About The New York City Police Foundation
The New York City Police Foundation is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization that provides resources for the NYPD to innovate and strengthen the quality of its services; build bridges with the community; and make New York City a safer place to live, work and visit. For 50 years, the Foundation has funded numerous initiatives to help safeguard the city and strengthen all of its communities. The Police Foundation provides resources for four core areas of support which: advance programs and strategies to prevent violent crime, thwart terrorism, and safeguard all the people of our city; strengthen communities by helping to build stronger relationships between the NYPD and community members, including youth across the five boroughs; enhance leadership, wellness and training within the NYPD; and pilot and support new technologies, programs and services to protect the public and the police.

About the FDNY Foundation
The FDNY Foundation is the official non-profit organization of the New York City Fire Department. Your support directly assists the men and women of the FDNY To Better Protect New York through a number of key initiatives. When you make a donation or purchase here, you are making New York City safer.

About the Port Authority PBA Widow's and Children's Fund
Incorporated on March 2, 2004, the Port Authority PBA Widow's and Children's Fund was established to provide and maintain bereavement benefits to aid and assist Port Authority PBA Officers and their families in the immediate aftermath of an accidental injury or death. The fund also aims to improve and advance both the physical and emotional well-being of widows and children of disabled and deceased police officers. Widows and children receive support regarding medical, legal, educational, psychiatric, and social welfare issues. The constant goal of the fund is to promote an active interest in the civic, cultural, social, and moral welfare of widows and children of deceased police officers. The Port Authority PBA Widow's and Children's Fund is supported by individual and corporate donations, as well as by fund-raising events held throughout the year. The fund has no paid staff; volunteers from the Port Authority Police and civilian communities organize and manage all fund activities. The Port Authority PBA Widow's and Children's Fund is recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c)(3) Charity.