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Postgame Quotes (11/3): Coughlin, Manning


Coach Tom Coughlin
** I think if we could have somehow scored some points in the first half it might have negated a little of the third quarter. The third quarter obviously they punted the ball once, scored twice and they scored once off of an error. We really didn't match any of that during that period. We got some late production but not enough. We continue to have the same problem. Three points in the first half is not going to get you much of an opportunity to beat the number one offense in the National Football League and a team that's scored as many points as they've scored. We contributed some to that; we didn't necessarily… all of it but nevertheless it all goes on the board. We had one theme throughout. We were very much aware of this Indianapolis team and how at times they have taken huge leads. Made a run for them toward the end of the game and in other times they fell way behind and they had a chance to make a run at the end of the game as well. We knew full well the explosiveness of this team, the production of the quarterback, etcetera, etcetera. I thought we were still battling and in it at the half even though we only had the three points. We felt pretty good the way we were playing on defense but they took it and drove and scored the first two times they had the ball and then we contributed with the fumble that they ran down inside the five and scored there too. I did think that we played hard. We had a little bit of a lull when they started to run the ball on us but we came back, we bounced back and held them to a field goal there. Everything was too little too late.Q: The first half the offense struggled. As you're watching it unfold, what are you attributing this to?

A: Well there wasn't any run game. I thought we would be able to do some business with the pass but our third down conversions were… we did a pretty good job of holding them on third down too but we were worse off. You're going to keep the ball, control the ball… I really don't know what the time of possession was. That was another thing. If you're going to be able to do that, you've got to convert on third down and we didn't.Q: What happened with the late challenge and the touchdown?

A: They go fast. Whenever they make a big play, they go fast. We talked about it all week, our defense prepared for it all week long. All of a sudden, we weren't getting lined up as fast as we should. I wasn't sure exactly whether the ball was fumbled or not. I would have done anything to slow them down right there. Obviously that didn't work. They were able to take advantage of us in that one circumstance. It's something they have done in the past after big plays. We have worked on it, we just didn't line up as well, as fast as we should have lined up.

Q: Were you trying to signal for a challenge?
A: I was trying to do anything I could to stop that, stop the clock, stop the game, whatever, whether it was or not. Seriously, did I think that they didn't catch the ball or whatever? I felt he caught the ball.Q: So you were trying to challenge because you noticed the defense was not lined up correctly?

A: I was trying to do anything I could to slow the thing down, to stop what took place. We gave them the one and then that play was another. Fourteen of those points came off of that type of thing. They were driving the ball, I'm not going to tell you that they might not have continued to drive the ball but we were prepared to not allow them to use that tactic and it didn't work.Q: Do you always keep the red flag in your sock?

A: Usually.Q: You had it in your pocket later.

A: A lot of times I don't have pockets. I do now in this time of year. I keep it in the sock, always have.Q: You implored them to try and play above the Xs and Os earlier this week. You weren't able to do that as much as you wanted. The three straight losses, are you a little worried about where this team is now?

A: I can't worry about that part of it. We have to worry about the team we play next week. Just as you said, if we had a smaller percentage of plays that were outstanding plays, and there were some good plays out there tonight, I'm not going to tell you there weren't, and we need more. Obviously we need more. If you just put it in into the category of scoring, we need to score some points. What has it been, three weeks and a shutout, 21 and 24? That's not enough points. Q: Can you score points without an able running game?

A: It's not easy. It's not going to help us. I think we always talk about that. At the end of the night, they had 98 yards and we had what, 88 or 89 yards? There weren't many runs that were very good. There were a couple, a couple contributing runs but not much. As much as I stand here and tell you that I want balance, if you're going to score some points, you have to have big plays and if you're not running the ball much… the only thing that I worry about when we do go ahead and stick our neck out is the turnovers. Q: Level of concern with Prince Amukamara's injury…?

A: There is a lot of concern. We've lost a player or two in each game, it seems like. That's not a good one. Prince was playing well. He did a very nice job tonight and that was a blow to lose him.Q: You've faced a lot of great players but when Andrew Luck is at the top of his game, how monumental of a challenge is that just to try to slow him down?

A: There's no question. The way he's been playing, the way he played tonight, he's an outstanding young quarterback that throws and manages the game very well and is accurate. His throws to the tight ends tonight were outstanding. The Reggie Wayne touchdown was an outstanding throw. We were not in great position in coverage on that play but nevertheless it was an accurate throw.Q: Is Prince done for the year?

A: Normally that's surgery.Q: How about Weston Richburg?

A: I don't know. I haven't heard anything on that. He had x-rays. I would be foolish to say anything about it until I hear.**

QB Eli Manning**

A: … on and off a little bit early on. I felt I missed some guys high in the first quarter. I don't know where that came from. That hurt us on a few plays, had third down, rolling out and missed Odell high and had one on a drive throwing Preston Parker high. We didn't… we hit a couple big plays, did a couple good things, we just didn't sustain drives and didn't find completions and didn't run the ball very well. If you don't run the ball well and you throw incompletions, you end up with a lot of third and longs. That was kind of the case. We didn't do a good job converting them.

Q: What is your level of concern right now? Three straight losses, where do you go from here?
A: We've got to keep fighting. We've got to find a way to be better offensively, to find a rhythm. We're just not helping ourselves. We're making it tough on ourselves. We've got to find a way to move the ball more efficiently as an offense. I've got to play better, I've got to hit my targets and have a great control of the offense with protections and getting into better plays and doing some things. All around, we've got some moving parts and some different guys playing, it's my job to play better and to raise my level of play and raise their level of play.

Q: We know that you've always prepared well. Were there some things that you just didn't see coming at you this particular game?
A: I thought we had a good plan. They did a good job getting pressure on us. It wasn't anything we hadn't seen or weren't prepared for. It wasn't anything that we shouldn't have picked up. They did a good job getting some pressure, throwing the ball a little bit before I wanted to sometimes. We tried to take some shots down the field, we didn't connect on any. Just didn't take advantage of some of the press man and that technique, never got them out of it just because we didn't hit any plays down the field.

Q: Antrel Rolle was just telling us that he doesn't really know what team is going to show up from week to week, it's a little bit frustrating for him. Do you get that sense as well?
A: I think it's just a matter of we just have to play better. It's the same team. I think we prepare well and we practice well. We do things correctly in practice but just don't perform well on game day as well as we can. There are some good things and there are some stretches where we knew we made some plays and did some good things. It seemed from the start of the game, we just don't get into a rhythm early. We found ourselves getting down in a few games.


WR Odell Beckham Jr.**

A: There were certain plays that we had that were designed and I got a chance to get open and Eli always makes the throw and I just made a few plays. But like I said, at the end of the day, it's still a loss. You take it, yeah. It was whatever it was, but it was still a loss.

Q: What does this offense need to do to get more consistent?
A: That's the key. It's consistency. It's really just not making the mistakes that we consistently make, whether it's the big downs – the third downs. We had a couple of drops. I know I had a couple of drops. The receivers had a couple of drops and they're just plays we have just got to make. I put that on us and we've got to come out next week and make those plays.

Q: Are these physical mistakes? Are they mental mistakes? Are they both?
A: It just happens. They're mistakes that happen. You drop a ball. You want to catch them all, but with the nature of the game, you may drop one or two. We just need to eliminate those drops and if you have those drops, don't have them at those times in the game.

Q: What would you attribute the struggles in the first half for the offense?
A: Not converting on third downs. Any time you go three and out, it makes it hard for the defense. It puts a lot of stress on the defense and it's just something that we need to get better at is just converting on third downs, staying on the field, keeping the defense off the field when they make a stop. We need to be able to drive the ball down the field. Even if you're not driving the ball down the field to score, you're keeping your defense off the field and just putting them in bad situations. We need to do a better job at that.

Q: On the 59-yard reception, did you think you couldn't outrun the defense so you tried to cut it back?
A: I got in the open field and I just kind felt my legs… they weren't there with me, so I'm looking around and making sure there was nobody that was going to strip the ball. I just tried to get as many yards I can, get down and move on to the next play.


Safety Antrel Rolle**

Q: Was this a situation where the guys played hard and the execution just wasn't what you expected?
A: I thought there were a lot of times that we played hard. They're a good football team, not to take anything away from them. They came out and they were very effective with what they were trying to do. We were unsuccessful. I feel like, as players, we have to help ourselves. When an opportunity presents itself, we have to come out and make the plays. We have to win one-on-one matchups and we didn't do that today. It's just getting repetitive. We've got to find a way to make it right.

Q: Are you worried about where this team is right now and where it's headed?
A: Yeah, obviously. We're 3-5. There's a lot to be worried about. We're not winning the games. When we're out there on the field as players… Like I said, not to disrespect any team, not to take any credit away from any team because the teams that win deserve to win. That's how the game unfolds. I feel like we could do so much different. This game is about attitude. It's 2014. You have to have a lot of passion about this game and you have to want it. No team is gonna give you anything in this league and right now we're not taking it. We're not taking it. We're not capitalizing on opportunities. We have to fight harder. We have to get dirty. We have to get nasty sometimes in this game. You play within the rules, but I don't even know.

Q: There have been times before when in past years you felt that there wasn't enough fight. Is that what you're saying? What are you seeing out there?
A: Whatever the reason is, we're not winning games. That's the only thing that matters. Whether it's fight or not enough fight. Whether it's lack of execution. Whatever it may be, we have to figure it out. We have to get it right, otherwise we'll just keep digging ourselves a hole. Like I said, this is a game where the strongest team will survive. The team that fights for 60 minutes strong, no matter how the game is going, is gonna be the team to win the game. We've got to do a much better job out there.

Q: What happened on that chance you had for the interception?
A: It's one of those plays where it's a judgment call. You gotta see. I read the ball very well and the ball was high. At that point in time you can't really tell how high the ball was. It was one of those things where you overrun trying to go for an interception. The worst case scenario, the receiver will end up catching the ball and that's a touchdown if you overrun the play. It was a little iffy. It was a little hard to judge trying to see if the receiver had a chance to get the ball at the same time and get the interception. So that's all that was. It broke their concentration a little bit. Those are plays that you have to come with. You have to find a way to make those plays. There's no excuses for it. It is what it is. You have to make those plays. Those are the plays that the great ones make. I have to make that play.

Q: What are your impressions of Andrew Luck? What has made him so tough?
A: Luck is a great quarterback. He's a rising star. He has a lot of heart. He's a very smart quarterback, very decisive with his choices. He's good at finding the mismatches. He did a good job finding the mismatches. We have to find a way to confuse the quarterbacks and the offense. I felt at times we did a good job of doing that early on. In the second half, I think they kind of figured us out a little bit. They figured out how what we were playing and finding the one-on-one matchups. If our guy was inside, they were breaking outside. They were making the plays that we weren't.

Q: What happened on the Coby Fleener touchdown?
A: The first one? Defense was just figuring that it wasn't a catch. We saw the coaches gathered on the sideline. We didn't know whether he was trying to challenge it or not. As a defense, we have to go ahead and get lined up. No one got called, no one got lined up. That was one of the situations that we've practiced. Everyone should've got the call. Everyone should've got lined up. We failed to do so as an entire defense. Those are the plays that cost you. You can't give up those plays. I thought we were doing a good job at a lot of times on the defense and getting them at third and long situations, but I also felt at times we didn't execute.

Q: Do you think you can and will turn things around?
A: I always hope for the best for this team. I have a lot of confidence in this team, a lot of confidence in what we have as far as talent level. You can say something as much as you want, but at the end of the day what are the results? The results are not good. What I believe, I'm always gonna believe. It doesn't matter if we go 0-16, I'm gonna believe. Until the day I quit playing this game. That's the kind of guy and competitor I am. We have to believe in ourselves. We have to believe in ourselves as an entire unit. Right now, I don't know if that's happening right now.

Q: Is there something you see out there that gives you hope that this won't be another empty end of the season with not playoffs?
A: There's times where I've felt like we can play as good as any team in this league and there's times where I think we can play as bad as any team in this league. You don't know. I think that's something where we have to come together as a team, coaches, players, everyone included, and figure out who we are we as a team. I feel like we're so inconsistent. We're so up and down. You don't know what you're gonna get coming Sunday. You don't know if you're gonna get the good Giants, the bad Giants, the flat Giants, the Giants that play with energy. You never know what you're gonna get. We have to find a way to understand that this is the NFL, man. This is the league. This is where we've always wanted to be. You have to be passionate about this game. If you lose, you lose with a fight. You literally lose with a fight. You go out there and you fight and scratch and claw. You try to do whatever you can to get a win. Right now, it's just not happening.

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