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Postgame Quotes: HC Brian Daboll, QB Daniel Jones, RB Saquon Barkley, OLB Azeez Ojulari, WR Darius Slayton, K Graham Gano

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Daboll: Tough, hard-fought game. Division game. I thought both teams play hard. Left a couple plays out there. So, get ready to go play Philly. Get the tie and move on.

Q: What do you make of the tie?

A: We punted it there, I think, around the 43 (yard line) to try to back them up like we did. When Dex (defensive lineman Dexter Lawrence) got that sack, we had two timeouts. Try to get another possession there; there was conversation to go for it versus not go for it. We had the two timeouts. (If) we go for it, miss it, there was short field. They go and get a win against a division team. So, that's what we decided to do.

Q: I'm just talking more in general. What do you think about finishing the game in a tie? It's like an awkward situation. Are you happy that you finished in a tie?

A: No, you always like to win the game. But there's some things we can do better. That's what we'll try to do.

Q: Down the stretch of the first half, you guys had third-and-1 on the 11 (yard line). Did you want to try to take a shot at the end zone there?

A: Was it a first down or not? We called the play that we thought that might hit it. Obviously, didn't get it and ended up with three points. Obviously, we want seven (points). But I thought (offensive coordinator Mike) Kafka handled that drive doing down the field good.

Q: So, you weren't looking to take a shot on third-and-1 (for a touchdown)?

A: We had one, but we threw an underneath play because they took it away with the coverage that we got. We had (running back) Saquon (Barkley) down the sideline on a wheel route. Another seven route. But (quarterback) Daniel (Jones) made a good decision on it.

Q: How do you feel the emotion in the room is in there? To (a previous question) a little bit, are guys pissed that you tied? What's the emotion? What do you think the emotion should be in there amongst them?

A: Just get ready to work. The guys competed their tails off. Ended up tying rather than winning. But everybody is ready to go. We'll get ready to go next week.

Q: On that third-and-2 play in overtime, (wide receiver) Richie James and Saquon (bumped into each other).

A: They were fine. There was a miscommunication there. So, that put us at fourth-and-3. That was a play that we need to do better at.

Q: What was the explanation on the (center Jon) Feliciano unsportsmanlike?

A: He was flexing. He was going up to (wide receiver Darius) Slayton and saying, 'Hey, good job. Strong run.' But it was close. It was (near) all those players. So again, how the guy looks at it and interprets it, I don't think he can hear what Jon is saying to Slayton. So, they ended up calling it, which was obviously – we shouldn't even be in that situation. We get the ball there; it's going to be a first down. We're at the 35 (yard line). Probably (would have) make it a two-score game. Those are things we can't even make it close.

Q: At the end of the first half, the third-and-1 call, why not throw to the end zone on that one?

A: He called one that we thought was going to hit. We definitely could've done that. But we didn't.

Q: Can you overrule that?

A: Yeah, I can overrule it. Every decision that's made, you can put on me.

Q: It sounds like you would have taken a shot.

A: I thought it was fine. I think he had a good feel for what he was doing. But every decision that is made, regardless of what it is, is on me.

Q: Would you have done that differently thinking back on it? You don't give yourself an opportunity if the run doesn't work. If you pass and it doesn't work, obviously, you still give yourself an opportunity there.

A: I understand the question. Look, we ended up getting three points and went into halftime.

Q: On the long stretch from the end of the third quarter to almost to the end of the regulation, where it was all three and outs or four and outs, what was going on with the offense during that stretch?

A: They were executing better than we were. They had better play calls than we had.

Q: How do you see (outside linebacker) Azeez (Ojulari) and (tight end) Daniel (Bellinger), coming back from the injury? How do you see them? 100 percent? Or do you think they can take a little bit more –

A: I think we go back and watch the tape. I thought those guys competed though.

Q: What was your target for (kicker) Graham (Gano) there? Obviously, at some point, you've got to kick it.

A: On the last play?

Q: Yeah.

A: It was probably a little bit closer than that, but there was five seconds left. We knew the clock would run out. It was a 58-yarder. We tried to get a little bit closer on the play before, but that would have been a tough kick.

Q: Back to the fourth-and-3, you made that statement in the first game when you went for two. You were aggressive. Why not today?

A: Well, I think it's later in the season. And I think you have those conversations leading up to games about a wide variety of things that could happen, could not happen. To punt it and put them down there, I thought our defense had a chance to keep them down there and maybe get the ball back with, call it, 35 seconds – somewhere around there, somewhere around midfield and give ourselves another chance rather than if you don't get it and then they kick a field goal, and they were going with the wind, so that's the decision I made.

Q: When you're doing that in your head, are you playing the game as much so as 'Well, if this backfires, worst case we might get a tie,' compared to if you go for it and you don't get, worst case, they could be kicking it?

A: I think those conversations are all happening. It's not just in my head. I'm talking with a couple guys, and we're going through some things. Would it have it been different if it was fourth-and-1 versus fourth-and-3? Potentially. So, I think those things come into play. But again, at fourth-and-3 there after the play we just had before that and with two timeouts, I thought that was the best thing to do.

Q: How much of that calculation is how your offense was playing at the time of fourth-and-3?

A: Well, I'd say some of it is from the play before, too. So, you don't execute. We're fourth-and-3 instead of fourth-and-1. Look, the decision that we made, I'm good with. I felt comfortable with (it). We went down; we almost ended up getting the ball out of them. Had a chance at the end. Could've had it a little bit closer, but that's a decision based on where we were at on the field and the time of the game and the situation we were in that we felt was best.

Q: If you trusted your defense to get that stop by pinning them back, why not trust them to get a stop if you don't make the 4*th* and 3?

A: It's a little bit different. It's a little bit different yards there.

Q: inaudible

A: I got you, but you're calling 15, 20 yards versus a long way to go. So, that's why we made the decision that we made.

Q: How did you feel about the sack by (Azeez) Ojulari at that time? Did you think it changed the trajectory of that game at that time?

A: The one where he got the ball out? Yeah. I thought Azeez did some good things on his limited snap count.

Q: What about the pass rush today? Was this as good as it's been all year?

A: I thought they played well. They rolled guys in. We rolled guys in, got some pressure on those guys. I thought they played well. I thought there was a few things here and there that we could've done a little bit better job; everything starts with me. And that's what we'll do, get back in work.

Q: What did you see on the deep ball when Daniel (Jones) and (Darius) Slayton couldn't connect?

A: What did I see? I saw we had a chance to make it, and we didn't make it.

Q: Was it overthrown? Should he have caught it? What was your take on the play?

A: I saw him (Slayton) jump and it hit his hands. He was coming down, and (it) bounced out of his hands. It's a football play. Bounced out of his hands. We had a levels play there called, and coverage kind of broke. We had a chance on it; we just didn't connect on it.

Q: You went back-to-back deep balls.

A: That was a levels play, and it just popped open. And the next one, it went to the boundary side. (We) tried to give Slay(ton) another chance there.

Q: I know you have to look at film, but what was your take on (cornerback Zyon) Gilbert (in) his first NFL action?

A: I thought he did some good things. We'll evaluate the tape, but I thought he came in, competed and played a pretty good game.

Q: What happened with (cornerback) Darnay (Holmes)?

A: He had a shoulder.

Q: So, his decision to be inactive was injury related?

A: It was.

Q: In your estimation, what do you make of it? What does a tie do for your playoff chances at this point?

A: We'll figure it out. There's a long way to go. It's better than if it was a loss; not as good as if it was a win.

Q: What did you think of how Saquon ran, especially early?

A: I thought he ran good. Had some draws; there was a couple that weren't blocked as good as we needed them to be blocked. There were a couple of people in the backfield. So, I'm very confident in Saquon.

Q: How do you feel about a guy running out of bounds on plays where he might be able to stay in and lower his shoulder and get a couple (more yards)?

A: I'd have to look at the tape. What play are you talking about?

Q: There were a couple in the first half.

A: Like which ones?

Q: There was one out to your sideline where he kind of turned his shoulder back and backed out of bounds, kind of.

A: I'd have to look at the tape. I think Saquon's a tough guy. I think if he has decisions to make, he usually makes the right decisions with the ball in his hand based on angles and what the defense is doing. I just remember the last one: We threw it out to the flat, and it was different. It was kind of a different angle of the defender, but I have a lot of confidence in Saquon.

Q: Overall, (what are) your thoughts on Daniel's game today? He didn't throw an incompletion until the very end.

A: I thought he played a pretty good game.

Quarterback Daniel Jones

Q: What's your reaction to the tie? The feeling in the locker room? How do you feel after the tie?

A: I think we're all pretty disappointed with the result. Certainly not the one we were looking for. We'll go back to work and clean up a lot of things. I think it's safe to say we're disappointed but looking forward to getting back to work and working on things we got to improve on.

Q: Fourth and three in overtime – did you feel like you wanted to have the ball and a chance for the offense on fourth and three in overtime?

A: Yeah, I think those situations – our coaches and he's got a group of people who study those situations and make the best decision for us and the game situation. I understand that. We had a chance, got the ball back, had a chance to go down and kick it. Yeah, I understand.

Q: You mentioned you were disappointed in the result. How much do you view it as a loss? That's what it kind of sounds like when I'm listening to you talk about it.

A: It's not a loss, it's not a win either. I think you understand that part of it but just disappointed that we could've played better, could've taken advantage of some situations and won the game. That's the disappointing part. It's not a loss, you know, I think we understand that. We'll look to improve going forward.

Q: What's the feeling today on the Legacy Game with the fans? Can you describe it?

A: Yeah, it was a great atmosphere. We felt the fan support and energy throughout the game, especially down the stretch there in the fourth quarter. We appreciate that and hats off to them for the energy and juice they brought all game.

Q: The deep pass to (wide receiver Darius) Slayton at the end of regulation, you guys had an opportunity there. What happened there? What did you see from that play?

A: You talking about the one on the right side?

Q: Down the center of the field. I think it was on first down.

A: They let him go, I saw him and tried to get it to him there. Tough play. I thought we had a chance to make it.

Q: Can you take us through the emptions of the game being down 10 early, taking the lead late and then back and forth in overtime?

A: We dug a hole for ourselves to start the game going down 10, so that was tough. I thought we finished the first half strong, clawing back and tying it up. Started the second half well but didn't do enough down the stretch. We had plenty of opportunities and didn't convert on them. Disappointing down the stretch for sure.

Q: What happened on the third down play just before fourth down? Was it a miscommunication in the backfield?

A: Yeah, miscommunication. I got to get us in the right situation, get us in the right play and, yeah, that's on me there.

Q: What happened there? It looked like you were trying to tell (wide receiver) Richie (James) something right before the play.

A: Yeah, like I said – I got to do a better job of communicating that and making sure we're in the right play and the right situation and execute in those critical situations. Yeah, I got to be better there.

Q: Where do you think the running game is at this point coming off of two tough games? Maybe a little improvement today but what did you see from the running game?

A: I thought we ran it well for the most part. I thought the guys up front did well against a good front and we were able to move the line of scrimmage and create some plays in the run game. Like each aspect of our offense, we'll go back and study it and see what we can work on. I thought the guys up front played well.

Q: How much pressure did you have going into overtime?

A: It's an important game, I think we all felt that – all understood what was at stake. I think you focus on what you got to do, you focus on executing. We all felt prepared for the situation.

Q: What does a tie mean for your playoff hopes? How do you view that?

A: I don't know. I haven't really thought about that or looked at how that's going to affect us. We're taking it one week at a time. We got to clean up this film and look to improve and get ready to play our best ball next week. That's what we're focused on.

Running Back Saquon Barkley

Q: Have you ever been part of a tie before in any level of football?

A: No.

Q: What does that feel like? Is it more frustration, disappointment or does it just feel bland?

A: It sucks obviously. You go out there, you wanna compete and you want to win. When you put your bodies on the line and come out with a tie, it doesn't feel good for either team. Just have to treat it like a win or a loss. Just have to go back in and watch film and get ready for the next opponent and get back to it.

Q: You guys had the ball three times in overtime, twice got into Washington territory. How frustrating was it not to be able to get the winning points?

A: Frustrating. We didn't win the game. That's on us and we have to do a better job.

Q: What did you think of the offensive performance in the second half?

A: Not good enough.

Q: Why?

A: We didn't execute. We had momentum coming in. We didn't execute on that. We didn't make the plays all around. That's just it.

Q: On that third down play, it looked like there was some confusion. What happened there?

A: We didn't execute on that play either.

Q: Did everyone know what the play was? Was everyone sure of what was going on?

A: Yes, we just didn't execute it.

Q: Is that the play where you ran into Richie?

A: Yes.

Q: What did you think of the unsportsmanlike penalty on Feliciano?

A: I have to go back and watch it. From what I saw, I thought he was celebrating with his teammate. It is what it is.

Q: On fourth down, were you hoping you would go for it?

A: As a competitor, you want to go out there and make those plays. At the end of the day, Dabs (Coach Daboll) is going to make the decisions to put us in the best case to win the game. He's been doing a really good job all year, and we're not going to start questioning now.

Q: Have you been involved in a tie?

A: No.

Q: How does it feel?

A: It doesn't feel good. It sucks.

Q: How do you feel about the way you played?

A: All around, we didn't do enough. I didn't do enough. I didn't make enough plays, that's why we came up with a tie.

Q: You said it feels like a loss. Was that the message after the game? What was the message?

A: I wouldn't say that was the message. The message was get better, come back, learn from this and move on. At the end of the day, it's just a feeling…you've got a sour taste in your mouth after a tie. That's really what it is. That's why it feels like a loss. Like I said, go back, watch film, improve and get back on it.

On being down 10 early and going up late in the second half:

A: We responded. We were down 10 points and we responded. We have to put ourselves in position to win the football game. It's the NFL. Games will have ups and downs. Can't waver. We didn't do that, but when we needed it the most, we didn't execute the play.

Outside Linebacker Azeez Ojulari

Q: Can you talk about the sack right there at the start of the second half? What you saw, how you felt it changed the game?

A: I had a one-on-one matchup, they put me on the tight end. I beat him. Just won my one on one. Got to the quarterback. When I get to the quarterback, I always try to get the ball out because you never know what can happen, could change. I could go for the ball, I reach for it – it came out. I thought (Outside Linebacker Oshane Ximines) Ox had it but he missed it, so I fell on it again. Just kept hunting for the ball.

Q: He actually had a fumble recovery and then a fumble, so you'll have to give him a hard time for it…

A: (Laughs) Exactly.

Q: Overall, does it feel like a win? Does it feel like a loss? Does it feel like something in between? That had the vibe of a losing locker room, it was very quiet – but you didn't lose.

A: It's a tie. I've never tied before. So it's like – a tie, we were this close. Tried to get the win but it's all good, we're trying to move on to next week now because we see them again the following week. Just move on to next week and try to focus on Philly.

Q: Does that put more pressure on you? Now, the Commanders are going to be in a bye, you guys face the Eagles then you're down in Washington taking on the Commanders. The winner will take the tiebreaker so how do you guys prepare for that when you know they're going to be preparing for you the whole time?

A: We've just got to go take it one week at a time, one game at a time, focus on the game that we're playing that week and then we'll go from there. When we start thinking like this, this, we've got them next week – it's going to mess us up.

Q: After (outside linebacker Kayvon) Thibodeaux gets that sack in overtime and they're at the two yard line – they basically start playing for a tie running the ball. Did you expect that? In the moment were you like – wait, why are they running the ball? Were you guys expecting them to play for a tie there?

A: Yeah, we were expecting it. We were expecting that at the end trying to get out of there.

Q: After your sack, there were a bunch of other times you were still in the quarterback's face. Did the sack get you going?

A: It did, it definitely got me going for sure. Just fueled my fire and just got me on a roll after that.

Q: One of those was a fourth and four, you were in (Washington quarterback Taylor) Heinicke's face and he kind of slung it – it was on the 90-yard touchdown drive. What did you see in that play? Did you feel like you were this close and turn around and?

A: Yeah, I was that close man. I was trying to change it up, go inside, spin back outside – Heinicke made a good throw and they got the ball.

Q: Cap at that point?

A: All respect to him.

Q: Did you expect to play as much as you did today?

A: I was on a pitch count but when the team needed me, my body felt good to be able to go. However many plays it was.

Q: How much were you dying to get back out there?

A: I've been dying. It's been eight weeks. Man, I've been dying to get back out there. Just watching them on the side is tough. When I got my opportunity, took advantage of everything. Thank God I'm back and blessed to be back.

Q: Did you have to argue with the coaches to give you more plays?

A: No. My body was feeling good, so they said if I'm feeling good, I'll be able to go. They let me go.

Q: How did you feel after that sack recovery?

A: I was hyped (laughs). I was so hyped because it's been so long since I've been back on the field. That just gave me so much juice and I was lit.

Q: Why do you think you're able to finish sacks? A lot of guys get quarterback hits. A lot of guys get pressures. Why are you able to finish? That's 10.0 sacks in 20 games for you.

A: I just feel like I hunt. I just want to get there. The urgency for me to get there is high. I just want to make an impact for the team no matter what it is.

Q: To that end, (Defensive coordinator) Wink (Martindale) believes in blitzing a lot but today I think you guys had at least 4.0 sacks. You had one, Thibodeaux had one, (defensive lineman) Dexter (Lawrence) had one. Do you feel like you bring something extra to the defense where everyone starts getting after the quarterback?

A: Definitely. I feel like as a unit, we all feed off each other. We all get energy from each other and just try to amp it up every game, throughout practice – everything. Just get juice from each other and the rush gets hot. The intensity gets high.

Q: I just talked with Kayvon and he thinks that you make each other better. You both had sacks today. What do you think this connection on the field is with each other?

A: Yeah, I love Kayvon. The way he comes to work every day, the energy he brings. We feed off each other. We work together out there on the field. It's perfect man, he makes me better and I make him better. It's perfect.

Q: You meant after the fourth and four where Heinicke completed the pass. You guys were so good before that, after that. What happened on that drive that they were able to get down the field and tie the game?

A: They made a good play. The receiver, he made a great play over there. He got off, broke a tackle, and ended up in the end zone. All hats off, respect to them. It was a good play.

Q: How do you feel about your defense coming off this game right now? Do you feel like you're in a good place?

A: Yeah. Definitely we have stuff to work on, for sure. We'll just take it week by week. Go back, go in tomorrow watch the game again to see what we've got to fix for the next week coming up.

Wide Receiver Darius Slayton

Q: You guys struggled to move the ball until all of a sudden with two minutes left, you started passing the ball. What was the change there for you guys? Why did you all of a sudden after they tied the game, you guys started throwing the ball much more?

A: I think honestly because time was running low and we were trying to get down the field quicker. A lot of times, it's easier to conserve time in chunks throwing the ball, so that is probably why.

Q: When you are that wide open, Darius, on that one play, does that change your approach a little bit in terms of how you are looking to attack the ball and how you try to judge how deep it's going and just how you approach the play?

A: Yes, it's kind of a little bit of a different angle when you're going up that seam, but like I said, I had it and I just have to find a way to bring it in on the way to the ground.

Q: Do you think that's a ball you can run through a little bit more rather than try to turn and jump?

A: Maybe, but I chose to turn and jump. I have to live with what I chose.

Q: How are you feeling?

A: Not too great right now. We didn't lose; we tied, but [in terms of how I'm feeling physically] I'm alright. I'm not going to make a big deal out of it. I'm sick, but I'm not dying.

Q: You hinted at it there; how does a tie make you feel? Does it feel like a win? Does it feel like a loss? In-between? It's pretty quiet in here.

A: I think it's because we knew we had chances to win the game and if we just executed, we probably had a really good chance to win the game. It's just disappointing when you don't do what you need to do to close out a game, even though it technically isn't a loss, you want to win. You play to win. Nobody plays to tie.

Kicker Graham Gano

Q: Going into the final kick, how close did you think you needed to get based on the conditions?

A: We were about five yards away from it. We knew that going in but at the end of the game you have to take a shot at it. Hit a good ball, just going into the wind that way, it's cold. That's just the way it is. Something I wish I could hit it further but I tried to give it a chance.

Q: So you thought the operation was good?

A: Yeah, the operation was fine. I thought it was smooth. I hit a good ball, just not enough. Going that way, we knew we had to get a little bit closer, but at the end you have to take a shot.

Q: This one was 58 (yards) and when you're kicking one that far, does anything change in your approach supposed to when you're kicking one that's closer?

A: No. I know a lot of people think you have to really line drive it, but you just have to hit the same kick. It's just tough. I don't really know what to say about it. I hit a good ball and just wish we had gotten to our line.

Q: So when you hit it, you thought it was going to be good?

A: I could tell I didn't have enough. I could tell right off the foot. I wanted to kick it straight, and it was straight, just not enough leg on it.

Q: You said the line was about another five yards?

A: Yeah, the line was about a 53-yarder. Everybody knew that. At the end, you've got to kick it whether it's 58 or 63. Wherever it's at, you've got to give it a shot. The whole operation was fine, hit a good ball. I'm not disappointed with the way I hit it. Of course, I would want to hit further, but conditions wise, sometimes that's how it goes.

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