Q: Got a game Saturday. Some dude named Tebow is going to be playing for the other team. Are you at least curious to play against him, and see what it is that they want to do with him?**A: No. I'm just curious on getting better. I think the most improvement should be made from week one to week two. So, I'm just curious for us to get better as a football team.
Q: Most improvement from one to two, why? Why are these two games most important to you?A: I think you just knock the rust off for the first game, for people who have been there before. I think the rookies, people who haven't played; they get more adjusted to the NFL game. That's usually when you see the most improvement.
Q: The Jets feel one of the things with Tebow is he makes defenses prepare. The wildcat, you have to prepare a lot during the week for it. Is that the case here? There's a lot more work during the week?A: I would assume so. Most teams don't present you that type of wrinkle in an offense like they're going to. So, it definitely gives you something to work on that you usually wouldn't have to. Still, we definitely have to work on what we need to work on as a defense. If that's what's presented to us, as far as the wildcat, I'm sure we're going to see that at some other point during this year. So, it's good to work on it now.
Q: So, when you've done it in the past, Vick has run the wildcat, was the work week a little more extensive because of that added wrinkle in it?A: No. Basically, what they do is take away plays from what you normally would be practicing against. Then you have to throw that in there, and make sure you prepare for that, also. They can't add on to how many reps we do, because of it. It just takes away from the things that we would work on ordinarily
Q: So, the taking away from that, does that hurt? You're not working on it as much?A: I wouldn't say it hurts, but it just gives you something else to prepare for.
Q: Rex Ryan the other day, was talking about the effectiveness of the wildcat, and how some people don't think it's that effective anymore. He said, 'Defenses around the league do. Defensive coordinators still worry about it.' Is it that dangerous of an offense?A: Well, it depends on who you have running it. Obviously, you have a guy who's well-versed in it, running it over there. It can still be effective.
*Q: How important was the win last year against the Jets for you guys? *A: It was important. Basically, because it was the next game on our schedule, and we needed that win to get into the playoffs. I don't think it was necessarily being the Jets that was important. It was just the fact that we needed that win to get into the playoffs.
Q: Justin was saying he doesn't think the Jets are really a rival. He said the NFC East is a rival. Do you agree with that?A: Yeah. No question. I mean, the Jets are a good football team, but us playing them, unless it's like a Super Bowl game, it's really not that big of a deal. I think the NFC East is certainly our biggest rivals. The Jets, anytime we play them, is good, because we're in the same city. At the same time, a lot of those guys, we know. We respect them a lot, but as far as rivalry goes, definitely the teams in the NFC East.