Gogolak played for the Giants from 1966-74 and is the highest-scoring player in the history of the franchise with 646 points – 120 more than runner-up Brad Daluiso. He also owns the franchise records for field goals (126) and extra points (268). Beyond his prowess as a kicker, Gogolak is a significant figure in the history of pro football. When he moved from the Buffalo Bills to the Giants, Gogolak became the first prominent player to leave the upstart American Football League for the NFL. Wellington Mara signed him after watching rookie Bob Timberlake miss 13 consecutive field goal attempts. Gogolak was also pro football's first soccer style kicker. Prior to Gogolak, placekickers approached the ball straight on, with the toe making first contact with the ball. Gogolak, who was born and played soccer in Hungary, approached the ball at an angle and kicked it with his instep – the style all kickers use today.
Pete Gogolak
Jan 01, 2015 at 11:53 AM