you could be to play in this first preseason game?

A: Yes, I think so. I think as a group on offense, I think we've had a good last couple weeks. I think as a unit, we're ready for it. So, like I said, it'll be different, it'll be different looks, it'll be maybe a little faster, but I think we're in a good spot as a group, and I feel prepared for Thursday night.

Q: What have you heard and seen about Gregg Williams' defense? Obviously, there's a reputation—what are your impressions of what they do?

A: Well, I think they play really hard. Something you notice is how aggressive they are and how hard they play, but it'll be different from what we've seen in practice in terms of their just kind of base looks, their base coverages and pressures. All that will be different, so I've just been trying to familiarize myself with those different looks and how they attack an offense. I've been trying to do that these past couple days, trying to prepare as best I can.

Q: Are you looking forward to that first hit, or would you rather not?

A: Yes, I think a little bit. I think you kind of look forward to—it kind of gets you going, kind of back in the live action football. It'll be exciting.

Q: It doesn't need to be too big though?

A: Yes, it doesn't need to be too big. No, that's part of the game, I'm looking forward to getting in there.

Q: Who's coming, family or friends (inaudible)?

A: I've got some family members coming out, my immediate family and some cousins. It'll be fun, I'm looking forward to it.

Q: Daniel, regardless of the number of snaps that you play, when the night's over and you look back and say, "I got this done," what is that list you that you want to accomplish in your first preseason game?

A: I think first and foremost it's to score points, move the offense down the field and score points. So, I think that's always the goal, but in that, it's executing consistently, keeping the ball moving forward, not hurting ourselves, and executing what we have on offense. So, doing that, taking care of the ball, I think all those things, but if we're scoring points, if we're moving the ball, I think we'll feel good about what we did.

Q: Daniel, you're two days away from your first NFL action. What has Eli said to you about what to expect?

A: I think right now just focusing on the preparation of it and making sure that I'm as prepared as I can possibly be. I think, like I said, we've had a good last couple weeks of practice, but now the preparation kind of shifts more specifically to the Jets and just trying to prepare for that, so that when I do get out there Thursday night, I'm ready to go.

Q: Will you take a moment to sort of walk around the field to kind of say, "This is pretty cool?"

A: Yes, I think I will. First time walking out there, whether that's warm-ups or before the game, I think I will take a moment and look around, and I'm excited for that.

Q: What does it mean to kind of get to that spot, once your whole life (inaudible)?

A: I think that it'll be a short moment, but for the most part, I think I've realized—just being here you realize that a little bit, and when we get out there Thursday night, I'll have a moment to do that, but you realize you're playing a game pretty shortly, so I don't know if you have a whole lot of time to do that.

Q: What are you expecting from MetLife Stadium? You haven't really been there and that kind of environment.

A: I haven't. I haven't stepped on the field yet, so I think just getting in there and looking around will be cool. Hopefully the fans will be excited to be there, and hopefully we can play well.

Q: What areas did you grow in the most so far in camp?

A: I think a lot of it has to do with understanding what the defense is trying to do to you, and understanding whether that's in protections, or kind of your progressions in the pass game. I think all that stuff, understanding what the defense is trying to do to you and recognizing that as quickly as you can so you can get in and out of your protections and get into your reads quickly.

Q: Is it slowing down for you a little bit since day one?

A: Yes, I think it has. I've said it's still pretty early on in my progression—I realize that, I realize there's still a lot to learn, but I do feel like it's slowed down. I've gotten better at recognizing a lot of different things.

Q: Is there a fine line between trying to make an impression trying to make a throw and throwing an interception?

A: I think so, yes. I think certainly you want to be aggressive, you want to take advantage of the opportunities they give us, but I think part of playing quarterback, part of being the decision maker is understanding when those chances aren't there. So, I think coaches will be looking for that as well, I think that's important to remember in an opportunity like this.

Q: How valuable do you think it will be to get the opportunity to play behind the ones a little bit, the starting offensive line and the starting receivers out there?

A: I think it'll be valuable, I think—over these last few weeks, I think we've built chemistry kind of across the board with everyone, whether you're throwing in routes or seven-on, or whatever it is. So, I'm confident in all the guys, and I think it'll be good.

Q: Daniel, as you get closer to game time, what kind of emotions are going on inside? Are you excited? Are you nervous? Are you intense about it?

A: I think I'll be excited, first and foremost. Just to get out there and put on the uniform and run around on the field, I think, will be exciting. Just trying to focus and kind of lock in on what we have to do as an offense or what the game plan is, but just trying to get focused.

DL Dexter Lawrence

Q: What are you looking forward to in your first NFL game?

A: I'm really excited, I've never been to an NFL football game, so the first one I'm able to be at I'm going to be playing in, so that's kind of exciting. Also I kind of think of it as a player now, the excitement is there but it's also like another game. I've been playing football all my life so not too many nerves, I'm just ready to go.

Q: What team did you grow up rooting for?

A: The closest team to me was probably the Panthers, but I grew up a Giants fan.

Q: Was that by plan, not going to a NFL game before your first?

A: No, no, it just kind of just happened that way. I never could make it.

Q: Before the game what do you think it will feel like stepping onto the field as a Giant?

A: Well, it's a night game too. So all the lights are going to be on, it's going to be exciting. I like playing under the lights. It's honestly just a moment I dreamed of my whole life, so I'm just excited. I'm getting tired of practice right now. I'm ready to go play a game and just prove myself each and every day.

Q: How much more comfortable do you feel now than a few weeks ago?

A: A lot more comfortable. When I first got here, we had OTAs and just getting adjusted. You know I didn't play football since like early December, so it was a little rough and then we got to training camp. The first couple of days, it was a little slow but now I'm feeling myself. But as the days went on and the weeks stacked up, I feel a little more comfortable but I'm not satisfied. There's a lot I still have to work on and I'm trying to get better every day.

Q: You didn't play at the end of last season; do you carry that as kind of a chip going forward? Like the way last season ended was not how you wanted it to end. Did you have to prove yourself here?

A: Not really. It is what it is. I kind of got over it when it happened. It was just unfortunate to have to go through something like that, but what is also exciting is the first regular season game is in Dallas, and that's the first game I missed, so that's going to be a little exciting right there.

Q: How's your roommate holding up?

A: Daniel (Jones)? I don't know. Actually, I haven't seen him the last couple of nights. I've started to get to bed a little earlier and he comes in a little later, so we haven't had our nightly talks (laughter).

Q: What is he like as a roommate?

A: What you all get. Kind of quiet. I'm bringing it out a little bit, his personality, 'swag,' I guess is what they used to call him. I'm bringing that out. I ask him questions about what QBs look at. Do they look at the fronts, do they look at if we are over, under, and things like that. We talk about stuff like that.

Q: Who has more swag on the field, you or him?

A: I guess we'll have to see.

Q: Are those nightly talks about football?

A: We try to not talk about football too much. Obviously when we aren't here, that's our time to debrief and talk about life and things like that.

Q: What impressions do you have of him on the field?

A: I knew when I played him in college he was really good. In the first half, he was killing us on the field, up and down the field, but they just couldn't score. I knew his talent when they drafted him. I said, 'okay, he deserves to be there.' I respect that. That's why I wanted to be his roommate, just to keep his mind straight and not think about stuff like that. I want to be that kind of guy to motivate him a bit more, and show him, since I don't get into that stuff. I just do what I have to do and be where I have to be.

Q: You wanted to be his roommate, why?

A: To motivate him. I knew he was getting it hard and all of that stuff, so just to be there for him.

Q: What do you mean? The reaction after the draft?

A: Yeah.

Q: When you played him, did you take a shot at him?

A: Oh yeah, multiple shots. He's still feeling them (laughter).

Q: Does he remember this?

A: Oh yeah, he remembers (laughter).

Q: Did you request that you guys room together?

A: Yes, I did. It was in the rookie minicamp meeting and they were asking about roommates. I said, 'I want to be roommates with Daniel,' and that kind of thing.

Q: Did that come from the offseason? At the Town Hall, I saw videos and it seemed like you too were back and forth passing the mic?

A: I just liked his personality. He's humble and he's hungry, you can tell. He will never tell me he had a good day, even when I think he had a good day. That non-satisfaction will just keep him getting better each day.

Q: Do you have that attitude, too?

A: Definitely.

Q: What has been the best nightly chat you guys have had?

A: Best nightly chat? It's just life. You can't know about all that (laughter).

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