Q: Do you feel like you're ready to take on a larger role if your needed to?**A: Absolutely. Whatever the coaches ask me to do, I try to do to the best of my ability. I'm working hard every day and I know I have to improve on a lot of things. The only thing I can do is work on them every day and hopefully, I get better and everything works out.
Q: What's the mood among the defensive line now? You guys lost a lot of people; Canty's still out, Martin's obviously gone and Marvin's down getting his back looked at?A: Our coach said it's a game and you never know, it could be over any day, so you've got to make the best of your opportunities. You have to go day by day and work hard every day because you never know when it could be your last. I guess for the younger guys, they have to step up and take more snaps in practice and we'll have to go and see what happens.
Q: You never know when it can be your last, but you also never know when it can be your first.A: Exactly.
Q: Coach Nunn told you guys that?A: Yeah, we talked about today with coach Nunn in our meetings and about the situation. Today, I just know I probably have more reps in practice, but I don't know much more as of right now.
Q: How'd you do in the game?A: I think I did alright on some things. I was excited on my first play was a tackle for a loss. On defense, I looked at the film and looked at some plays. I did all right in some things, but I wasn't too happy the way I played on special teams. It's just, I haven't even played special teams at NC State at all other than being on the field goal block team, or some things like that. Or the punt protection was the first two years, so I wasn't too happy with that and I know I still have a lot of room for improvement and just overall. It's your first NFL game; it's exciting when the bullets are flying. I know I did ok, but I know I can do a lot better.
Q: I know you don't want to see anybody get hurt, but when guy's start going down like this, is it hard not to sense that it's an opportunity for you? You're going to get more snaps. You're going to get more playing time, things like that.A: As I said earlier, I personally, am not changing my approach. I don't work harder or less hard just because of a situation. I work as hard if everybody's healthy or whoever is coming in not coming in, I'm doing everything in my power to be the best I can be. It doesn't matter if everybody's healthy or nobody's healthy.
Q: From what you've seen in camp is there anything that surprised you from this level of play? Anything that shocked you or do you feel like it's just a matter of catching up to speed and you've kind of got the sense of what its all about.A: I think I've got the sense of what it's about. I mean, everybody's very good here, obviously they're doing it for a living. As of right now I've got everything what I've expected so far.
Q: Did it feel like you're at the speed of the game where you can play with everybody else? With everybody else, everybody talks about when you're new to something, it's the speed here. Do you feel like last Friday maybe got you up to speed?A: I mean, sure not up to speed, but it was my first preseason game ever and we have three more to go, so, we have some weeks left here so hopefully after all this is over with, I'll be at the speed where I should be.
Q: Is there any culture shock when it comes to joining a U.S. Team?A: Well, I was with a U.S. team in college for the last five years too so, I mean, sure there are differences in being in America or being in Germany. I've been here for five years. I've been enjoying myself here and I've gotten so used to it now. It's become normal to me.
Q: Is there a difference in being a professional athlete in Germany and being a professional athlete here do you think?A: I never was a professional athlete in Germany. So I can't really tell but I think.