Q. Do you feel like a leader this year?
A. Absolutely. I've been here almost the longest. Obviously I'm a little disappointed with how last year turned, but I'm going to let my actions speak for themselves.
Q. I'm sure you know what's going on with Antonio Pierce, how do you deal with that as a teammate?
A. You try not to think about that stuff too much, don't really talk about it. I think things will take care of themselves. I mean he's out here playing like nothings wrong with him, like he's not really thinking about anything. As long as he doesn't let it affect him, it won't affect us.
Q. How much will you miss Albany next year if the Giants end up training in New Jersey?
A. That's a good one. I'm going to reserve my comment on that….no comment.
Q. Will last year's disappointment fuel the fire for this year?
A. I mean it should. Our goal was to make it to the Super Bowl and obviously we didn't do that. We got knocked out on our home field and it didn't really makes us feel to good. We feel like we should be a better team this year and we're going to try and accomplish those things.
Q. Does this team have the right pieces for success?
A. Let me tell you…I haven't seen a team like this, as far as depth-wise since I've been here, we're solid at every position, I mean every position. I mean we look real good on paper right now, but as soon as we get on the field we'll see what we really have.
Q. Are you referring to just the defense?
A. Defense, offense…we're solid at every position on the field.
Q. Is this deeper than the team that won it all a few years ago?
A. Deeper? I would say so. I mean from a straight depth standpoint I think we're definitely better. But I mean are we going to be as good? That remains to be seen.
Q. When you went into camp last year, did you feel the same way?
A. I felt good about last year too. Maybe not quite as strong as every position like we have now, but I did feel good about last year too.