What is the most memorable moment from the 2014 season?
Mike Patterson: I think it has to be training camp, just everybody connecting and coming together, trying to figure out how the team is going to be and stuff like that. It was a wonderful start for us, I think. Trying to figure out our personality on the team, stuff like that, I think that was the most memorable moment for me.
What is one thing you need to work on before next season?
Patterson: We've got quite a few things. We didn't make the playoffs this year, so I'm assuming there's a little bit of everything, staying strong for four quarters, working together in all three phases -- special teams, offense and defense. Just staying focused and staying connected with the coaches to understand what they want us to do on the field.
What are your offseason plans?
Patterson: You've got to get your body right. Keep it strong, don't allow yourself to lose focus of where you need to be at to continue your career.
Check out photos of DT Cullen Jenkins from the 2014 season