From Training Camp to Kickoff, Fans Encouraged to Show Their NFL Spirit
EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ - With training camps starting up, and Kickoff preparations underway, fans can show their NFL spirit in a unique way this year with the launch of the NFL's Back to Football campaign. Teams will be hosting Back to Football events at their training camps this summer, all leading up to a nationwide Back to Football Friday celebration on Friday, September 10.

Back to Football Friday is a way for communities nationwide to show their excitement for the return of NFL football. Starting now and continuing through Kickoff weekend (September 9-12), the NFL and United Way are teaming up to celebrate the start of the football season. Fans are encouraged to demonstrate their commitment to their NFL teams and their excitement for the upcoming season by planning a unique Back to Football Friday event for their communities, in the workplace or at school, all to support youth health and wellness.
Whether they're planning a pep rally or wearing their favorite team jersey or shirt to school or work, fans can show their passion in any creative way on September 10, and enter for the chance to win once-in-a-lifetime prizes from the NFL.
Schools can enter the Back to Football Friday contest at They will be asked to submit photos of their Back to Football Friday event and answer brief essay questions for the chance to win a $10,000 NFL PLAY 60 grant for fitness equipment at their school and a visit from an NFL player this fall. Thirty-four winning schools will be selected as "NFL PLAY 60 Super Schools," one in each of the 32 NFL markets, and two at-large winners. Through the contest, schools can cheer on their favorite teams, while supporting the health and wellness of children in their community
Fans can also take their team loyalties to work on September 10, wearing their favorite team jerseys or gear or planning a special office event to celebrate the return of football season. Working with United Way, the NFL is offering companies the chance to show their NFL passion and win a Back to Football celebration and player visit at their office. Companies can register to take part at United Way's special Back to Football website, Many NFL sponsors are planning Back to Football Friday celebrations for their employees.
As a supporter of Back to Football Friday, Dick's Sporting Goods is providing special offers at retail for NFL fans who participate in a celebration, as well as a $500 gift certificate to each of the "NFL PLAY 60 Super Schools." NFL retail partner Old Navy also will integrate special Back to Football themes and sections within its stores and national promotion in the days leading up to the start of the NFL season.
Designed to tackle childhood obesity, NFL PLAY 60 brings together the NFL's long-standing commitment to health and fitness with partner organizations like United Way. Since the program was launched in 2007, the NFL has committed more than $200 million to youth health and fitness through programming, grants, and media time for PSAs.
BACK TO FOOTBALL FRIDAY OFFICE CONTEST: No Purchase Necessary to Enter or Win in the United Way Back to Football Friday Sweepstakes and Contest. Registration starts 12:00:00 p.m. ET on 7/2/10, ends at 11:59:59 p.m. ET on 9/17/10 ("Registration Period"). Entry Period starts 9:00:00 a.m. ET on 9/11/10 and ends 11:59:59 p.m. ET on 9/17/10. Open only to legal residents of 50 U.S. and DC 18 years as of entry date. Void where prohibited. Subject to Official Rules available by visiting during Registration Period or by sending SASE for receipt by 11/17/10 to: United Way Back to Football Friday Contest RULES, 701 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Sponsor: United Way Worldwide.
Purchase Necessary to Enter or Win in the Back to Football Friday
Contest. Registration starts 12:00:00 p.m. ET on 7/1/10, ends at
11:59:59 p.m. ET on 9/17/10 ("Registration Period").
Entry Period starts 9:00:00 a.m. ET on 9/11/10 and ends 11:59:59
p.m. ET on 9/17/10. Open only to those who are, as of registration
date: (i) legal residents of the 50 U.S. or District of Columbia;
(ii) 18 years; and (iii) either a school Administrator, Teacher,
PTA leader or PTO leader representing a public, state-accredited
private school or vocational school with grades between
Kindergarten and 8th. NFL PLAY 60 grant to be awarded in
the form of a check. Void where prohibited. Subject to Official
Rules available at during
Registration Period or by sending a SASE for receipt by 11/1/10 to:
Back to Football Friday RULES, P.O. Box 17009, Bridgeport, CT,
06673-7009. Sponsor: National Football League.