1. What is one play or game that could have changed the course of the year?
Safety Quintin Demps: From a positive standpoint, the Washington game, the first one.
From a negative standpoint, either San Fran or Dallas, or Jacksonville.
There are so many negative ones. But you just have to be positive. I felt like the Washington game, I just felt like we were all of one accord -- offensively, special teams, and defensively. So that one.
2. What is one thing you need to work on before next season?
Demps:** Just some technique stuff that I have to get better at, just some things, eyes of course, tackling. Just the normal.
3. What are your offseason plans?
Demps: I'm going to finish school. I've got one class, one credit. So I'm going to knock that out. That's my biggest thing. That's my main goal. I'm going to take an online class back at home.
Check out photos of Safety Quintin Demps from the 2014 season